Appcues is an onboarding software solution that aims to educate new recruits and endorse digital adoption. The solution provides the option for product tour creation as well as user guides, all catered to facilitate the adoption of new software features. Geared toward small and mid-sized businesses, Appcues can assist companies not only with user onboarding, but also with feature adoption, insights, announcements, and net promoter score (NPS) and surveys. The simplification of the process of how employees access new products is done in several steps, all through an easy-to-use platform, including data reports, expert advice, flexible design, and the ability for integrations. Appcues offers webinar series, a product-led growth (PLG) playbook, Product Adoption Academy, and various other resources, as well as advice and support from experts, that assists organizations in the digital adoption process in their workplaces.
The user-friendly interface of Appcues, combining a drag-and-drop builder and self-serve function, allows organizations to start working with the digital adoption platform as soon as they install it. Removing the need for developers or any other specialists with thorough technical abilities, Appcues lets every member of an organization easily deploy the codeless solution of the platform, building useful guides for users promptly. Using the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) editor by Appcues, organizations can benefit from ready-to-use design templates and different customization options, in order to provide their users with software guides that enhance their understanding.
Organizations are able to follow how the adoption of certain software is performed through Appcues. This is possible through the no-code tacking tool it provides, allowing members to track and manage events without any initial training as well as offering the visualization of data, simplifying the delivered reports even more. This allows organizations to create a target experience by understanding how users are engaging with the software and helping them through individualized solutions.
Appcues Features
Appcues has various features through which it ensures the quality delivery of digital adoption for different organizations. Some of these include:
Appcues Benefits
Appcues digital adoption platform allows users to integrate new software seamlessly, using the various tools and features it offers. The benefits it gives to users include:
Amplitude, AdRoll, Indiegogo, Canva, Yotpo, Couchsurfing, Toast, DataFox, Eventbrite, Salsify, ERO
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