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Viraj Bankar - PeerSpot reviewer
Senior Consultant at KPMG India
Has scalability issues, but it is completely free for users
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature of the solution is the personalization area."
  • "From a mobile application standpoint, we have very limited resources. Maybe my knowledge is limited in terms of testing and validating my experiences, making it areas that need to be made more user-friendly."

What is our primary use case?

The main purpose of the target is to personalize and optimize user behavior. If we consider that you are visiting some page today, let us assume that you are interested in Nike shoes or something. What will happen is that since you have visited the site containing the Nike shoes, a personalized banner or a personalized offer, particularly for a specific user based on some criteria, will be made visible to those users who have visited the home page and the Nike shoe page.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature of the solution is the personalization area. The other valuable feature of the solution is the AB test. If we are planning to have a new UI, you can push that new UI to a limited number of folks in the initial phase, and then eventually, you can replicate the older version and bring your new version. In the whole process, you can evaluate whether your new UI is working or not or if you need to stay with the existing UI. You can make some analysis based on your old UI. You can do the analysis since data is collected in Adobe Analytics. We can analyze whether the user is clicking or not and whether he or she is converting or creating a lead, and based on that, we can do an A/B test as well, and then we can have some automated personalization. For multiple personalizations, we have to configure them in the back end, and then automatically, it will start flowing to your browser or the application randomly, so it is not, like, fifty-fifty or seventy-thirty and is not fixed. It will randomly show you Abc, for example. Ten times 'a' will appear, ten times 'b' will appear, and ten times 'c' will appear. If you eventually click on 'a' multiple times over a period of time, you will get 'a' as an experience or your default experience. It will mitigate your low-performing personalizations or experience over a period of time, and it will make it like a high-performing default experience. Then, we have the product recommendations or content recommendations. The recommendation is something that if you have viewed a specific product, like Nike shoes, then what will happen is that we can retarget that particular user with some offers on that specific product. We can also have default algorithms that talk about how people who viewed this also viewed that. We can look at the most viewed products or top products. We have these algorithms built into Adobe Target, which we just need to use and retarget the users.

What needs improvement?

From a mobile application standpoint, we have very limited resources. Maybe my knowledge is limited in terms of testing and validating my experiences, making it areas that need to be made more user-friendly.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Adobe Target for a year and a half to two years. My company has a partnership with Adobe.

Buyer's Guide
Adobe Target
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Adobe Target. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

So far, I haven't seen any breakdown or downtime. It has a very low downtime.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Currently, I think six or seven people use Adobe Target in our team, and I don't know anything outside our team.

How are customer service and support?

I have had conversations with the solution's technical support team on specific issues. From Adobe Target's standpoint, my conversations with the solution's technical support team were different and related to technical issues we faced during the implementation phase, but they were nothing related to the product level.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

My company has been using Adobe products, and so we have aligned ourselves with the tool associated with it.

How was the initial setup?

The product's initial setup phase is easy when done on the web, but for mobile phones, it is a little complicated. I would not say it is difficult and would rather describe it as a lengthy process to follow.

The solution is deployed on the cloud. Adobe has its own cloud.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

It has a high cost, so it is not a product that everyone can afford.

What other advice do I have?

Whether one should use the product or not is something that depends on your business requirements and what is the purpose of using Adobe Target. I would recommend using the tool or not, depending on your use cases. If you are looking for something for personalization, optimization, and testing of different URLs, I would suggest you go ahead with Adobe Target, but if you are thinking of capturing the data or analyzing the data, then I won't recommend it to you.

The tool is easy for beginners to use. There are many guides available online to help with using Adobe Target and following the steps mentioned in them is pretty easy. The tool is not difficult if you have a little bit of technical knowledge associated with HTML or JavaScript.

My company has multiple options if we compare Adobe Target with other products, like Optimizely, but it has very few limitations. From Adobe, we have the feasibility of getting analytics data directly, and we don't have to do many integrations for that. It is very easy for Adobe to occupy space within other ecosystems as well as Adobe's ecosystem, which is a pretty good thing. Adobe's team provides quick responses, so we don't have to spend much time getting it online or in production. With the tool, we have the visibility of enabling, disabling, and scheduling the enablement of the activity.

