Everyone has recommended good reliable solutions, Rubrik, Veeam, Druva would be our top choices. You need to decide how quickly you need to get a solution deployed and running, how much you want to spend over the next 3-5 years, does your business have any reason not to be in the cloud, do you need to backup every Whirlpool location and endpoint or are the individual regions responsible for their own local data, how quickly and how often you need to upload and download, are you operating M365, do you have any relationship with AWS and perhaps you would like to buy a solution via AWS Marketplace? Druva and Veeam are both AWS vendor partners and use AWS infrastructure...
The list goes on
Search for a product comparison in Backup and Recovery
The next generation backup tools for me are Goodsync and Gs Richcopy 360 , always up to date with many features and integrate with clouds , VMwares and servers easily
Ok, since you want talk with us, here is my recommendation: Rubrik. Install it wherever you want, cloud, datacenter, edge, it is your choice. Enjoy the google search experience if you are looking for a file to retrieve. Dont know the market share but that is just statistics anyway and bound to be old news.
As you are working for a pretty big company you may want to know that HomeDepot has deployed rubrik on over 2200 locations just in 3 days time. Preparation for that stunt with significant longer. But that is just how much you can do with automation on that product. Will change your point-of-view on backup, for sure.
If you are looking for a solution for a hybrid environment that covers the solutions mentioned then Veeam is the way to go. They cover both Hyper-V and VMware as well as all the cloud platforms with their appliances.
Yes there are other solutions and as mentioned ensure you understand what you are trying to achieve when it comes to backup and recovery.
For hybrid environments, I suggest enterprise software like Netbackup and CommVault both have versatile solutions for cloud tiering while for on-premise environments with only VMWare and without legacy systems (AIX, Solaris, etc.) the best suitable product is currently Veeam availability suite.
AIX System Administration at a construction company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Dec 21, 2021
Hello, to me, it does not matter which tool is used for Backup. What is important, is the value of the data that is being backup and what can be restored and how fast.
Do we have instant recovery (Veeam, Zerto), files versions (IBM Spectrum), Snapshot (VMWare, SAN), Replication (SAN), Cloud backup, etc.?
Also, to be taken into consideration: cost, location, storage, networking, time to backup/restore.
Another item that needs to be addressed is ransomware.
That being said, the next generation of backup tools should include all the above.
The recommendations have been spot on however, if your budget is very limited there are options we offer for cloud and on-premise backup which are significantly lower priced but as reliable and as feature rich as the brand leaders. Security is always a focus area and it is essential that any solution we offer has controls in place to prevent ransomware and or malicious deletion of critical back ups.
Project Manager - Business Consultant at Comtrade System Integration
Real User
Feb 19, 2021
We first need to define what a “next generation” backup is. Now everything is NG, because it is a trend that all new products are called this way. Then comes the question of what needs you have, what kind of backup you need. Is it an on-premise or a Cloud solution. Each of us can recommend one, which we use. Whichever one you choose to be modern, that is, to follow trends and develop, will do the job for you.
We, specifically for 5 years, have been using Commvault and we are very satisfied. First of all, it is complete, which enables all possible (and not possible) combinations, supports almost all HW vendors, as well as vendors that offer Cloud solutions. What attracted us is that it is innovative, that follows trends and quickly adapts to the market. And what we like the most is that we, as admins, from one place, from one console, can manage absolutely all processes in the backup system.
If you are looking for the backup of whats next? For a complete cloud data management that delivers flexbility, simplicity and reliability then Veeam is the right answer. Its beyond backup and recovery, although it is our flagship but Veeam serves its customers in five main areas: backup and recovery, cloud mobility, automation and orchestration, monitoring and analytics and covernance and compliance and all this from a single platform as software layer that can seamlessly integrate with your current infra avoiding vendor lock-in and supports any type of workload whether physical (win, linux, unix, mac) or virtual, cloud or containers through native robust backup capabilities to ensure the best availability features in the market. Veeam is currently leading the market and has the biggest marketshare in EMEA and a clear leader in Gartner and more than 400k+ customers worlwide. Visit Veeam.com and start the journey to peace of mind!
Assuming you have an onprem ecosystem which runs the VMware, physical systems on Win, Linux and Unix and run both traditional DB's and nosql DB's like mongo, then Netbackup (NBU) will be the right tool, since it works with all cloud vendors. The added advantage is the ease of use and the automation that comes with it being able to manage traditional snapshots, manage data replication with existing or Netbackup's inherent tools for physical and virtual machines with an orchestration engine embedded in the product. NBU scales in backing up 10,000's of VM's. It's also deployable in the cloud.
