Remote management. I have remote workers who work from home.
It is the main thing I use.
Remote management. I have remote workers who work from home.
It is the main thing I use.
It is convenient for my workers to be at home. Therefore, it is easier for them as their second job to do the work. That is a plus, and I improve productivity.
My workers are able to work from home, so they are not here. It is convenient for both of us.
I want to make sure the remote control is as up-to-date as possible, so they do not have any lag time when they are working on the computers in my office.
As long as it continues to update with the current browser users, because sometimes we run into trouble where it is laggy, where the browser has updated, but LogMeIn has not.
I have had issues where LogMeIn has not been useful, then we have not been able to work that day. This happens probably two or three times a year.
Not something I use.
I have called for help, and they have been extremely helpful.
I have not used a different solution.
The initial setup was pretty straightforward.
It is a little pricey. I have more than five seats, so I pay a $1000/year.
It was my IT guy at the time that just did it. It was mainly so he could remote into the system and do any changes that he needed to do at the time. This was 10 plus years ago. Because it worked pretty well, if it is not broke, don't fix it.
It is something I do not have to worry about. It works pretty well most of the time, but I know there are many other products out there now that people use.
I am an IT Consultant, and this is my life. This is how I access all the machines that I take care of. I administer all of the stuff for the network.
I function through LogMeIn, because it gives me everything I need. I spend all my days working in LogMeIn.
It is pretty invaluable, especially if you are an IT support person.
The antivirus. I do not like the antivirus, and the update issues are an absolute pain. It says it is updating things, but the updates do not go through, and you try your hardest to get the updates to go through and they don't. You go to the PC, but there is no update there, then you go back and it says there are updates.
It is a very vicious circle/cycle with it.
I manage 160 machines and it says there are updates. I run the updates. They do not run. Well, what happened?
I will go into the machine and I will run all the updates, then it says they are done. I come back, check the LogMeIn screen, and it says there are four updates. Well no, there is not. I can't clear the updates. I can't make it go away. The computer says there are no more updates and my screen is lit up like a Christmas tree because there is a bunch of yellow (updates that haven't run) on it due to the updates and patches.
I ran them, but they are not there, they won't run, and I don't know how to clear them. It's very frustrating, especially when you're trying to do that. If I have to manually open every single box, click updates and patches, and log in and log off, it defeats the purpose. The LogMeIn is supposed to allow me to push updates to all my machines. It is not doing that, so that is a very big frustration.
I have spent hours and weekends going through and correcting buttons, and it does not make a difference. I have not changed many of them. I could show you screens of them now and it is the same thing. Intel updates Intel patches, this won't run, etc. It just doesn't clear and drives you nuts. Plus, you can't tell if you spent time on the machine or not because it has not gone away.
Also, there are some screens that are just ugly and difficult to manipulate.
A long time ago, I had issues with the stability. I have not issues in sometime.
It is able to handle everything that I have got. I am by no means a large size organization, but I have not come anywhere close to any maxing out anything.
I have not had to call them many times. I have called a few times, but most times I have not really had to, so when I have everything has been all right.
No complaints here.
I have used many. I chose LogMeIn because it gives me everything I need.
I have used SolarWinds, BeAnywhere, Bomgar, and all kinds of different things over the years.
It just took some work configuring around. I did have a little help when I first set it all up, but I have not really needed anything ever since.
It sucks that I am paying for LogMeIn Central, LogMeIn Pro, and LogMeIn Rescue, plus LogMeIn Ignition, which is the mobile app. It costs me a lot of money every month at LogMeIn.
It really is an expensive product for me.
I still run SolarWinds. I have TeamViewer, I have other products that I still run as well. It is just I have LogMeIn on absolutely everything I support, because it is the most flexible tool. I can even access it from my phone.
It is a big deal to have it on mobile. Here is a good example. I just had a network in a building recently with issues and 45 machines in there that went offline. Therefore, I simply went to my phone, then went to each PC, and as they came back online, I could see on my phone as I went from place to place which machines still needed to be reset.
I did not have to follow up and log into a computer. I did not have to run around doing whatever. I could just access it right from my phone and tell what was going on.
I have even supported PCs with just my phone. It is not pretty, mind you, but I have done it.
I remember ages ago having stability issues (though now it has been very good since). But because of this, I ended up working with so many third-party people, and they would go, "Well, we have this for a product." Then, I would show them what I can do with LogMeIn, and there was no comparison. I can do so much more than they can with their remote control programs.
I would not want to tell other companies about it because it is so powerful, it does so much, and it makes me look so good. If somebody is looking at it seriously, or everything that it allows them to do, it is a very good product.
I support our employees' hardware in ten locations and anywhere they are working that has connectivity. We use RDS from MS and Logmein allows me to help my employees where ever they are.
No one needs to wait for assistance, I am a phone call away. This means less down time and less travel time.
Unattended remote assistance is the most valuable for us – I save travel time and money. As long as an employee leaves their computer on and connected to the Internet I can take care of things and have them all set to go upon their return.
The price needs improvement. It is ridiculously expensive now, and no features have really changed.
Yes, the initial load is terribly slow and often has delays with the login page loading.
I'm not sure as the price is too high for us to go above 100 computers so I just remove ones that are resting and add ones currently deployed.
I can’t even get someone to update my billing information. I haven’t needed tech support for this product, but the tech support I get with GTM and OV is very slow and tedious.
WebEx and it was clunky back then and expensive.
Pretty straightforward.
I implemented this without a vendor team.
I've never taken the time to compare the miles I would drive and the time lost traveling, but am sure that our ROI is huge.
It is expensive. You should compare the annual fee to your mileage budget before you purchase.
The CIO before me used WebEx, but it was slow and more expensive back then. I think it is cheaper now but I am used to LogMeIn.