I rate the tool an eight out of ten.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: customer/partner
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AEM Specialist at Pearton
Real User
Top 20Leaderboard
Easy to use and manage for users
Pros and Cons
  • "It is a scalable solution."
  • "The solution's technical support team is an area with certain concerns where improvements are required."

What is our primary use case?

I use the solution in my company since we are dealing with and working on a cybersecurity site, and it includes both the financing and the cybersecurity parts. What we do is that we provide different user experiences. My role is kind of playing with JCR and properties for each and every page. Based on the properties, if someone logs in and checks their health benefits and all, then for health benefits, I will show one particular tab that has to be displayed to the users, where they can navigate and get the data from the back end. If someone goes from health services to car financing or some other area, then the particular option I introduced for health services will not be there. I am playing with the tool based on the customers, based on whoever is logging in, and what type of login they use. Based on the aforementioned area, I can filter using the page properties, and based on the properties, I can use Adobe Target. I can push up what content needs to be shown on a page. Each user will have a different user experience while working on the page.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature of the solution stems from the fact that you can enhance the page all the time. It involves a little policy work, specifically the page policies we implement using Adobe Target. That is how even if you show some pop-up or something on the page related to whatever the user is searching on based on JCR, you can manipulate what you are showing over there based on how the look and feel has to be there, and based on the policies for that particular page. The aforementioned area consists of details that grabbed my attention more because I feel that if the customer is looking at the page with the same kind of pop-ups all the time, I don't think it will look attractive or will get the customer involved in the page.

What needs improvement?

I think the configuration of Adobe Target is carried out manually. I think that since it is an Adobe tool, it has to be integrated directly and or given to the user or developer who is working on it. The configuration part at a dispatcher level has to be made a bit easier so that it can be more in the market.

As of now, based on how one plays with the policies or based on page policies, the parent and child hierarchy is what we are following right now in our company, and if there is some segregation in that, that will help, especially if we plan to do some follow-ups.

The solution's technical support team is an area with certain concerns where improvements are required.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Adobe Target for two years. I am a customer of the tool.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability part is something that varies from site to site, or depending on what site you are working on, it is possible to have cloud integrations if one prefers to have them. My company faces issues basically from a dispatcher and cache level, but I don't think it is a major issue.

Stability-wise, I rate the solution an eight out of ten.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is a scalable solution.

Our company's developer team uses the tool. In my particular team, around three to four people handle Adobe Target. There are different teams using the tool for different purposes.

How are customer service and support?

I rate the technical support a seven out of ten.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have experience with Adobe Analytics. I also have used the regular SIEM tools and servers.

How was the initial setup?

The product's implementation phase is difficult since it is something new. People have to get involved in the tool, and it may involve some new learning curve. I feel that instead of Adobe Target being involved with tools, it already comes with some in-built foundation components.

The time required to deploy the product is something that varies for each individual. Dealing with the integrations of the product is something that is new for me. The integration of the product with different components is an area that I am new to right now. Dealing with the configuration parts and how you pull them in your page is something where some learning curve is involved, but once we learn it, then things become easy since one can get a better understanding of your free time and a better understanding of it. Even the documentation part of the tool is difficult to understand because it is new in Adobe Target. The documentation part is a bit difficult to understand. I feel like there should be an easier way to deal with the documentation part, and if it is improved, then it can help Adobe Target get more attention in the market.

What other advice do I have?

The tool is easy to use. The only tough part of understanding revolves around how you include it at the dispatcher level and how you are integrating it into your page site, including what codes, what URLs you are giving into your page, and how you add your configurations and the dispatch level. The aforementioned areas need to be taken care of properly, and the remaining parts are easy to manage in the tool.

I would recommend Adobe Target to other people.

One needs to look into the implementation part of how Adobe Target can be useful for day-to-day activities in their company and how it can help grab the attention of the customers and make life easier for them. Once the integration is done, the tool will be used. There are multiple use cases associated with the tool, such as how to segregate, how the coding part can be reduced or simplified, and how you can project it to different pages in a different way.

