We primarily use the solution just to monitor database activity on all the in-house databases.
I like almost everything about the solution. That includes sensitive data scanning, which is what is the most important. The data discovery is great as well.
I like the activity monitoring. That was the main reason we purchased the tool.
The integration is great.
They do quite a lot of feature updates.
The solution needs local support.
They need to do a little bit more knowledge-sharing with the tool. Knowledge-sharing is not what you normally get with Microsoft, Symantec, or any other tools that are leaders in their respective spaces. This is more of a closed-group type of solution only, whereby the information is only accessible to certain groups, or maybe in certain countries. It needs a broader, more accessible knowledge base.
There could be more on the monitoring side of things. They need more monitoring tools within the tool itself. Although it does a good job monitoring databases, in terms of the health of its agent gateways to verify communication and all that, there are basically no utilities available within the tool.
I've used the solution for a little over three years.
The stability is average. I'd rate it three and a half out of five in terms of stability. It's not too bad.
This is a highly scalable product. I'd rate it four out of five in terms of its ability to scale.
We have 15 people using the solution.
Local companies have limited exposure to the tool There's professional support and support from the providers, however, if they don't know too much about it, they cannot provide adequate help.
While I didn't handle the initial deployment myself, from the training I have done, it is my understanding that the implementation process would not be that hard.
I'm not sure how many people were involved in the deployment.
I handle any maintenance myself with the sales provider. There might be six people available to maintain the product. There would be about three from the customer side and two from the service provider's side.
We did have a third party assist with the initial setup. They were from the vendor.
I am not sure how much the licensing is exactly. that said, my understanding is that it is expensive.
We're customers and end-users.
We are using the latest version of the solution.
It's pretty good in terms of capabilities. I'd rate it eight out of ten.