At JSonar we're passionate about solving today's complex and costly approach to database security. We empower enterprise organizations to meet the needs of their transforming business by delivering a 360-degree view of their database security and compliance program across any on-premise and cloud environments. We rapidly deploy a comprehensive database security platform at a fraction of the cost of traditional solutions, delivering greater database coverage and richer, actionable security intelligence, all out of the box!
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Database Security Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about jSonar, IBM Security Guardium Data Protection, Imperva SecureSphere Database Security and more!
jSonar is the #12 ranked solution in
top Database Security solutions. PeerSpot users give jSonar an average rating of 8.0 out of 10. jSonar is most commonly compared to IBM Security Guardium Data Protection:
jSonar vs IBM Security Guardium Data Protection. jSonar is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 88% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
financial services firm, accounting for 37% of all views.