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Akamai Connected Cloud (Linode) vs HAProxy comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Akamai Connected Cloud (Lin...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) (6th), Hybrid Cloud Computing Platforms (7th)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) (3rd), Service Mesh (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

Akamai Connected Cloud (Linode) and HAProxy aren’t in the same category and serve different purposes. Akamai Connected Cloud (Linode) is designed for Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) and holds a mindshare of 15.7%, up 15.2% compared to last year.
HAProxy, on the other hand, focuses on Application Delivery Controllers (ADC), holds 12.8% mindshare, down 13.4% since last year.
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)

Featured Reviews

Julio Graham - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 15, 2021
Helpful automation scripts, good documentation, responsive support, easy to use and manage
The ability to fire up a virtual machine, use it, and then kill it, is quite a valuable feature for me. They have a lot of startup scripts, I think they are called stack scripts, whereby you can install something at a click of a button. For instance, you can install a whole server at the click of a button. Linode gives the users a lot of control. Another thing that I use quite a lot is their documentation. They have documentation on how to perform tasks and often, I use that to educate a client on how to do something or on how to maintain something, et cetera. This is because a lot of customers are used to simpler systems like an iPhone, where if you want an app then you just download it from a store, press a button and it installs, or press a button and it updates. The truth of the matter is that with servers and things like that, whilst people like the push button idea, it's a lot more complex than that. With these stack scripts, the people at Linode have thought about all of the things that a new user would not think about. They do all of that stuff and then walk you through it, and that's where Linode's documentation is really good. They walk you through what you have to do to secure a server, what you have to do to run a patch, or whatever. They've got all those sorts of knowledge bases of information, which I think is invaluable, especially for clients who are uneducated in these things. It's extremely important to me that Linode offers worldwide coverage via multiple data centers, for various reasons. One is that because we live in this global world, our customers are everywhere. Secondly, for people who need geo-redundancy, with for example a server in China and one elsewhere as a backup, it's great. It's also nice because if they were just US-based, I wouldn't be able to use them because I would need to go through a whole process of trying to certify the data integrity in other regions. I'm sure that most people wouldn't bother with this because of all of the EU laws and the UK laws around data privacy. The US's data privacy laws are far more relaxed than what they are on my side of the world. The fact that I can have a server in London means that I don't have to bother with all of that. My physical location of that server is in London and to me, it is really important. When you compare Amazon, they claim to have infrastructure all over the place but I think that the bulk is centered in Germany. Even if it is in a few different places, everything gets backed up to the US, which is a problem for a lot of people.
Mehdi El Filahi - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 17, 2024
Useful for for small and quick load-balancing tasks
What I like best about the product is its simplicity and speed. When you need to set up a load balancer quickly, HAProxy offers options like sticky sessions and round-robin. It's also fast to configure, including adding SSL for security. While it may have fewer options than other solutions like F5, HAProxy gets the job done for basic load-balancing tasks. The reliability features of HAProxy were particularly useful in a scenario where I needed to test load balancing between two Tomcats. Since these domains were inaccessible, I set up a third Docker with HAProxy, which had access to the Tomcat domains. I then configured HAProxy to handle the load balancing. This setup allowed the client to interact with HAProxy. The solution's integration with other elements is easy.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable features are the simple scalability and ease of starting a new virtual machine."
"The creation of instances is very good, as is their interface which is not complex and is easy to use. With the dashboard it is easy to create a new instance and add your favorite things. You can add Debian, Ubuntu, or CentOS, or any flavor of operating system. You can select the RAM for your instance as well."
"The solution integrates easily."
"It has helped to minimize the risk and scale services at large in virtually no time."
"The most valuable feature is that they are flexible and easy to get ahold of if I need something."
"Service availability is the most valuable feature. It gives every user 100 percent uptime."
"Linode has many other cloud servers across the globe."
"Linode offers cost-effective pricing, and it enables me to swiftly deploy my services."
"The anti-DDOS PacketShield filtering solution (embedded in the physical appliances) as well as the BGP route injection are great features and heavily used."
"Advanced traffic rules, including stick tables and ACLs, which allow me to shape traffic while it's load balanced."
"What I like best about the product is its simplicity and speed. When you need to set up a load balancer quickly, HAProxy offers options like sticky sessions and round-robin. It's also fast to configure, including adding SSL for security. While it may have fewer options than other solutions like F5, HAProxy gets the job done for basic load-balancing tasks."
"The ability to handle a sequence of front- and back-ends gives the user the opportunity to send traffic through different services."
"HAProxy potentially has a good return on investment"
"​​Reliability. HAProxy is the most reliable product I have ever used."
"The most valuable feature of HAProxy is that its open source."
"I am also able to make configuration changes during the day, in production, with no worries of problems and/or downtime occurring."


