20 Points
4 Years
User Activity
Over 3 years ago
Answered a question: Can you recommend API for Tenable Connector into ServiceNow
Have you seen this?
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: Comparing ERPs: SAP vs Oracle vs Microsoft
For starters, I would stop comparing tools, and start looking at my business and what I want to achieve. So identify objectives and what's blocking achievement, define quality outcomes for the obejctives you want to achieve and build your businesscase on efficiency…
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: What is your favorite Help Desk Software and why?
4me; a platform that supports all service management capabilities and extends into other departments like HR and supply chain. Preconfigured out of the box SIAM/ESM capabilities and workflow. Great value for €. Supports small, mid and large size organisations
Why is a…
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: How do you like the MIM feature in ServiceNow?
In that regard, the major incident management gives service organisations and customers the opportunity the focus on restoring the functionality asap without getting lost in sidetracking possible rootcause, not helping to restore functionality. Setup once, reuse as little as…
About 4 years ago
Answered a question: How do you like the MIM feature in ServiceNow?
There is several interpretations of the MIM acronym, could you elaborate?
Over 4 years ago
Contributed a review of ServiceNow: Gives us professionalized and faster incident turn around times but there should be faster integrations between solutions