I rate the tool an eight out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Buyer's Guide
Adobe Target
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Adobe Target. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
VP at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Useful for A/B testing that helps to optimize user journeys and improve conversion rates
Pros and Cons
  • "I find Adobe Target very good for long optimization tests. After testing, it tells you which version is the winner and what improvements can be made. This gives me the confidence to provide a better customer experience by adopting the winning version of the page I'm testing."
  • "I think Adobe Target needs more AI features to automate some things. Regarding integration, it is easy to integrate with their AM platform for hosting websites, but it isn't easy. They need to do more work to ensure their tools are easily connected and work together. That's something I'd suggest they improve."

What is our primary use case?

I use the tool for A/B testing to optimize user journeys and improve conversion rates. I also use it for various activities within marketing campaigns, including email campaigns and public-facing website interactions.

What is most valuable?

I find Adobe Target very good for long optimization tests. After testing, it tells you which version is the winner and what improvements can be made. This gives me the confidence to provide a better customer experience by adopting the winning version of the page I'm testing.

The most valuable features for me are how easy it is to create a testing version, edit and modify it, and launch a test. Segmentation is very basic and easy to use when running tests. I can target my audience and select what kind of audience I want to test with. For example, if I have a pilot campaign, I can test it with people who see my landing page, not those who don't.

Segmentation lets me look at different users. When I talk about segmentation, I mean classifying or defining the audience. I can segment based on whether they're existing customers or new prospects, which sections they've visited before, where they live, their income, age, gender, financial status, and whether they use a computer or mobile device. I use these criteria to define the user experience.

What needs improvement?

I think Adobe Target needs more AI features to automate some things. Regarding integration, it is easy to integrate with their AM platform for hosting websites, but it isn't easy. They need to do more work to ensure their tools are easily connected and work together. That's something I'd suggest they improve.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been working with the product for seven years. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

My company has 75 users. 

How are customer service and support?

Adobe support is good. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The setup isn't complex, but it's hidden. For implementation, we go through an enterprise review to get all teams on board with using the tool. We do testing to make sure it doesn't break anything. The initial deployment takes some time, but it's not particularly difficult. It's mostly about working together to manage the user experience and get the whole organization on the same page for launching the product.

Deployment usually takes two to six months. You need about two or three people from your company, plus support from Adobe. For maintenance, Adobe Target is easy to maintain. You don't need much maintenance - it just runs. You can contact Adobe support if needed.

What was our ROI?

Based on the optimizations and improvements we've made compared to the product cost, we've seen a good return on investment.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution's pricing is reasonable. 

What other advice do I have?

It's a cloud implementation, so that you can access it from anywhere, but one team usually maintains the relationship with Adobe. I would recommend Adobe Target to other users, especially those in the banking and financial industry, where it's popular. I'd rate it as an eight or nine out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Maciej Kutzmann - PeerSpot reviewer
Adobe Target & Adobe Analytics Developer | Implementation SME at C&F
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Top 20Leaderboard
Pretty straightforward to use, works well and is easy to install
Pros and Cons
  • "It's very well-working and has never failed me. It's easy to install."
  • "I would say if Target would give you more visibility into what profiles you currently have and how you could optimize them"

What is our primary use case?

I am an analytics developer, and I was responsible for building integration between systems and making Adobe Target available for other users. I train them on how to use this platform and help them create experiences within this platform. Mostly, we were doing AB testing and personalization based on building old instances that we target.

What is most valuable?

With the years of using it, it became very easy to use and very simple. So if you overcome compressor issues and things related to this, then it is very smooth to implement and use it. I think ease of use is one of the best features.

What needs improvement?

I believe that there is still a need to improve on optimization, like the way Adobe works. However, Adobe Target affects the performance of the websites whenever I use it, and it has to omit or mitigate the impact of performance. 

This is the place where the team should still work on improvement. For example, when I use Adobe Target, I have to use individual libraries for every single part of analytics is separate and targeted separately. I'm not using Alloy JS, which makes the entire system work sometimes not in the optimal way. Also, regarding the identification of the visitors, I think that this is another idea that Target should be more straightforward about. For example, when you have your profiles, you can upload them, but it's very hard or impossible to actually get the actual information about the individual profiles or partial profiles. You can still create and upload them, but I think that these areas are where I would see a benefit if Target would give you more visibility into what profiles you currently have and how you could optimize them and things like this. A little bit is going in the direction of CDP, or something like that, where you have the proper information, and Odion's creation is under better control.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Adobe Target since 2019

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I haven't experienced any issues with the stability. So I would say it is a very stable product.