"There is no notification from the company regarding upgrades."
"Before they changed the dashboard, I found some of the more granular options easier to find."
"It would be helpful if they provided the additional Linux distributions that I prefer using. But there is still a workaround. I can do it without direct support. It's a bit more complicated, but it can still be done."
"They could have more international servers. There are certain places throughout Europe and Eastern Europe which are very open to doing a lot of technology business, such as Romania. Romania is very open to technology. At other service providers, I have stuff in Romania. I think there are some Eastern European locations that would be more open to it. So, if they could have more European points of presence, that would be more helpful."
"They don't have role-based access control, which is problematic for us."
"Our primary concern is always the latency."
"When it comes to marketing and exposure, Linode needs improvement because I just randomly found them by looking for Linux solutions."
"There is room for improvement regarding customer support."
"The visibility could be improved."
"Pricing, monitoring, and reports can be improved."
"The web stats UI, which provides the status of the health and numbers, could greatly benefit from having a RESTful interface to control the load-balanced nodes. Although there is a hack around the UI (by issuing a POST request to HAProxy with parameters), a RESTful interface would greatly improve the automation process (through Chef and Ansible)."
"The only area that I can see needing improvement is the management interface, since it is pretty much all through the CLI or configuration. A GUI/web interface could be helpful for users who are not as experienced in the Linux shell. However, HAProxy does have another product that we evaluated called ALOHA, which has a web front-end, but we found it did not meet our needs."
"We've changed solutions as it doesn't fit with our current needs."
"I would like to evaluate load-balancing algorithms other than round robin and SSL offloading. Also, it would be helpful if I could logically divide the HAProxy load-balancing into multiple entities so that I would install one HA Proxy LB application which could be used for different Web servers for different applications. I am not sure if these features are available."
"The solution can be improved by controlling TCP behavior better and mandating to clients what the expected outcome must be in order to avoid receiving contestant timeout logs."
"I would like to see better search handling, and a user interface, with a complete functional graphical unit"

Pricing and Cost Advice

"is a little cheaper than Google or Amazon, more or less on par with the other competitors."
"There are costs in addition to the standard licensing fees to include things like extra public IPs and backup services."
"It is quite affordable, which makes it a great choice."
"The value for the price is really good."
"Pricing is very good and flexible, according to the resources required."
"At this point, I'm paying more like $35 per month for a slightly bigger machine, and the backup, and the object service."
"Pricing-wise, I find it simple in that they give you a monthly fee, but they also charge it hourly. So, if you are using the service for a small part of the month, then you are only paying for that small amount instead of a whole month, like with other providers. It is a flat monthly fee if you use the service for the entire month. It just makes things so simple. Because they are focusing on Linux, you don't have to worry about licensing costs of Windows and things like that. So, the price that they give you is the price that you need to pay each month. I just find it so simple compared to the likes of AWS and Azure. It is nice, easy, and predictable. I know exactly what I am going to be paying each month and what resources I get for that price."
"Being that they are small, their prices are slightly higher than the large providers like Amazon if you compare raw computing power."
"The tool is open-source."
"I use the open-source version of the product. I don't have experience with the licensed version of the solution."
"The licensing fee for the solution is $690 per unit annually."
"I think that the pricing is very fair, I would definitely recommend buying the Enterprise license."
"The only cost is for the image manager, who is responsible for uploading the image, and that is trivial."
"We are using HAProxy as an open-source."
"The price is well worth it. HAProxy Enterprise Edition paid for itself within months, simply due to the resiliency it brings. It was a bit more expensive than we were originally interested in paying, but we are thankful we chose to go with HAProxy."
"When it comes to pricing HAProxy is free."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Comms Service Provider
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Linode?
When I started using Linode, I found its functionality easy to navigate, user-friendly and responsive to my needs. It provides clear reminders about services I'm not using, like DNS zones, which I ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Linode?
Compared to other providers, I find Linode's pricing a bit higher. Storage could be more affordable.
What needs improvement with Linode?
I'm not sure what could be improved at Linode since they're likely already making enhancements, especially with the Akamai acquisition and, I don't have any specific suggestions as I haven't encoun...
Do you recommend HAProxy?
I do recommend HAProxy for more simple applications or for companies with a low budget, since HAProxy is a free, open-source product. HAProxy is also a good choice for someone looking for a stable ...
What do you like most about HAProxy?
The solution is effective in managing our traffic.

Also Known As

No data available
HAProxy Community Edition, HAProxy Enterprise Edition, HAPEE

Learn More

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Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Oracle and others in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS). Updated: October 2024.
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