Should you not have the Unix environments but still need something for similar requirements, then do a trial of Backup Exec.
IT Manager - Storage & Backup at a healthcare company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Feb 15, 2021
We are evaluating this very question. The best solution to protect onPrem systems as well as Cloud based systems. For us, Cohesity appears to be edging out several of the other options. They have robust solutions for both onPrem (virtual & Physical) systems as well as Cloud (CloudSpin, DRaaS, DMaaS, etc.)
But, as others have pointed out, there's a lot unknown within the question. If you are protecting PaaS systems, there will likely be holes with any 3rd party tool. So it may be a hybrid approach (depending on your full set of requirements...)
Group IT Manager at a manufacturing company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Feb 15, 2021
Dear Ivan,
First, you need to address that data that needs to be backed up whether it is raw data, files, VMs, DB, Physical servers, Linux, etc... cause these will give you a clearer image of what to choose. I am using both cloud and on-premises backup solutions and as per my experience, all are Cloud-enabled. For VMs and Microsoft Windows Physical Servers 100000000000000% Veeam but for oracle and Unix/Linux physical servers you might check Veritas Netbackup. Now for Cloud providers, a question is raised whether you need your cloud backed up data to be mounting on cloud instances to test them as if you are having a Cold DR, so all support them but AWS & VMWare are much easier than Google and got a lot of tools and compatibility with the backed up data. After all, you don't want to buy only cloud storage but to take advantage of what you can benefit from that service.
All of the above is based on my experience and use cases I made to proceed with the best solution that meets MY BUSINESS need cause this may vary from one organization to another,
Druva - 100% cloud, unlimited uploads and downloads, includes de-duping, built-in security protection from Ransomware scanning to encrypted storage and locked files. They only charge for the data size once de-duped. Processes to test that your backups actually work too.
Let's face it, unless you absolutely have to keep you data on-premise why would anyone want to support their own hardware platform? Hardware can fail, needs refreshing, power and space and eventually runs out of capacity.
Also, only one vendor does it all, which addresses one of the priorities on most CIO and CISO's list i.e. reduce the number of vendors to manage. Lastly - Include backing up M365 environments which is often overlooked but an essential component of anyone's back up strategy. The cloud providers (Azure, AWS, GCP...) are responsible for the infrastructure not your data, if you lose data in your M365 environment due to malicious or careless employees, or it gets corrupted by malware, guess what? - Microsoft probably won't be able to help you. A Druva secure, tested back-up that can be searched by folder and file provides you the peace of mind that you can always recover wherever you are.
However, Steffen Hornung is absolutely right, make sure you are clear what you are trying to achieve against what your infrastructure is today and your migration plans are before you opt for a solution and spend money.
NetBackup The #1 data protection solution for over three decades and is currently trusted by 87% of the Fortune 500. NetBackup provides organizations the ability to protect and recover data at scale, from edge to core to cloud. NetBackup streamlines data protection management, ensures business-critical resiliency and delivers customer choice with a single platform supporting any workload, any cloud and any architecture at any scale.
InfoScale High availability solution that decouples mission-critical applications, systems and databases from the underlying infrastructure like physical, virtual and cloud; to make a flexible and fluid IT environment. That enables enterprise-class optimizations to provide business continuity, application performance, and infrastructure agility across physical, virtual and cloud environments.
Aptare IT Analytics Cloud-based IT analytics platform that provides actionable insights across any cloud, any storage, and any data protection solution. The platform provides a single-pane-of-glass into a customer’s environment, working to give unique correlated insights that help organizations optimize storage costs, cloud utilization, mitigate risk and streamline backup compliance across on-prem, virtual and hybrid clouds environments.
Backup Exec Fast, simple, complete, cost-effective backup and recovery solution for Small to Mid-Market customers, wherever their data lives. Minimize downtime and disruption with granular restore, instant recovery of VM's, bare-metal disaster recovery, physical to virtual and virtual to physical recovery. Cloud data protection with connectors for all major cloud vendors, included for free!