How are customer service and support?

They are very unresponsive and with the lines of support, the first initial line directed me back to docs while I already went through that set and couldn't find it.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

For me, the setup is easy because I learned the way to do it. I've heard from others that it's a bit clunky and complicated. I don't see this as difficult to implement on any website. I think the worst part is that you still need to involve people from web owners or dev teams, especially when you want to mitigate the flickering. Then, they also have to implement the snippets. This is always the most complicated part, but otherwise, it's very simple. 

What was our ROI?

I think ROI depends on how you are going to use it because I worked for two organizations that were merely not using it or were trying to find the use cases for themselves, but they weren't ready yet. If you have prepared personalization compliance or if you would like to do some more advanced things like recommendations, like e-commerce, I think it's really worth it. But if you are just thinking of maybe buying it as a combo, I would reconsider going that path unless you really need personalization or targeting.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

If you haven't had any experience with cloud products yet, I would consider trying some different solutions. Maybe one has a free trial because, in the end, I think that many of these tools are very alike. But if you have already paid Target for the license, then it's a different story. 

What other advice do I have?

It works very well and has never failed me. It's easy to install. But I wouldn't give it the highest score because it's expensive. It is very hard to get started if you don't have other cloud products. I would rate it eight out of ten overall.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: customer/partner
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Juan Eduardo Puracchio - PeerSpot reviewer
Architect + Developer at Brava Data
Real User
An easy-to-use solution that is useful for A/B testing and personalization
Pros and Cons
  • "I like that the tool is very simple to use. It easily integrates with analytics tools like Adobe Analytics without needing extra setup, which gives us comprehensive reports right from the start. This feature enhances our reporting capabilities significantly, unlike other tools where integrating analytics can be complex."
  • "Sometimes, the campaigns I create in Adobe Target don't work for unknown reasons. When this happens, I must start over from scratch to fix it, even if I use the same setup. This issue can be frustrating because the activities should work but don't display content on the page when it loads."

What is our primary use case?

I use Adobe Target mainly for A/B testing and personalization. It helps us show personalized content to users based on their behavior on the site or information about their profile, such as location, products they've purchased, or the companies they work for.

What is most valuable?

I like that the tool is very simple to use. It easily integrates with analytics tools like Adobe Analytics without needing extra setup, which gives us comprehensive reports right from the start. This feature enhances our reporting capabilities significantly, unlike other tools where integrating analytics can be complex.

Overall, the solution is easy to use. However, the simplicity can vary depending on what clients want to achieve with Adobe Target on their websites. Sometimes, integration can be challenging if the website platform doesn't fully comply with HTML rules or policies. This can affect how well Adobe Target's visual composer performs, which allows you to drag and drop content on pages. For most tests and websites, though, this visual component is quite useful and meets most client needs.

I haven't faced challenges directly integrating the solution with other tools. Typically, the integration involves providing additional data from tools like Demandbase or 6sense, which offer company details about website visitors. For instance, if a visitor is identified as coming from a specific company network, tools like 6sense or Demandbase provide company information that the solution can use.

Adobe Target can handle various types of data passed to it when the page loads, allowing us to customize content or modify pages based on this data. The complexity lies more in obtaining and passing this information promptly than in any limitations of Adobe Target. Gathering and utilizing the data effectively often requires creativity.

What needs improvement?

Sometimes, the campaigns I create in Adobe Target don't work for unknown reasons. When this happens, I must start over from scratch to fix it, even if I use the same setup. This issue can be frustrating because the activities should work but don't display content on the page when it loads.

Another thing that could be improved is the visual composer in Adobe Target. Sometimes it breaks or doesn't load pages correctly, especially on older websites or modern web applications like single-page sites. Improving this would make the tool work better with today's websites.

Also, the documentation for setting up Adobe Target on single-page applications is poorly organized. Without much experience, figuring out how to do it right is hard.

