Amazon QLDBaccenture, digital asset, health direct, klarna, osano, realm, smaato, splunk, wipro, zilliant
Amazon AWS CloudSearchSmugMug
Amazon Elasticsearch ServiceVIDCOIN, Wyng, Yellow New Zealand, zipMoney, Cimri, Siemens, Unbabel
Amazon KendraExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
Amazon Athenabp, Cerner, Expedia, Finra, HESS, intuit, Kellog's, Philips, TIME, workday
Amazon EC2Netflix, Expedia, TimeInc., Novaris, airbnb, Lamborghini
Amazon Virtual Private CloudHess, Expedia, Kelloggs, Philips, HyperTrack
AWS BatchHess, Expedia, Kelloggs, Philips, HyperTrack
AWS FargateExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
Amazon Elastic InferenceExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
AWS Compute OptimizerExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
Amazon EC2 Auto ScalingExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
AWS X-RayCOMCAST, ConnectWise, skyscanner, AirAsia, cookpad, cimpress, VTEX, zowdow
AWS Auto ScalingExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
Amazon CloudWatchAirAsia, Airbnb, Aircel, APUS, Avazu, Casa & Video, Futbol Club Barcelona (FCBarcelona), National Taiwan University, redBus
Amazon API GatewayAutodesk, Fox Digital Consumer Group, iFlix, UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Miovision, Olympusat, PhotoVogue, Royale International Group, Veracode
Amazon Augmented AIT Mobile, VidMob, Ripcord, NHS BSA
Amazon SageMakerDigitalGlobe, Thomson Reuters Center for AI and Cognitive Computing,, GE Healthcare, Tinder, Intuit
Amazon KinesisZillow, Netflix, Sonos
Amazon MSKExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
Amazon MQSkipTheDishes, Malmberg,, Bench Accounting
Amazon SQSEMS, NASA, BMW, Capital One
AWS Step FunctionsAlpha Apps, The Guardian, SGK, Bigfinite
Amazon AuroraDow Jones, Arizona State University, Verizon, Capital One, United Nations, Nielsen, Autodesk, Fanduel
Amazon CorrettoExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
AWS CodeCommitEdmunds, Gett, ClicksMob
Amazon FreeRTOSSchlage, Hive, Kimberly-Clark, Honeywell, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
AWS Trusted AdvisorExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
AWS Control TowerExpedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
AWS Identity and Access Management1. Amazon.com2. Adobe3. Accenture4. AT&T5. Bank of America6. Cisco Systems7. Coca-Cola8. Dell Technologies9. Equinix10. GE Healthcare11. Google12. Hewlett Packard Enterprise13. IBM14. Intel15. JPMorgan Chase16. Kroger17. LinkedIn18. Lockheed Martin19. Mastercard20. Microsoft21. Netflix22. Nike23. Oracle24. PayPal25. PwC26. SAP27. Siemens28. Spotify29. Tesla30. Toyota31. Visa32. Walmart33. World Bank
CloudStackGreenQloud, Exoscale, TomTom, ASG, PC Extreme, ISWest, Grid'5000
AccumuloTwitter, Slack, Kaidee, CarGurus, Evernote, Medallia
Cassandra1. Apple
2. Netflix
3. Facebook
4. Instagram
5. Twitter
6. eBay
7. Spotify
8. Uber
9. Airbnb
10. Adobe
11. Cisco
12. IBM
13. Microsoft
14. Yahoo
15. Reddit
16. Pinterest
17. Salesforce
18. LinkedIn
19. Hulu
20. Airbnb
21. Walmart
22. Target
23. Sony
24. Intel
25. Cisco
26. HP
27. Oracle
28. SAP
29. GE
30. Siemens
31. Volkswagen
32. Toyota
CouchDBVerizon, Dimagi Inc., Apple, Sinclair Broadcast Group, Perspecta
Apache HBaseBloomberg, Wells Fargo, Apple, Capital One, NVIDIA
SolreHarmony, Sears, StubHub, Best Buy, Instagram, Netflix, Disney, AT&T, eBay, AOL, Bloomberg, Comcast, Ticketmaster, Travelocity, MTV Networks
Apache SubversionIBM, General Electric, Amazon, HP, Facebook, Bank of America, American Express, AT&T, Nike, PayPal, Wells Fargo, Best Buy, Tesla Motors, Citi, The Home Depot
Apache SparkNASA JPL, UC Berkeley AMPLab, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, UC Santa Cruz, TripAdvisor, Taboola, Agile Lab,, Baidu, Alibaba Taobao, EURECOM, Hitachi Solutions
Spark SQLUC Berkeley AMPLab, Amazon, Alibaba Taobao, Kenshoo, Hitachi Solutions
Apache StormGroupon, Spotify, The Weather Channel, Twitter, FullContact
Apache NiFiMacquarie Telecom Group, Dovestech, Slovak Telekom, Looker, Hastings Group
Apache DerbyLogitech, Splice Machine, CrowdStrike, Lever, Human Solutions
ActiveMQUniversity of Washington, Daugherty Systems, CSC, STG Technologies, Inc.
Apache KafkaUber, Netflix, Activision, Spotify, Slack, Pinterest
Apache FlinkLogRhythm, Inc., Inter-American Development Bank, Scientific Technologies Corporation, LotLinx, Inc., Benevity, Inc.
Apache Spark StreamingUC Berkeley AMPLab, Amazon, Alibaba Taobao, Kenshoo, eBay Inc.
Apache AirflowAgari, WePay, Astronomer
MXNetPioneer, nvidia, acer, dely, gumgum, ciao, affable, intel, clusterone, europace, comet, magnet, basler
Apache SkyWalking1. Alibaba 2. Amazon 3. Apple 4. Baidu 5. ByteDance 6. Cisco 7. Dell 8. Google 9. Huawei 10. IBM 11. Intel 12. JPMorgan Chase 13. Klarna 14. LinkedIn 15. Microsoft 16. Netflix 17. Oracle 18. PayPal 19. Pinterest 20. Qualcomm 21. SAP 22. Samsung 23. Spotify 24. Tencent 25. Twitter 26. Uber 27. VMware 28. WeChat 29. Xiaomi 30. Zoom