Beware before investing heavily into RPA Project, following slide depicts critical key points to be considered for RPA Project Pitfalls and Challenges:
Setup an Effective RPA Governance Structure for Smoother Adoption and Maturity

- Internal: Lack of committed team to drive RPA
- Lack of understanding/Fear of Unknown
- Organizational Politics (Resistance within teams)
- Insufficient stakeholder involvement
- Morale issues / cultural effects of bots
- Lessons learnt not captured / propagated
- External:Mis-sold on benefits/ savings
- RPA partner lacks skills / experience
- RPA partner unable to scale with demand
Process :
- Process not stable /changed over time
- Process Not fully understood
- Process not optimized/standardized for RPA
- Not Rule-driven & Inputs are Unstructured
- Underlying systems are unstable / unreliable / change
- High Variance from Happy Path and Larger No. of exceptions
- Undocumented business rules & gaps in SME Understanding
- Incorrect RPA software / platform selected
- Alternatives to RPA not explored
- Security / Access control aspects not attended
- Technology roadmap / governance not taken into consideration
- Infrastructure not scalable
- Unstable Dev / Test / Prod environments
- Frequent Changes in Underlying Applications
- Not Leadership driven
- Business Case not well-defined / not well-propagated
- Incorrect prioritization/lack of an overarching automation roadmap
- Lack of Business-IT alignment
- Lack of robust operating Model
- No dedicated funding pool available for automation
This article is definitely going to help to decide in which RPA projects one needs to invest on. Relevant information!
thanks for sharing, very helpful.
Insightful. Thanks for sharing.