Azure Firewall's feature that I have found most valuable is its scalability.
In terms of what could be improved, it lacks a couple of features which are available in the other marketplace products, but it is stable and it performs most of the basic functions that are expected from a normal firewall.
When we deployed we did not have a centralized management of multiple firewalls. Right now, with Azure Firewall, we cannot have a normal inbound traffic flow. For inbound, Microsoft suggests using application gateways, so the options are very limited. I cannot use this firewall as an intermediate firewall because of the limitations, and I cannot point routing to another firewall. So if I want to use back-to-back firewall architecture in my environment, I cannot use Azure Firewall for that type of configuration either.
Other features I would like to see are intrusion prevention, URL filtering, category-based URL filtering and other advanced features.
Overall, the configuration can definitely be improved.
In terms of the overall product architecture, if the management and the architecture of the product could support back-to-back firewall architectures so that I could use Azure Firewall in combination with another firewall, that would be one point which would help this product be used more and in a better way.
Again, if the Azure Firewall could be accommodated as a back-to-back firewall, meaning if it could work as a firewall which handles the inbound traffic from the internet, which is an NVA, or a network virtual appliance, and we could reroute the traffic to Azure Firewall, that would be good. But as of now, there is no routing options in Azure Firewall.
I have been using Azure Firewall for eight months.
We are not using the latest version since we deployed it quite some time back.
Azure Firewall is quite stable.
We have thousands of people using it.
Technical support is okay.
Azure Firewall has an easy installation.
I would only recommend Azure Firewall depending on the requirements. If it is an enterprise that has basic requirements and needs to do packet filtering and a certain level of intrusion prevention, so for the level of IP whitelisting, it's a good product.
It is easy to manage and it is scalable.
On a scale of one to ten, I would give Azure Firewall a six because of the configuration issue.
In terms of NAT configuration, the configuration management is one issue. Another issue is intrusion prevention with the NAT configuration and the URL category-based filtering features. The ease of manageability and the ease of configuration of these features could be easier.