It does enable us to consolidate duplicate responses from employees, but it is difficult sometimes. We are running a challenge right now with two ideas that are pretty close and duplicate. Once they're out there and a significant amount of people have voted on them, it's hard to consolidate or merge them. The merge feature is not very clear, so it basically hides one of the ideas, removing and archiving it. I don't know if that's the best way to do it. I would want to make the secondary idea still visible, but put it under as a possible subidea to the parent idea. That is something they need to figure out a bit better. I would like it to have the ability to close out ideas a bit more intuitively. On a lot of our challenges, we have ideas that were submitted. With the winning ideas, people can select those as winning, while with the other ideas, all you can do in the tool is close them out and set them as closed, which I haven't done a lot of. So, people have ideas which are sitting there that weren't selected as winners and they often wonder six months later whatever happened to them. Even without going into project management, there should be a better way to close this out better. I'm trying to figure out ways to use this tool when doing face-to-face type sessions. E.g., how can we interact with a group of people rather than having them all bring their laptops. Maybe there are mobile solutions or having people sit down as a team. We haven't learned to do this autonomously yet. I know Spigit provides a service where they can come in and do some of this ability. I am just learning about the Insights dashboard. Prior to this, I was struggling to gather data. While I can get a lot of data within an individual challenge, getting data across all the challenges or a certain selected amount of challenges, I'm still learning how to do that. They could have an easier way to do analytics across the entire database.