User Activity
6 months ago
Replied to AltanAtabarut Which solution provides the best ROI: KNIME, Alteryx or RapidMiner?
Should mention that if you are on your own, single user KNIME is also free. So in terms of ROI you'll have infinite returns if you find a use case with positive returns... And if you have a small team like 2-5 people, Knime cost you just 99 USD per month... versus 5K…
6 months ago
Replied to Trung Huynh Which solution provides the best ROI: KNIME, Alteryx or RapidMiner?
@Trung Huynh low-code Auto & Explainable Causal AI is a very important capability. A lot of the analytics tools in the market are built on correlation based analysis, SAS, Alteryx, Knime, Dataiku etc... We should move away from frequentist view towards Bayesian approaches…
10 months ago
Answered a question: Why is Anomaly Detection Tools important for companies?
Anomalies are irregularities from the norm, signaling major changes or issues.
In banking risk management and fraud analytics, anomalies pinpoint fraudulent events, enhancing security and compliance.
As an engineer in IoT analytics, anomalies indicate issues like broken…
11 months ago
Replied to Dieter Steinmann What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SAS Analytics?
@Dieter Steinmann For half the money you pay, you can have the cake and eat it using Alteryx or DATAIKU with KNIME it's 1/3 of the money you pay...
11 months ago
Replied to Ariful Mondal What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SAS Analytics?
@Ariful Mondal They have a bundle called SAS Analytics for IoT and it's unlimited number of users for 100K USD... best bang for the bucks... And it includes %90 of all SAS capabilities, including BI, Automl, forecasting, optimization, decisioning...
11 months ago
Replied to reviewer2937544 What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SAS Analytics?
@Tanin U best priced tool is Visual Analytics, 900 USD per user per year...
11 months ago
Replied to Adbul Samad Gabru What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SAS Analytics?
@Adbul Samad Gabru I agree SAS is extremely expensive for no reason... Every year a new open source feature comes either in parallel processing or drag and drop (nocode modelling) or NLQ natural language querying... So there are many free or cheap alternatives are popping…
11 months ago
Contributed a review of SAS Analytics: Good interactive reports and dashboards but expensive to run
About 1 year ago
Contributed a review of KNIME: A no-code platform that can be used for a lot of predictive modeling
Over 1 year ago
Answered a question: Which solution provides the best ROI: KNIME, Alteryx or RapidMiner?
Of those three you should consider alteryx, it saves time in ETL a lot, Alteryx is better at handling large data sets than Knime and RapidMiner. But please also consider Dataiku... Up to 3 users it's free ;o)
Over 1 year ago
Answered a question: Which e-commerce platform do you recommend for a B2B company?
Adobe Commerce:
SAP Commerce:
Salesforce Commerce:
Platform Architecture:
Open-source with a robust ecosystem.
Java-based solution.
Cloud-native platform.
Highly customizable and flexible.
Modular architecture allowing for…
Over 1 year ago
Answered a question: Which tool is better for analysis and analytics: SPSS or Alteryx?
Alteryx is much easier to install, learn, build with R and Python capabilities...
Plus can handle big data... SPSS is legacy.
Over 5 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM SPSS Statistics: Anomaly detection, with a useful algorithm handbook, but it's not scalable
Over 5 years ago
Contributed a review of SSIS: Has the potential to expand so that you can immediately write code onto the SQL server
About 7 years ago
Contributed a review of IBM SPSS Modeler: Automated modelling, classification, or clustering are very useful. Customer support is hard to contact.
Over 7 years ago
Contributed a review of Alteryx: Provides spatial tools for geographic analysis and data enrichment
Over 7 years ago
Best part of the tool is in-db agreed... I wish in-database tool had three output nodes as well.
Over 7 years ago
Agreed that there is room for improvement in Visualization...
Over 7 years ago
great review... just after using the tool I've figured out as well the need for a local partner, local training, consulting and founded an Alteryx based analytics consulting firm myself...
Over 7 years ago
Modeled an optimization algorithm for risk mitigation whichModeled an optimization algorithm for risk mitigation which earned the bank 30 mio USD capital immediately...
About 7 years ago
Redesigning a branch network using location optimisationLocation optimisation for redisigning branch network based on GIS data and existing customer base
Over 1 year ago
Ulusal factoring Cheque Risk ScoringModeled cheque risk default prediction and deployed it in near-real-time at a factoring firm.
Over 5 years ago
IBM SPSS Statistics
About 7 years ago
IBM SPSS Modeler
Over 7 years ago
Predictive Analytics
Over 7 years ago
Predictive Analytics
Over 7 years ago
Predictive Analytics
About me
I'm holding a MSc. in Industrial Engineering (METU/ODTU) and a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering (YTU) with experiences as credit risk manager (GARANTIBBVA), management consultant (MAVEN PARTNERS), analytics business development manager (EXPERIAN), Analytics entrepreneur, CDO (ALTDATA), Head of Presales (SAS TURKEY) Innovation Leader (SAS META), Solutions Consultant and Innovation Leader (AKINON)...
My expertise lies in applying BI (business intelligence) to AI (Artificial Intelligence & decisioning) in many diverse industries. Capabilities included are; data prep (ETL), Data quality (DQ), data governance, statistical analysis, prediction, forecasting using Alteryx, Knime, Dataiku, SAS, optimization (LP, IP, MILP), regulatory compliance (BASEL/CRD), enterprise risk implementation & validation (IBM)
I have strong communication skills and sound knowledge doing analytics for;
Banking Risk & lending, mobile networks, IT process mining, Non-bank finance, Discreet and process manufacturing, FMCG, Retail.
Seeking data analytics, knowledge discovery, management consulting positions in a multinational corporation.
Quantitative analysis, modeling, optimization & simulation background
MS Powerpoint, Excel, Access,Word, Project with Visual Basic coding,
QPT, Presi, Mentimeter
@Risk, Risk Solver, Optimizer, WPS
SAS Base/E-Guide/Viya, SPSS Clementine/Statistics/Modeler, Alteryx, Knime, Dataiku
PL/SQL, SQL, NoSQL, R, Python
Lindo/Lingo, Siman, XML, HTML
Interesting Projects and Accomplishments
Over 7 years ago
About 7 years ago
About 7 years ago
Over 1 year ago