The primary use case of this solution is for the instant recovery of servers and security. Our customers generally have in the range of anything between 20 to 75 servers. Corporate and enterprise customers purchase it for their on premises requirements. We not only recover the servers, we ensure recovery of the business process and that's very important. We have a partnership with Quorum.
Quorum offers a very high level security environment for secondary data. Once data is in Quorum it is highly secured because the appliance is Linux-based. It does 256-bit AES encryption at rest and in motion. The replication agent and everything is all Linux-based including the hypervisor. And it is a ZFS, Zeta File System, which makes the environment highly secure. The dashboard is also quite new and elegant.
The solution could do more by improving compatibility in terms of supporting other OS. In addition, the platform support should increase as there are some restrictions there. It's the only challenge we face right now.
I've been selling Quorum for the past eight years.
The product has been quite stable. We see less RMA issues than we used to have and less support issues. It's a robust solution because of its Linux base and the fact that it's not a software-based solution. It comes with a very high-end appliance which is built on a hyper-converge infrastructure.
It has good scalability although there are some of the lower models where there is a restriction on scalabiity. From a 15dB appliance, you can scale it up to 100dB or 150dB.
Support is very much available from the UK and the US, directly from the vendor. They don't offer support via third-party support services, you're actually dealing with the people who have developed the solution so the turnaround time is quite quick.
The initial setup is very straightforward. Deployment time depends on the number of servers but typically a 10-server implementation would take four to six hours.
The solution is designed individually based on the customer's specifications. It's all hand-seated and then dispatched to the customers. We have a lot of references from happy customers. Many four-star, five-star hotels here in the Middle East use Quorum so within the hotel hospitality fraternity, everybody knows Quorum which makes it easy to sell to other hotels. A lot of prestigious customers use Quorum; government, tourism authority, chamber of commerce, police headquarters, airports. That in itself is a good reference and the product speaks for itself. Once you do a proof of concept with the customer, they can see how it works on their network, and then it's an easy sale.
The product serves the customer's objectives as well as securing secondary data and instant recovery of their complete applications and business process. The customer wants to ensure his business processes record and that's what Quorum ensures. Whether it is a single server failure, storage failure, network failure, a digital attack or a ransomware, or whether it's an application crash or a database corruption, or any kind of natural disaster or data center failure, Quorum ensures the recovery of the complete business process.
I believe our customers would rate this product a nine out of 10.
File recovery is amazingly easy. Daily self tests confirm that the data will be available.