Veeam® recognizes the new challenges companies across the globe face in enabling the Always-On Enterprise™, a business that must operate 24x7x365. To address this, Veeam has pioneered a new market of Availability for the Always-On Enterprise™ by helping organizations meet recovery time and point objectives (RTPO™) of less than 15 minutes for all applications and data, through a fundamentally new kind of solution that delivers high-speed recovery, data loss avoidance, verified recoverability, leveraged data and complete visibility. Veeam Availability Suite™, which includes Veeam Backup & Replication™, leverages virtualization, storage, and cloud technologies that enable the modern data center to help organizations save time, mitigate risks, and dramatically reduce capital and operational costs, while always supporting the current and future business goals of Veeam customers.
@Ivan Monnier more details feel free to DM me. If you have any specific requirements I will help you in that personally.
From the posts shared here its now clear that there are many backup solution - however, most of them purpose built, its good to find the purpose of backup and a POC with top 3 Vendor should help you forward further.
We are using Cohesity as a backup solution - they have good support team, an(VM/Physical/ORacle,MSSQL/Azure) are under backup. Lack of full DR solutions is the only downside we see at our setup for Cohesity.
c'est aussi un meilleurs logicielle pour votre préoccupation, je vous le recommande, c'est un logicielle qui permet de restaurer et de sauvegarder tout les donner
Co-Founder, at Cloud Innovation Pvt.Ltd "Cloudtreez"
Real User
Feb 15, 2021
You can choose any backup solution until it is secure and HA enabled with 0 downtimes give the best. As I see all the product lunch in the market has it's own USP and solution address to the client needs.
Don't want to bore you with another set of product names. I am sure you are proficient using google. You even found IT Central Station!
Anyhow this question is beautifully wide open. You don't mention what you are using and what the pain points are (if any). So I see you adopted multicloud with vmware on-prem and Clouds an Google and Amazon. What are you using there? Hard to tell you something you could use as a recommendation when there is nothing to feed off. As an infrastructure analyst you would have the answer to MY question, right?
So tell us a little more about what you are trying to accomplish what the current toolset can't. I assume you DO HAVE BACKUP in place, right?
Backup and Recovery solutions protect data by regularly copying and securely storing it, ensuring quick restoration when necessary. These solutions minimize the impact of data loss, ensuring business continuity by restoring data in case of hardware failure, cyberattacks, or human error.
Backup and Recovery encompass a wide range of strategies and technologies designed to maintain data integrity. Businesses can leverage cloud-based storage, on-premises systems, or a combination of both to...
Everyone has recommended good reliable solutions, Rubrik, Veeam, Druva would be our top choices. You need to decide how quickly you need to get a solution deployed and running, how much you want to spend over the next 3-5 years, does your business have any reason not to be in the cloud, do you need to backup every Whirlpool location and endpoint or are the individual regions responsible for their own local data, how quickly and how often you need to upload and download, are you operating M365, do you have any relationship with AWS and perhaps you would like to buy a solution via AWS Marketplace? Druva and Veeam are both AWS vendor partners and use AWS infrastructure...
The list goes on
The next generation backup tools for me are Goodsync and Gs Richcopy 360 , always up to date with many features and integrate with clouds , VMwares and servers easily
Ok, since you want talk with us, here is my recommendation: Rubrik. Install it wherever you want, cloud, datacenter, edge, it is your choice. Enjoy the google search experience if you are looking for a file to retrieve. Dont know the market share but that is just statistics anyway and bound to be old news.
As you are working for a pretty big company you may want to know that HomeDepot has deployed rubrik on over 2200 locations just in 3 days time. Preparation for that stunt with significant longer. But that is just how much you can do with automation on that product.
Will change your point-of-view on backup, for sure.
VEEAM backup is very good and we are using it since 3 years
If you are looking for a solution for a hybrid environment that covers the solutions mentioned then Veeam is the way to go. They cover both Hyper-V and VMware as well as all the cloud platforms with their appliances.
Yes there are other solutions and as mentioned ensure you understand what you are trying to achieve when it comes to backup and recovery.
For hybrid environments, I suggest enterprise software like Netbackup and CommVault both have versatile solutions for cloud tiering while for on-premise environments with only VMWare and without legacy systems (AIX, Solaris, etc.) the best suitable product is currently Veeam availability suite.
Hello, to me, it does not matter which tool is used for Backup. What is important, is the value of the data that is being backup and what can be restored and how fast.
Do we have instant recovery (Veeam, Zerto), files versions (IBM Spectrum), Snapshot (VMWare, SAN), Replication (SAN), Cloud backup, etc.?
Also, to be taken into consideration: cost, location, storage, networking, time to backup/restore.
Another item that needs to be addressed is ransomware.
That being said, the next generation of backup tools should include all the above.
Rubrik covers all of the use cases you outlined. Get it if you can budget for it.
Veeam is a solid technology yet I found Rubrik is easier to integrate and deploy.
Veeam Backup and Replication
The recommendations have been spot on however, if your budget is very limited there are options we offer for cloud and on-premise backup which are significantly lower priced but as reliable and as feature rich as the brand leaders. Security is always a focus area and it is essential that any solution we offer has controls in place to prevent ransomware and or malicious deletion of critical back ups.
We first need to define what a “next generation” backup is. Now everything is NG, because it is a trend that all new products are called this way. Then comes the question of what needs you have, what kind of backup you need. Is it an on-premise or a Cloud solution. Each of us can recommend one, which we use. Whichever one you choose to be modern, that is, to follow trends and develop, will do the job for you.
We, specifically for 5 years, have been using Commvault and we are very satisfied. First of all, it is complete, which enables all possible (and not possible) combinations, supports almost all HW vendors, as well as vendors that offer Cloud solutions. What attracted us is that it is innovative, that follows trends and quickly adapts to the market. And what we like the most is that we, as admins, from one place, from one console, can manage absolutely all processes in the backup system.
It depends, but Veeam is definitely the best!!!
If you are looking for the backup of whats next? For a complete cloud data management that delivers flexbility, simplicity and reliability then Veeam is the right answer. Its beyond backup and recovery, although it is our flagship but Veeam serves its customers in five main areas: backup and recovery, cloud mobility, automation and orchestration, monitoring and analytics and covernance and compliance and all this from a single platform as software layer that can seamlessly integrate with your current infra avoiding vendor lock-in and supports any type of workload whether physical (win, linux, unix, mac) or virtual, cloud or containers through native robust backup capabilities to ensure the best availability features in the market. Veeam is currently leading the market and has the biggest marketshare in EMEA and a clear leader in Gartner and more than 400k+ customers worlwide. Visit Veeam.com and start the journey to peace of mind!
Assuming you have an onprem ecosystem which runs the VMware, physical systems on Win, Linux and Unix and run both traditional DB's and nosql DB's like mongo, then Netbackup (NBU) will be the right tool, since it works with all cloud vendors. The added advantage is the ease of use and the automation that comes with it being able to manage traditional snapshots, manage data replication with existing or Netbackup's inherent tools for physical and virtual machines with an orchestration engine embedded in the product. NBU scales in backing up 10,000's of VM's. It's also deployable in the cloud.
Should you not have the Unix environments but still need something for similar requirements, then do a trial of Backup Exec.
We are evaluating this very question. The best solution to protect onPrem systems as well as Cloud based systems.
For us, Cohesity appears to be edging out several of the other options. They have robust solutions for both onPrem (virtual & Physical) systems as well as Cloud (CloudSpin, DRaaS, DMaaS, etc.)
But, as others have pointed out, there's a lot unknown within the question. If you are protecting PaaS systems, there will likely be holes with any 3rd party tool. So it may be a hybrid approach (depending on your full set of requirements...)
Dear Ivan,
First, you need to address that data that needs to be backed up whether it is raw data, files, VMs, DB, Physical servers, Linux, etc... cause these will give you a clearer image of what to choose. I am using both cloud and on-premises backup solutions and as per my experience, all are Cloud-enabled. For VMs and Microsoft Windows Physical Servers 100000000000000% Veeam but for oracle and Unix/Linux physical servers you might check Veritas Netbackup. Now for Cloud providers, a question is raised whether you need your cloud backed up data to be mounting on cloud instances to test them as if you are having a Cold DR, so all support them but AWS & VMWare are much easier than Google and got a lot of tools and compatibility with the backed up data. After all, you don't want to buy only cloud storage but to take advantage of what you can benefit from that service.
All of the above is based on my experience and use cases I made to proceed with the best solution that meets MY BUSINESS need cause this may vary from one organization to another,
If you need any assistance, I am ready o help.
Druva - 100% cloud, unlimited uploads and downloads, includes de-duping, built-in security protection from Ransomware scanning to encrypted storage and locked files. They only charge for the data size once de-duped. Processes to test that your backups actually work too.
