This one kind of caught us by surprise, and all our evaluations from it doing demos to the team that was going to be using it. The original version that we got, I'm not sure the version number, didn't have the story card print functionality. The project manager was a little overboard. She had said if she had done this, we would have picked a different tool. I think that's a little bit much. You can export all the stories to Excel. We created a little mail merge in Microsoft Office. We had a solution in 30 minutes on how to print story cards. That did kind of surprise me, something as simple as just printing story cards out of there. I believe it's in there now, but we have the on-prem version, so it's in the SaaS version, but the on-prem they're not going to do another build for that until I think version 2.0, or 3.0, the next major build. That was the one thing that surprised me a little bit that something as easy as a print feature would be not in an initial build.