I support POS hardware/software, over 100 desktops and laptops. I use Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud for anti-virus, but LogMeIn Central for OS updates and fixes. Everything is on-premise.
Check around for other options. If you don’t need unassisted remote access then there are free products that work just as well.
To remote to other computers. I have a couple of servers that I mainly use it for. Also some computers, desktops.
It has saved me time because I don't have to go on-site. I can just do it remotely.
The Remote Control feature and file transfer feature. The Remote Control and the Rescue feature are the main ones that I use.
The file transfer could be better. They could make it a lot easier to deal with. If you use the TeamViewer file transfer, you click on the file here that you want to transfer, and you say where you want to transfer it on the desktop, and you hit "receive" or "send." If you hit "send," it just sends it right over to the desktop, whereas LogMeIn Central is not that intuitive. It's a lot harder to figure out.
The LogMeIn Rescue could be made a lot easier where you could just tell the person where to go and log in, and they could just log in. Or even make it simpler where you could just send a file to a person and they would click on it; just something easier. The way they have it right now, it's not easy. If they could make it easier for the desktops, that would be great.
No issues with stability.
I think it's fine in terms of scalability. I think the end-to-end security on it, in and of itself, is really good. I use the two-step login system and it's great.
I used UltraVNC. I switched because I liked the encryption and the security of LogMeIn.
It's pretty straightforward.
The only thing I found is that they've gotten very, very expensive over the years. I started out with about about 100 users on it. Two years ago it was about $600 for 100 users. Now, it's that price for 25 users.
The price is crazy. Now, I just use it for the servers that I work on and I don't use it for desktops anymore. I use TeamViewer for the desktops.
I think they're ridiculously expensive. I am now looking at other options.
I'm looking into TeamViewer and UltraVNC, now.
I don't use Central to keep my end-points secure. All the infrastructure is private. I don't do any cloud.
It's worked well for me except for the cost. That's the only thing that's deterring me now.
Accessing customers' servers. We're managing servers, PCs, printers, monitors.
It saves us drive time, we don't have to go to clients. We can just use remote access.
The ease of remoting into a server, to be able to have remote access. And also alerts.
It's not really a true RMM product but more of just a remote access.
It's pretty good, it's fairly stable.
No issues with scalability.
I haven't used tech support too much, but the times I have it's been fine.
I can't remember what we used before, but it's been awhile.
Pricing is a little high. They require for LogMeIn Central to go into brackets. If you go over a certain amount of PCs or servers to access, going up to the next bracket is a big jump.
The price is a little high but it's competitive.
The licensing process is fairly easy.
We aren't leveraging Central to keep end-points secure. We're actually using a product called Sophos for antivirus. All the IT infrastructure is with our customers, everything is on-premise for them, although there is some Office 365.
It's a good product, it's pretty solid. For what it is, the price is good. To make it a 10 out of 10 it needs to be cheaper.
Remote access, we can remote access our clients, the workstation servers. We also use the reporting.
Everything we use in there is for remote access. That's really it. There are some other features, but I don't particularly use them. There's file transfer, I use that occasionally. Event logs, I'll use that occasionally. But mostly, I would say 90%, is remote access.
The screen. Make it clearer. The screen resolutions don't always line up. So clarity of the screen, and speed.
Occasionally, we encounter issues with stability.
No issues with scalability.
We haven't really used the tech support.
It may have been pcAnywhere or Carbon Copy. It was so long ago that I don't remember.
It's simple.
It's getting more expensive and we are starting to evaluate other products. It's starting to become unaffordable.
We didn't really evaluate other products at the time.
We don't leverage LogMeIn Central to keep end-points secure, we have our own, a different anti-virus that we use. There is some of our infrastructure in there, but it's mostly our clients'. And we're using Azure.
My advice is, be careful. At first it was free. Just be careful about the escalation.
I rank it as a seven out of 10. It would be a 10 if it was faster and the screen resolutions were clearer.
Remote access.
If I need to make a change on a server that’s not accessible to the internet, then I can connect to my LogMeIn account, then from our console into the server, or I can use LogMeIn directly to the server, if it’s on there.
The biggest thing is remote access, to be able to get inside our network to be able to fix problems.
It does what I need it to do. We are an educational institution, so anything to make it cheaper would be better because we don’t grow money on trees.
No issues with stability. It's always there when I need it.
We don’t use it that often, but when we have it works.
I don’t think I’ve ever called the tech support.
This is our first of its kind that we've used.
It was straightforward.
It would be nice to have educational pricing.
We’ve got 30 servers and 600 employees, so each one of them has a desktop. But they don’t use LogMeIn. We don’t do any asset management through LogMeIn. Everything is on-premise.
It works. We don’t use it as an enterprise solution, we’ve only got a couple people that use it. I don’t know the capability of it if you were to have 300 people using it. We just use it every now and then when we’ve got to connect to a certain machine, when we’re not on site.
I support POS systems and security systems. Our primary software is MicroSale. I manage POS hardware/software, printers, and servers. I use it for solving Windows, software, and network issues that are solvable when dialing in. I also use it to monitor the systems, to see if the computers are up to date on everything.
The biggest improvement is being able to solve problems or do upgrades of software without having to go onsite.
Being able to dial in and transfer files for updates.
Sometimes it just fails to load.
Support has been very good when I have used it.
A few, and still use TeamViewer in some instances.
Pricing is a little on the expensive side, compared to what TeamViewer has offered.
I had used others like VNC Connect, but I really didn't review any others.
Regarding leveraging LogMeIn Central to keep endpoints secure, I haven't really looked at that.
Our IT infrastructure is on-premise.
I would tell others it is a great product, and will help your IT department a lot.