The AI part is quite limited and outdated. Many clients use their data with other Adobe platforms for better AI support. The solution's automated personalization and product recommendations are basic and have not been significantly developed in over ten years.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using the product since June 2011. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I rate the solution's stability a nine out of ten. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We haven't had scalability issues. The tool handles many modifications and experiments on the same page without performance problems. It supports multiple activities running simultaneously on a single page without impacting performance, making it quite powerful for scalability.

How are customer service and support?

We have contacted their support team. They have different layers and a bit of bureaucracy in handling tickets, which could be faster. Generally, they care about giving answers and trying to resolve issues, but the process can sometimes be slow. This can be challenging when you need urgent fixes for real-time content modifications.

How was the initial setup?

The solution's initial deployment is not complicated. The library loads on every website page and handles most of what's needed to modify content. Setting up a basic test in the solution, like changing an image or text color, is straightforward and can be done quickly, usually within a few hours, by someone experienced with the tool. However, complexity comes in when setting up specific experiments with audience definitions and conversion metrics.

If the client uses the full Adobe Suite, including Adobe Target, Adobe Launch, and Adobe Analytics, deploying Adobe Target on a site can take just a couple of hours. This involves adding the extension and a rule on every page, assuming Adobe Launch is already in use.

If the client only wants to use Adobe Target without the rest of the Adobe Suite, they must load the Adobe Target library on their website. Even as a standalone, it's straightforward to load one JavaScript file on every page.

What was our ROI?

I've seen a return on investment using Adobe Target, especially with Adobe Analytics and Adobe Launch as part of a package. This setup brings immediate results to the site. The tool helps improve performance and conversions quickly through personalized content and A/B testing.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution is expensive. 

What other advice do I have?

I rate the overall product an eight out of ten. I'd advise using Adobe Target with Adobe Launch and Analytics to get the best support and results. It's important not just to change the content on the screen but also to evaluate and analyze the data thoroughly. Also, get a subject matter expert to help set it up correctly and understand the platform's possibilities and limitations so you have realistic expectations.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer:
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N\A at a consultancy with self employed
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Top 20Leaderboard
Creates rules, extensions, and workspaces for data analysis
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable features in Target are creating activities, rules, extensions, and workspaces for data analysis."
  • "Adobe Target can improve its reporting and dashboard creation."

What is our primary use case?

I create activities in Adobe Target and perform tasks like deploying tags. In my course of using Target, I have been implementing multiple banners, push tags through banners, and integrating third-party agency tags using the site. 

In a recent project on an e-commerce site, I encountered an issue where the checkout button was blocked. I used Target to create a tag and remove the blockage from that specific page.

How has it helped my organization?

Multi-variant testing in Adobe Target has impacted our organization’s digital strategy. It allows us to test multiple changes simultaneously, such as visitor conversions, traffic percentages, and product conversion goals. By testing various combinations of changes, we gain valuable data feedback that helps us make revenue decisions and optimize our digital strategies.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features in Target are creating activities, rules, extensions, and workspaces for data analysis. I saw the benefits of Target immediately after implementation in streamlining deployment across multiple environments like stage, production, and development.

We use Adobe Target for personalizing content on our site, optimizing customer experiences, and measuring digital strategies through reports. We also use Rapid API for A/B testing and multivariate testing to review and adjust content on different pages for better personalization and performance.

What needs improvement?

Adobe Target can improve its reporting and dashboard creation. It would be beneficial to have clearer segmentation options with more dimensions and metrics available. Tracking and tagging users can become easier if there is an option to modify user demographics and provide default settings for e-commerce and digital marketing sites.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Adobe Target for six years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I haven't experienced any major issues in regards to stability in the past few years. For a brief moment, there was a maintenance-related downtime issue where the tool was temporarily inaccessible without prior notice. This issue didn't affect our live website as we had already deployed changes to production.

How are customer service and support?

I have contacted the customer service in a recent block that I faced with the AWS launch.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have experience with Amplitude and Google Tag Manager (GTM) as alternatives to Adobe Target.

In my experience, Google Tag Manager is better because it offers more user-specific features and a better default setup compared to Adobe Target.

How was the initial setup?

It is easy to deploy Adobe Target. We have multi-testing and multiple environments in place.

The maintenance is handled by Adobe through quarterly checks and suggested configuration changes.

