We are into conversational commerce platforms. All the conversations and the chat history are captured when we chat with a chatbot. Our application is built on NoSQL. We put the data into BigQuery as a data warehouse, where we refine the data. We analyze the chat history and give analytic reports to our merchants using our SaaS platform. It is to understand the chat conversation, how many people had a conversation, and what key buttons they clicked.
We also provide analytics on how many orders were completed. We are building a commerce and conversational dashboard for our enterprise customers and offering them on Looker. Looker was earlier known as Google Data Studio. For applications, we segment customers and use the customer segments to broadcast messages across social channels. All these things are being queried over BigQuery to do segmentations.
On the front end, we give them the option of segmenting based on different data attributes. Then, it goes to BigQuery to filter out the data and find the number of customers who meet the defined conditions. Based on that, we send the messages to the segmented customers. We are doing multiple things related to conversation commerce using BigQuery.
It is a cloud platform. We just need to query and get the output. Anyone can use the product. Even non-coders can review the data in BigQuery.
There should be an easier way to migrate from NoSQL to SQL. The process of migrating from Datastore to BigQuery should be improved. We use Datastore and BigQuery. If both products can be synced well, it will improve employee productivity.
We had to write a lot of pipelines and logic for real-time streaming from Datastore, which is a NoSQL, to BigQuery, which is more of a structured database. However, because both products are internal to the Google Cloud Platform, they should have some provision to create and keep syncing it automatically. It will be an advantage for the customers. Currently, we build replicas. It would be easier if some simple connection replicates the changes in BigQuery.
My company has been using the solution for five years. I have been using it for a year.
I rate the product’s stability a nine out of ten.
The solution is more scalable because it is in the cloud. It is an advantage. I rate the scalability of the tool an eight out of ten. If we are integrating it with two different platforms, then it becomes a little difficult for us. If there is a data pipeline error, we cannot scale immediately. If we have to integrate NoSQL with BigQuery, it sometimes becomes a challenge for real-time streaming.
Five developers within my team are building all the logic on BigQuery. We have around 100 to 200 customers with five to six employees each using our platform. When they use our platform and query using different features, these queries hit BigQuery, and we render the data. We are the designers designing using BigQuery, and the end users use the UI.
I would rate technical support a little less. We have always struggled to get quicker support.
The initial setup is very simple. The solution is cloud-based.
The tool has competitive pricing. I rate the pricing an eight out of ten.
I have a technical team that works deeply into it and gives me the output. I don't extensively use BigQuery as a developer to develop things. Overall, I rate the solution an eight out of ten.