Centage is a game-changing solution for your FP&A needs with our formula-free Budgeting & Forecasting software, designed to revolutionize your financial planning processes. Say goodbye to tedious spreadsheet consolidations and hello to pain-free consolidation, offering streamlined financial report integration, real-time access, and efficient report generation. Experience fast budgeting like never before, with our unique, error-free approach that incorporates built-in accounting rules and business logic, ensuring quick and accurate budget creation. Embrace predictive planning and forecasting without manual formula entry, as our Centage software automatically maps new data sources, saving you valuable time and resources. Plus, benefit from ongoing in-house advisory support from US-based FP&A expert advisors, available for implementation, onboarding, training, health checks, and more. Elevate your budget process to new heights of speed, efficiency, and flexibility with Centage's formula-free, error-free, drag & drop FP&A software.
Centage was previously known as Budget Maestro, Centage Planning Maestro, Centage Budget Maestro.
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