Although we have a team of three people, one person can handle the deployment.

What was our ROI?

Target has influenced our ROI and business outcomes. We were able to identify and address issues like the checkout button being hidden, which hindered user experience and caused drop-offs in the payment process. Through testing and analyzing conversion rates and drop-off rates, we provided valuable insights to our UI team, leading to improvements in site design and user interactions. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing of Adobe Target depends on the perspective. It can be deemed as fair from a business perspective but it might be expensive for individuals.

What other advice do I have?

I would recommend that new users of Target should understand and utilize multivariate testing effectively. They should also familiarize themselves with dimensions and metrics in reporting. 

Overall, I would rate it an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Adobe Analytics Developer at Ford Direct
Real User
Used for A/B testing and regression testing
Pros and Cons
  • "The main concept I like in Adobe Target is creating segments."
  • "Adobe Target is an expensive solution."

What is our primary use case?

I've used Adobe Target with my previous client for A/B testing and regression testing. We have been running campaigns on the website and running some audience tests for the traffic coming to the website.

What is most valuable?

The main concept I like in Adobe Target is creating segments.

What needs improvement?

Adobe Target is an expensive solution.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Adobe Target for four years.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Around 11 to 12 people use the solution in my organization.

How was the initial setup?

The solution’s initial setup is easy.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Adobe Target is an expensive solution. Only big, high-budget finance companies prefer to use Adobe Target. Small e-commerce companies use Google Optimize, which is cheaper.

What other advice do I have?

Adobe Target is deployed on the cloud for our organization.

I look at the stats from the Adobe Analytics reports in the project I have connected to so far. I currently generate a lot of dashboards and send them to the business teams. I sit with them and take a look at all these reports to see where exactly we have to implement Adobe Target and where we have to run campaigns.

If any long weekend is coming up, we consider what banners or offers we can get to our e-commerce website. I would start picking up an event that's happening around and then go from there by taking a look at the reports of Adobe Analytics.

It is easy for a beginner to learn to use Adobe Target for the first time because it's like a cloud platform tool. All you have to know is some theory and basic knowledge about what it is and what it does. I have been working a lot with the data analytics side, and I also create tagging for websites. I know exactly which button is needed and which form is useful for a website in order to implement the solution.

Adobe Target has impacted our marketing ROI or conversion rates. A lot of useful metrics or data have been generated through Adobe Target because the audience plays a really important role. If somebody's searching for a Ford car on a website, the Adobe Target statistics help me understand which target audience I should target first.

Adobe is making a lot of structural changes to the whole product they're providing to clients. I feel a lot of more automated methods will come up for the solution in the future, making it more convenient and effective for clients.

Overall, I rate Adobe Target an eight out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Technical Lead at a tech services company with 501-1,000 employees
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Top 20Leaderboard
Offers features like experience targeting, usually used to personalize content for specific users but lacks integration capabilities
Pros and Cons
  • "There's a full dashboard created for you to define what you want to personalize and how you want to display it. There is a categorization between the audience experiences and recommendations, where you can easily write your own criteria."
  • "There are certain problems. Recommendations sometimes do not work when there are too many of them created. The Java script created inside the recommendation fails to load."

What is our primary use case?

Basically, I have used it for the personalization of content and forms. I have been personalizing for different regions, like the US, UK, and others. The forms need to be different, or at least the segment or fragment of the forms, depending on the region. 

So, I created a kind of personalization by switching up the form based on the location and certain other conditions. I also did content personalization based on the logged-in user, modifying the product solution using Magic to pull up data and push it onto Adobe Target.

What is most valuable?

I found the recommendation section to be the most valuable. That has been my use case majorly, primarily for product recommendations based on categories we created. Additionally, there was experience targeting, usually used to personalize content for specific users. That goes hand-in-hand with the account.

Another thing is a fortiori, where I was analyzing the experience targeting results and seeing which was the winner. It helped me understand the data better.

AI initiatives: 

I could use it in one. There is a new feature in Magento 2 as an Adobe Commerce, where it was using this feature called Configuration (I forget the name of it). It uses the Sensei AI feature in the backend to give customized recommendations for products. I work on a current project that uses this, but it's a separate team. They are using Adobe Target within the front-end framework, and the data coming into Magento is coming from an AI-driven feature using Sensei Analytics.

