Allscripts Sunrise is a fully integrated platform that connects all clinical and financial aspects of a hospital or health system for inpatient, emergency and outpatient care. Its Open, scalable platform is the backbone for continuous client and developer innovation that evolves along with regulatory workflows. From computer physician order entry and medication management to financial solutions and analytics, Sunrise supports all the core care venues with a single platform and single patient record - across inpatient, ambulatory, emergency and other high-acuity venues.
Siemens, fully integrated with SAP Healthcare, and is focused on the clinical information and operating functions that are essential for specialist tasks. can be connected with the eHealth solutions from Siemens. It helps data entry avoide duplicate of work and eliminate possible source of errors. It provide an integrated documentation function that can create an electronic documentation. provides with constant predictable further developments and security; that offers innovative user interface, mobile applications or developments. Features include: Patient Management, Accounting and controlling to materials management and HR.