User Activity
Almost 3 years ago
Replied to Giri Sundaravarathan Looking for pricing comparison between Amazon AWS and Oracle Cloud
@Giri Sundaravarathan Oracle for hosted Enterprise Apps was true a year or two back. But Oracle has as part of its Infra team gone all-in on providing dev capabilities thru K8s, Functions with strong ops based on CNCF & open standards (de-facto or formalized). There maybe…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What's the difference between Oracle Integration Cloud Service and Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)?
Integration Cloud is more focused on event-driven integration models. It is also an OCI native service.
ODI is primarily suited to bulk data activities such as data loads, data migration. Now ODI has two flavours: native OCI with a small feature set aimed at enabling cloud…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What should one take into consideration when choosing an API management solution to manage Microservices?
Whether to adopt an open-source question is more about an organization's view on the use of OS. A lot of organizations I’ve dealt with feel it is necessary to have commercial support to fallback on. This comes back to things like, if a vulnerability is discovered who can you…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What are the key parts of an API strategy at an enterprise?
You've asked a rather large and complex question, and there isn't a short answer to it.
My recommendation would be to look at a book - . This is largely vendor-neutral and explains all the different areas I think you've mentioned. The book has been…
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: What needs improvement with Oracle Cloud?
Oracle Gen2 cloud has developed and matured at a great pace and is showing to be stable and mature. The cloud pricing means the old reputation of Oracle licensing is long gone. A couple of the services would benefit from reviewing to make it more attractive for adoption…
Almost 4 years ago
Answered a question: What advice do you have for others considering Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)?
Like any product I'd try to understand how that product's roadmap might fit with your technology journey. If you're looking at ODI strategically, and get time to talk with Oracle Product Management. Whilst I can speak for all PMs in the organization those that I have dealt…
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: Which ETL tool would you recommend to populate data from OLTP to OLAP?
Depends upon the technologies being used. If you're using Oracle for both OLTP and OLAP then you'll get a lot of value from an Oracle solution
The other question is how up to date do you want your OLAP DB to be? Goldengate is a good answer if you're looking to minimize…
Over 4 years ago
Answered a question: What do you like most about Oracle API Platform Cloud Service?
The platform-agnostic characteristics. I can deploy the same API spec to multiple clouds and/or on-prem. The model for defining the rules is very declarative and the platform can be extended.
Over 5 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Data Integration, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
I would be looking for things like
- types of connections supported
- data transformation capabilities
- throughput
- can it support micro batching
- can a process be triggered by a data source
- security
- how does it work in a Hybrid scenario (assuming the organization…
Over 5 years ago
Answered a question: What Is The Biggest Difference Between ODI and OIC?
ODI is typically used for batch/micro batched based processes. Its origins are with ETL (Extract Transform Load) or as Oracle describes it ELT (putting the work for transform into the DB rather than the transfer component). That said it does have a lot of adaptors for no DB…
About 6 years ago
Contributed a review of Apiary: The ability to configure rules to check for consistency has helped
Almost 7 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating API Management, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
I would recommend you look at
- Support for different ways of securing your APIs (Oauth, api key management, white listing, black listing, CORs etc)
- Deployment - you want your API Gateway to by close in terms of network proximity to the things being offered as APIs, so…
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of Oracle API Platform Cloud Service: The agility and ease of establishing new APIs has improved our organization
About 8 years ago
Answered a question: When evaluating Cloud Data Integration, what aspect do you think is the most important to look for?
As mentioned already 1st and foremost is data security whilst inflight and when at rest (cached). But not just technically but also the human processes around security such as data centre operations - think of SSAE16 for example
Next up is execution location, depending on…
Over 8 years ago
Contributed a review of Oracle Integration Cloud Service: It is simple to create SOAP and REST end points and integrate with them. Deep integration into Oracle applications making it easy to establish event driven integration.
Almost 9 years ago
Contributed a review of Oracle SOA Suite: We have primarily been making use of SCA, BPEL, Mediators, and JMS, along with a number of extension products.
Almost 4 years ago
Author of Logging in Action with Fluentd, KubernetesAuthor of Logging in Action with Fluentd, Kubernetes and more
Over 7 years ago
Oracle API Platform Cloud Service
Over 8 years ago
Oracle Integration Cloud Service
Almost 9 years ago
Oracle SOA Suite
Over 3 years ago
Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)
Over 3 years ago
API Management
Almost 4 years ago
Data Integration
Over 4 years ago
Streaming Analytics
Over 5 years ago
Data Integration
Almost 7 years ago
API Management
About 8 years ago
Cloud Data Integration
About me
Phil Wilkins is an Enterprise Integration Architect with leadership, delivery and consulting experience in customer, vendor and consulting organisations in a variety of domains from real-time mission critical systems to back office retail.
His current role at Capgemini is focused on consulting on integration (cloud & on-premises) and API management. He has specialist knowledge around Oracle middleware technologies and uses these skills to help contribute to the Oracle User Group as a member of the middleware & integration committee and Oracle Scene reviewer.
Phil has supported the publication of a number of books; in addition to being a published author himself with a range of articles on cloud & integration, as well as book on Oracle Integration Cloud. These contributions have meant that he is recognised as a member of the Oracle Ace community.
Prior to Phil joining Capgemini he was an Enterprise Architect for Specsavers looking at a wide range of technical needs across the global operations for retail, finance, manufacturing, and supply chain. This ranged from defining the global integration strategy to helping delivery teams on the best use of technologies. Prior to this he managed integration strategy and development at SeeWhy in its start up period; was the technical architect at Hi-Q for a middleware product for use by the UK armed forces.
Phil's career started as a developer and team lead for EDS and GEC group on a solutions, such as mobile radar, Air Traffic Control and innovative operational displays of real-time synthetic environments.
TOGAF 9 Certified.
Oracle Ace Associate
UKOUG Middleware Committee Member
Specialties: Integration Cloud, API Management, SOA, Java, J2EE, XML, JMS
ESB / Application platforms Oracle iPaaS (ICS, SOA, MFT, API etc), SOA Suite, JBoss Fuse & App Svr, ActiveMQ, MQ series.
Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, REST etc)
Databases - Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server
Software Design & Architecture (inc TOGAF) SOA, SOI, Microservices
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Over 7 years ago
Almost 4 years ago