Aruba Airwave is valued for robust multivendor support, enhanced troubleshooting, and management capabilities. Features like Clarity, Visual RF, Live Heat Map, and orchestration save time and streamline network operations. The intuitive interface and detailed reporting enhance visibility and performance monitoring. It accommodates various devices, supports zero-touch provisioning, and provides extensive network analysis. Users appreciate the ease of implementation and compatibility with various products, including those from non-Aruba vendors.
- "All the technical support goes through our contractor. It is a local support, and it is perfect."
- "It facilitated creating floor maps."
- "The solution's most valuable features are its usage, bandwidth existence, device capacity, and utilization."
Aruba Airwave needs better integration with other platforms and improved synchronization between the GUI and CLI. Enhanced cost-effectiveness and more straightforward user interface are desired. Greater compatibility with third-party devices and streamlined configurations are sought after. Users express concerns about high pricing, slow support, and limited monitoring capabilities. A unified management solution is needed for seamless device management, as well as faster troubleshooting error identification. Additionally, improvements in scalability and annual upgrades are requested.
- "I am not deeply familiar with the solution, so if I mention a feature, it might already exist, yet I may be unaware of it."
- "The solution’s pricing could be improved."
- "The tool's expensive nature is an area of concern where improvements are required."