55 Points
9 Years
User Activity
Over 8 years ago
Answered a question: What are typical options for storing and managing large videos?
Hewlett Packard Enterprise has expertise in building content depots for object storage which enable distribution of videos on demand. See our solution story featuring 20th Century Fox where we helped them address their film distribution needs electronically.…
Over 8 years ago
Answered a question: Looking for a cost comparison evaluation for PaaS platforms
Please check out Hewlett Packard Enterprise PaaS and Saas integration with HPE Helion Cloudsystem at . Here’s a good read on Monetizing cloud services – HPE platform for Saas.
Almost 9 years ago
Answered a question: Enterprise SSD - increase in cost justified?
Here’s our reply to this inquiry…
Yes, HPE has many customers who have purchased the SSD option with the ProLiant DL server. Here are a few things to consider…
- The Price of SSDs is coming down. HPE now has SSDs starting at $299 list price
- SSDs, with amazing…
Over 8 years ago
Enterprise Content Management
About me
25+ years of high tech marketing and marketing communications experience with HP.
Specialties: Lead generation and response management in mid-sized and large enterprise marketplace. Expertise includes - 5 years in Field Marketing, 4 years in Software, 7+ years in Storage, 3 years in Solutions, 1 year in Financial Services industry, and many years of managing customer events, online advertising, integrated demand generation and digital marketing.