Currently, I work as an SDET only and I don’t write or run tests. However, I use SpiraTeam existing tests so I can decide how to automate them. I use Spira RemoteLaunch to schedule a test server, which in turn schedules various test clients which run Ranorex.
In the future, we intend to use SpiraTest to store a script which will be passed on to the test server. This will run the tests and return the pass/fail result. We will generate the test script using a web page server.
In my previous job, I used SpiraTest to design and document tests. I would have a technician run manual tests using SpiraTest. I used Spira RemoteLaunch to run Ranorex automated tests and store test results. I would use SpiraTest to produce reports to generate a Test Plan, and also to produce a test result based on both manual and automated tests.
My team uses SpiraTeam to document tests and test results.
I have used SpiraTeam and Spira RemoteLaunch for about one year. Previously, I used SpiraTest for about two to three years.
Yes, I just noted that sometimes RemoteLaunch goes into a bad state and I need to restart it. I have noticed this in the past that sometimes the RemoteLaunch does not schedule things properly. It’s been a long time, so I cannot provide details about this at the moment.
Yes, I noticed in my previous job, as one generates many test reports, database access becomes very slow to the point of being unusable.
I have not requested technical support on this job. Previously, before purchasing SpiraTest, the support was superb. However, after purchasing the product, I noticed that sometimes I had to wait for days to get a response. The regular support people were not as knowledgeable as the sales support.
In my previous job, I introduced SpiraTeam after looking at different test management products. At the time, there were not using any. I chose SpiraTeam because it was one of the few products that supported Ranorex, which is the test tool that the company was using.
I don’t remember much, but I don’t believe that the setup was difficult.
From my recollection, SpiraTest was reasonably priced so that was not a big factor in convincing people about getting it. The bigger issue was whether it was the right product for us.
I looked at public domain tools and found one that I liked (don’t remember the name), but the problem was that it did not explicitly support Ranorex. I looked at other tools, but they were too expensive.