Google App EngineKhan Academy, Best Buy, Gigya, MetOffice, Getaround, Mimiboard, NewsLimited, WebFilings, and CloudLock.
ApigeeAdobe,, Amadeus, AT&T, Bechtel, Belly, Burberry, Chegg, Citrix, Dell, eBay, Equifax, GameStop, First Data, Globe, HCSC, Intralinks, Kao, Meredith, Mitchell, Orange, Pearson
Google Container EngineTock
Google Kubernetes EnginePhilips Lighting, Alpha Vertex, GroupBy, BQ
Google Chrome EnterpriseNetflix, Coca Cola, Pinterest, Toyota, Vertex, LafargeHolcim, MedXM, DOT Comm, Whirlpool
Google ChromeOS FlexMercado Libre, Sanmina, Royal Bank of Scotland, Shopify
Google AnthosHSBC, Target, 20th Century Fox, Twitter, American Cancer Society, PayPal, Bloomberg, Nielsen, McKesson
Google Container RegistryZulily
Google Cloud AI PlatformCarousell
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)Travel Channel, Mohawk Industries, Hilti, Molecular Health, Exolgan, Hotelplan Group, Emory University, BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina, HCA Healthcare, Paychex, UPS, Intermountain Healthcare, Brinker International, TransUnion, Union Bank, CA Technologies
3scale API ManagementVictor Ops, Coca Cola, The Telegraph, Skava, Orange, Typeform
Red Hat OpenShiftUPS, Cathay Pacific, Hilton
Red Hat Data GridTTTECH, Thai bank
Red Hat QuayThe Asiakastieto Group, Akbank, TTTECH
Red Hat OpenShift Container PlatformEdenor, BMW, Ford, Argentine Ministry of Health