Learning Curve: 

Adobe Target is quite an easy tool. However, since there's a lot of involvement of other Adobe products, you have to be aware of that. When we use Adobe Target, it's not a single product. There is also Adobe Launch or Adobe IO, which we should be executing on. 

So, a bit of technical knowledge will be required to understand how to create your experiences. But mostly a front-end knowledge of the framework is sufficient enough to start to work on this.

What needs improvement?

I still feel that there is room for improvement in integration. For example, if I have the entire repository or schema downloaded into my AEM from any commerce platform, like Hybris, and I want to personalize the content based on user criteria, such as product suggestions, there is a bit of an impasse there. There's no direct way to do it. We always have to find some workaround to get in and get the details.

If we could expose everything directly target, it would be easier. For example, if I could push login information from AEM by the name, and then from Hybris or any other commerce engine, say I have the keyword "night issue." I could then make a suggestion related to night issues to the user.

Basically, I want this feature to be customizable in AEM now that Launch is being removed as a data source or integrator between the analytics engine and Target. Now it is becoming more difficult. I'm not sure how IO works right now for this. Instead of Launch, they replaced it with IO, but I'm not sure how they are doing it. This is one major change that I felt should be improved.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using it for six to seven years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It breaks down. For example, if I have nearly around 300,000 products or 300,000 total overall list of elements. At that time, it has a limitation—something like only 30,000 or 40,000 total audiences can be created. There's a limit for audience creation; otherwise, it breaks. 

This is something I experience with my current client, where they are saying that if they create more than 100,000 audiences, then there is a problem. It does not work.

So there are some issues when it comes to stability.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

There are certain problems. Recommendations sometimes do not work when there are too many of them created. The Java script created inside the recommendation fails to load.

There are also some limitations in capability to include other languages, other front-end frameworks. For example, if I'm trying to use Vue.js or Node.js as a template for recommendation, then there is a problem with that.

Number of end users: 

There are no more than two or three people. But then there is major involvement from the business team, who create the scenarios for us to implement these things. So, it's mainly a business team that gets involved, and then the size increases. Otherwise, it's just two or three technical members.

How are customer service and support?

I did contact support, but it was mainly project or requirement-specific. If something is not working, if there's an issue coming in, then we interact. Otherwise, it always goes through an Adobe ticket, where we have to provide clarification for the project. So we can't go beyond that.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I am experienced with the whole Adobe product suite. I'm an Adobe Solutions Architect, and I have knowledge of and experience with AEM and other CMS products, like CQ5 and Experience Manager. I work mainly as a full-stack developer. I got into all these Adobe products nine years ago.

So, I chose it because I have a lot of experience with this tool. 

How was the initial setup?

The setup is easy. But, if I need to push the customized algorithms, I felt like using Launch was easier than IO because I could use Launch to integrate multiple other frameworks to pull in the data and make personalization better.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

All Adobe products are a little bit on the higher side, although it depends on the overall margin and the investment that a particular customer is looking for in a feature, because it's all about personalization and a better experience for the user. 

When they come to your web app, how much revenue can you generate with it? It's all about the business. What kind of insight do they want to create, and how do they want to promote and show it to the customer? There's a scope of business that influences it, but then it depends on the overall profit margin that they are making.

What other advice do I have?

My advice: If you are really into the commerce section, like retail and e-commerce sites, then Adobe Target is quite beneficial. You won't have to write too much code to provide personalization to specific users. 

There's a full dashboard created for you to define what you want to personalize and how you want to display it. There is a categorization between the audience experiences and recommendations, where you can easily write your own criteria.

With some technical and business members integrating together, they can write it easily. And in a very short span, you can personalize the content that you want. So, there are no major changes required from the AEM side. It is a good product for use in the retail and e-commerce sectors.

It also works for banking and finance when you're using forms. It does a lot of personalization based on criteria for region-specific or local-specific needs. That is also something that Adobe Target is very good at.

Overall, I would rate it a six out of ten because of the lack of integration, the stability issues, and a couple of other things.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: customer/partner
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Updated: September 2024
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