User Activity
About 4 years ago
Contributed a review of Meraki MS Switches: Straightforward installation, scalable and stable, with excellent technical support
Over 7 years ago
Answered a question: How Much Should I Budget for an APM Solution?
Hi- happy to have a brief chat on this. There are several key factors to live by and if you do, he budget and purchase process gets dramatically simplified. Thanks
Over 8 years ago
Thanks Vasu, great insight. Yes, AppSight was a powerful tool
Sad that it has slowly died. I was just speaking with a Gartner alumni for application performance management and even he was saying what a powerful tool AppSight was. This is coming from a person who has…
Over 8 years ago
Contributed a review of AMS AlertFind: Easy to use and deploy in NoC and Command Centers. I would like them to add out of the box integrations to common NoC tools.
Over 8 years ago
Answered a question: APM tools for a Managed Service Provider - Dynatrace vs. AppDynamics vs. Aternity vs. Ruxit
Hello, we are also an MSP based in US- servicing Fortune 100 clients around APM
We performed an extensive evaluation of various APM vendors and AppDynamics is a superior choice for MSP’s based on several criteria including scalability, manageability, ease of deployment;…
Almost 9 years ago
Thanks Chris, I appreciate the feedback. Yes- many, many of my major clients are moving or are on Orion. They LOVE it for the most part. I would recommend you also take a look at AppDynamics Server Infrastructure Monitoring if your use case isn't heavily tied to network…
Almost 9 years ago
About 9 years ago
Contributed a review of ExtraHop Reveal(x) for IT Operations: It has a straightforward deployment and implementation model, even for extremely dynamic and complex network environments.
About 9 years ago
Commented on IT Central Station Elite Squad
Hello Folks
Sid Roy from Scicom, it is an honor to be part of this group. Looking forward to denting the universe with you all. I am currently an operations and client support leader at Scicom. We are heavy users of Application Performance Monitoring and Testing…
Over 9 years ago
From a con perspective there are coverage gaps in terms of monitoring critical if not legacy architectures like mainframe type systems. Despite the slow erosion of the mainframe base- it seems that many major, major organizations are still leveraging MF technology in their…
Over 9 years ago
Contributed a review of BMC TrueSight App Visibility Manager [EOL]: It has the ability to provide run-time production problem resolution, but while the instrumentation is powerful, it can overwhelm the system and cause instability.
Almost 11 years ago
Hi! Please email me at sidroy@scicominfra,com and I can give a good, complete answer. The reality is that when instrumenting/monitoring business critical applications with a tool like AppDynamics- the benefits are organization wide from business users leveraging the service…
About 4 years ago
Meraki MS Switches
About 9 years ago
ExtraHop Reveal(x) for IT Operations
Over 9 years ago
BMC TrueSight App Visibility Manager [EOL]
Over 7 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Over 8 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Over 8 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Almost 9 years ago
Network Monitoring Software
About 9 years ago
Over 9 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Almost 11 years ago
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability