Hello All!
We're looking for an enterprise backup storage appliance that will dedupe, encrypt, support immutable storage, and replicate data to off-site (DR) location. At the same time, we're looking at enterprise backup solution software: Veeam, CommVault, Veritas Netbackup latest version 10.2, and Rubrik.
For backup storage, we looked at:
ExaGrid https://www.exagrid.com/
and Exagrid Competitors:
Fujitsu Storage ETERNUS CS800 M1 https://www.fujitsu.com/global/products/computing/storage/data-protection/cs800/index3.html
InfiniGuard Infinidat
Quantum DXi
NetBackup Access 3350
Does anyone have experience with the above storage appliances?
If yes, which backup software do you have the storage appliance working with?
I want to know which storage appliance you are happy with.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at Unitrends. I've worked with it for over a decade, and it has improved tremendously. Their virtual backup appliance is solid, and their support team is top grade. It also supports iscsi and other network storage, which boosts its high availability prospects. It natively provides off-site warm and cold, fully encrypted replication and vaulting. I highly recommend this product.
I switched from an EMC DataDomain to Rubrik and am very pleased. We use the Rubrik in house for our local servers and have it backup to the Rubrik DataVault for our off-site storage. You can set your SLAs based upon your preferences of how long to keep your data backups, volumes, files, etc. We also have the RansomWare capability where the system monitors the data within the backups looking for anomalies where there are lots of data removals, data name changes, etc. and we can see exactly when that happened to revert back prior. We also can search the data within the backups for data patterns that might violate HIPPA, PCII, SOX, etc. It does this without any additional load on systems as it is only using the storage arrays for these searches.
The system also has the option to backup Cloud based systems along with M365 data.
Once the initial backup is taken only changes are backed up but full data is available. While the DataDomains did a better job at de-dupe, I'm not really seeing a significant difference in storage sizes between the two systems.
One thing to be aware of if you go with the Rubrik solution on-premise, you must connect via a 10 G fiber connection so make sure your network has that capability. We were unaware of this requirement and had to quickly get some new 10 Gbit fiber GBICs for our switches to connect the Rubrik.
@Martin Mash Thank You.
Hello, I am posting this answer on behalf of one of the community members. He says:
I am using a Dell-EMC Datadomain device.
The device meets all requirements:
- Scaling
- Supports various protocols: CIFS, NFS, DDBOOST, VTL
- Deduplication
- Data compression
- Replication
- Physical and virtual versions available
- Cloud support
@Avigayil Henderson Thank You.