Learn more about SmartBear LoadNinja
Load testing is integral in today's aggressive marketplace so that organizations can quickly and easily determine how their web servers will operate during extreme load (requests). LoadNinja intuitively creates load tests using automation developed by documenting past interactions over web pages and reproduces these interactions with hundreds of virtual users (VUs) simultaneously. These tests help organizations fully comprehend what load their websites, pages, etc, can successfully sustain without interruption or downtime.
LoadNinja provides various metrics, such as CPU usage and traffic generated during each test run. LoadNinja integrates well with many of today’s popular browsers and web servers.
LoadNinja Testing - How it works:
Develop a UI or API test scenario: These are single-instance tests. Each test is representative of an actual application usage process, such as updating client information, making or tracking an order, etc. A UI test replicates the actions of one user on the tested website. An API test replicates the behavior of one client application. Organizations will run these tests numerous times to replicate tremendous load on the specified web application being tested.
Load testing scenario: This is the example of an organization’s load test. The scenario will integrate one of many single-instance tests, designate the number of virtual users (VUs), advance load parameters, and other specific metrics.
Work the scenario: LoadNinja processes the load tests in the cloud and provides cloud machines automatically for the entirety of the test. During a UI test, each VU utilizes a real browser to conduct a test action to interact with the organization's web applications appropriately mimicking real user responses, including “think times” and experiencing client-side scripts. Throughout the entire process, LoadNinja will create real-time charts so that organizations are able to best monitor test metrics and the overall wellbeing of the application.
Study the results: Once the test is finished, LoadNinja will create a report detailing all the critical performance metrics gathered during the test. This report will give a good determination of an organization’s server capabilities and if it meets the established SLA.
Top Features:
Real-life load tests, simulated real user actions: LoadNinja will document real user actions on the site to be tested, then replicate those actions with the assistance of hundreds or even thousands of virtual users. This ensures load tests are as close to real-life processes as possible. LoadNinja does not just test one URL of a website; it replicates the entire user experience. This is one feature that differentiates LoadNinja from most other solutions in the marketplace.
Real browsers, real user replication: LoadNInja replays the documented traffic from real browsers. Every VU utilizes its own browser; there is no overlapping. LoadNinja precisely replicates each user action. Whatever code or script is used, it will be completely tested for every page.
Develop tests quickly and easily: Organizations are able to quickly develop UI tests by documenting user actions in the embedded browser. API tests can be developed using the embedded request editor. There is no coding, downloading, or installation of browser plugins necessary.
Scales easily: LoadNinja is a cloud solution; there is no need to designate drive space or add extra “agent” devices to save recorded scripts or test results. LoadNinja does it all intuitively and automatically in the cloud. Organizations simply choose the determined amount of VUs desired to replicate, and begin. It’s that simple!
SmartBear LoadNinja was previously known as SmartBear LoadComplete.