Let's face it, unless you absolutely have to keep you data on-premise why would anyone want to support their own hardware platform? Hardware can fail, needs refreshing, power and space and eventually runs out of capacity.
Also, only one vendor does it all, which addresses one of the priorities on most CIO and CISO's list i.e. reduce the number of vendors to manage. Lastly - Include backing up M365 environments which is often overlooked but an essential component of anyone's back up strategy. The cloud providers (Azure, AWS, GCP...) are responsible for the infrastructure not your data, if you lose data in your M365 environment due to malicious or careless employees, or it gets corrupted by malware, guess what? - Microsoft probably won't be able to help you. A Druva secure, tested back-up that can be searched by folder and file provides you the peace of mind that you can always recover wherever you are.
However, Steffen Hornung is absolutely right, make sure you are clear what you are trying to achieve against what your infrastructure is today and your migration plans are before you opt for a solution and spend money.
Commvault and Veeam
@John-Moore please explain why/what are the pros/cons vs other leading solutions? Thanks.
Focus Products
NetBackup The #1 data protection solution for over three decades and is currently trusted by 87% of the Fortune 500. NetBackup provides organizations the ability to protect and recover data at scale, from edge to core to cloud. NetBackup streamlines data protection management, ensures business-critical resiliency and delivers customer choice with a single platform supporting any workload, any cloud and any architecture at any scale.
InfoScale High availability solution that decouples mission-critical applications, systems and databases from the underlying infrastructure like physical, virtual and cloud; to make a flexible and fluid IT environment. That enables enterprise-class optimizations to provide business continuity, application performance, and infrastructure agility across physical, virtual and cloud environments.
Aptare IT Analytics Cloud-based IT analytics platform that provides actionable insights across any cloud, any storage, and any data protection solution. The platform provides a single-pane-of-glass into a customer’s environment, working to give unique correlated insights that help organizations optimize storage costs, cloud utilization, mitigate risk and streamline backup compliance across on-prem, virtual and hybrid clouds environments.
Backup Exec Fast, simple, complete, cost-effective backup and recovery solution for Small to Mid-Market customers, wherever their data lives. Minimize downtime and disruption with granular restore, instant recovery of VM's, bare-metal disaster recovery, physical to virtual and virtual to physical recovery. Cloud data protection with connectors for all major cloud vendors, included for free!
Veeam® recognizes the new challenges companies across the globe face in enabling the Always-On Enterprise™, a business that must operate 24x7x365. To address this, Veeam has pioneered a new market of Availability for the Always-On Enterprise™ by helping organizations meet recovery time and point objectives (RTPO™) of less than 15 minutes for all applications and data, through a fundamentally new kind of solution that delivers high-speed recovery, data loss avoidance, verified recoverability, leveraged data and complete visibility. Veeam Availability Suite™, which includes Veeam Backup & Replication™, leverages virtualization, storage, and cloud technologies that enable the modern data center to help organizations save time, mitigate risks, and dramatically reduce capital and operational costs, while always supporting the current and future business goals of Veeam customers.
@Ivan Monnier more details feel free to DM me. If you have any specific requirements I will help you in that personally.
We recently switched to Commvault and are very satisfied by now. It supports all your mentioned cases as data source as well as the backup target.
From the posts shared here its now clear that there are many backup solution - however, most of them purpose built, its good to find the purpose of backup and a POC with top 3 Vendor should help you forward further.
We are using Cohesity as a backup solution - they have good support team, an(VM/Physical/ORacle,MSSQL/Azure) are under backup. Lack of full DR solutions is the only downside we see at our setup for Cohesity.
c'est aussi un meilleurs logicielle pour votre préoccupation, je vous le recommande, c'est un logicielle qui permet de restaurer et de sauvegarder tout les donner
You can choose any backup solution until it is secure and HA enabled with 0 downtimes give the best. As I see all the product lunch in the market has it's own USP and solution address to the client needs.
Don't want to bore you with another set of product names. I am sure you are proficient using google. You even found IT Central Station!
Anyhow this question is beautifully wide open.
You don't mention what you are using and what the pain points are (if any).
So I see you adopted multicloud with vmware on-prem and Clouds an Google and Amazon.
What are you using there?
Hard to tell you something you could use as a recommendation when there is nothing to feed off. As an infrastructure analyst you would have the answer to MY question, right?
So tell us a little more about what you are trying to accomplish what the current toolset can't. I assume you DO HAVE BACKUP in place, right?