Auto discovery and auto classification of the entire data-center application environment allows ExtraHop to be functional within hours of providing the EDA with a data feed. There is no product I have seen that even comes close to the speed at which it becomes operational.
The administrative overhead to install and manage the tool is ridiculously low. It is completely agentless, passive, and requires zero configuration on any end device for it to work. The only engineering required is providing the data feed. The time administrators normally spend on system administration can be funnelled into customization instead.
The degree to which the tool can be customized is near limitless. Just about anything on the wire can be a metric or a transaction record. It is most broadly used for operational analytics, but has many use cases for security, clinical, and business analytics as well.
The big data back end is a game changer. Every single network flow and application transaction can produce records. The EXA is still in its initial version having only been released a few months ago, and is already very useful. There are numerous improvements already in the pipeline for the next releases that will make it an even better analytics tool.