55 Points
10 Years
User Activity
Over 9 years ago
Answered a question: Looking for a Comparison of JIRA, TFS & HP ALM as a Test Management Tool
Cant speak about TFS as I haven't used it but HPALM meets most of your requirements if not all. I have also compared Jira and ALM in my current organization. Many users find JIRA good as development management tool ( tickets are raised for new development requests and…
Almost 10 years ago
Asked a question: Has anyone tried integrating HP ALM and JIRA ?
Almost 10 years ago
I agree! Jira is not a complete package at this point. Also integration with Automation & Perf testing tools is also missing. I am currently looking for ways to integrate Jira with ALM as some of our legacy business applications are heavily using Jira. Any recommendations on…
Almost 10 years ago
Answered a question: Looking for suggestions - we need a test management and defect tracking tool which can be integrated with an automation tool.
ALM and UFT combination would certainly help in your case, later on if you would need any performance testing then even HP perf center from HP suite can be leveraged. I am not saying this is the only option but it all really depends on what exactly are your needs and…
About 10 years ago
Contributed a review of OpenText ALM / Quality Center: The defect triage and management needs improvement but the entire project test life-cycle can be managed in one place.
About 10 years ago
OpenText ALM / Quality Center
Over 9 years ago
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Almost 10 years ago
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Almost 10 years ago
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
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