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Anupama Perera - PeerSpot reviewer
Marketing at Bluechip Technical Services Pvt Ltd
Top 10
Strong security and management features
Pros and Cons
  • "Check Point has strong security features as well as some decent monitoring and management capabilities."
  • "My customers complain that the interface isn't user-friendly."

What is most valuable?

Check Point has strong security features as well as some decent monitoring and management capabilities.

What needs improvement?

My customers complain that the interface isn't user-friendly.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Check Point for eight years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Check Point stable. I've had no problems.

Buyer's Guide
Check Point NGFW
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Check Point NGFW. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Check Point is scalable.

How are customer service and support?

Check Point support is good.

How was the initial setup?

Check Point's setup process isn't very user-friendly.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Check Point is a little more expensive than FortiGate.

What other advice do I have?

I rate Check Point nine out of 10. I work with both Check Point and FortiGate. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Check Point is more secure than FortiGate. However, Fortigate is more affordable and user-friendly. FortiGate offers seamless solutions to customers, so If they want a solution that's easy to use, they go with FortiGate.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud
Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: reseller
PeerSpot user
Founder Director at digisec
Real User
Well-established product with great flexibility and user-interface
Pros and Cons
  • "The features that I have found most valuable are its flexibility and user interface. This is already a well-established product in the market for quite a long time, more than 20 years. They've got a huge customer base."
  • "In terms of what could be improved, I would say the application control and the visibility. I'd like granularity where you can have all the levels of policies that are defined, including the intel threat. It depends on what kind of intel threat the company has."

What is our primary use case?

Our customers primarily buy the solution to protect the network from malware at the perimeter of the Network. The next-gen firewalls help the customer to have an application-level control of the traffic.

What is most valuable?

The features that I have found most valuable are its flexibility and user interface. This is already a well-established product in the market for quite a long time, more than 20 years. They've got a huge customer base.

What needs improvement?

In terms of what could be improved, I'd like granularity where you can have all the levels of policies that are defined. 

In additional feature that could be added to this solution in the future is micro-segmentation, like Palo Alto has on the firewall itself.

For how long have I used the solution?

I began using Check Point Next Generation Firewall very recently, about four or five months ago.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have an internal team for maintenance.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

In terms of scalability, what we have seen is that it has a big deployment right now. So it all depends on what kind of environment the customer has. If he's already a Check Point user, it is easy for them, but if it is migrating from one platform to another, it is a little complex. One more thing is that the skillset availability required for Check Point is, in terms of implementation, a little less compared to others. The resources and the technical stuff are there for implementation. You find fewer people on Check Point compared to Sophos or Fortinet or any other platform.

How was the initial setup?

The installation process, if it is a greenfield opportunity, is easy. If it is a migration from one platform to another, you need to have expertise on both the technologies. Let's say for example you're migrating from Fortinet to Check Point, or from Sophos to Check Point or Check Point to any other, you need to have expertise on the platform, even though you should have good experience in terms of migrating and technologies.

What other advice do I have?

In my experience, Check Point provides both in-depth experience and cost-effectiveness compared to Palo Alto. So, Check Point is good for customers already using Check Point and Palo Alto is for anybody who wants to have the latest and most advanced features and has a good budget.

On a scale of one to ten, I would rate Check Point NGFW an 8.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud
Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
Check Point NGFW
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Check Point NGFW. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Network Security Engineer at a consumer goods company with 201-500 employees
Real User
Descriptive logging, good dynamic port features, and the technical support is helpful
Pros and Cons
  • "The information stored in the logs is very descriptive and includes a lot of details."
  • "Until you have some experience, the installation and configuration are difficult."

What is our primary use case?

We primarily use this product for cloud computing security. It is an integration platform for IPS and I also use it for performance monitoring.

I also coach classes on the use of this firewall, which is installed on my personal laptop.

What is most valuable?

This product is more secure than other firewalls, such as FortiGate.

The information stored in the logs is very descriptive and includes a lot of details.

The dynamic port features are better when compared to other firewalls.

What needs improvement?

This firewall is difficult to manage and use when you first begin using it. However, once you are used to it, the interface is comfortable and easy to use.

The Smart Control feature is hard to install.

In the future, I would like to see more features in the unified security management platform.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

This is a reliable firewall.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Scalability is not an issue with Check Point.

How are customer service and technical support?

Technical support from Check Point is good.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have experience with other firewalls including FortiGate. Check Point is more secure, although it is more difficult to deploy and configure.

How was the initial setup?

Until you have some experience, the installation and configuration are difficult.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The licensing fees are paid on a monthly basis and I am happy with the pricing.

What other advice do I have?

Check Point is responsible for inventing several firewall security features.

In summary, this is a good product and I recommend it because it the most secure firewall on the market.

I would rate this solution a nine out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Security Engineer at a tech services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
You only need to use one rule for both the DMZ and the Internet
Pros and Cons
  • "The Check Point API let me make 100 net rules in just 10 minutes, which saved us time."
  • "I would rate the technical support as a seven out of 10. Sometimes, it's difficult to get them to understand what the issue is. Sometimes, the issue is not resolved, then we solve it by ourselves with Check Point's documentation, which can be useful. When you open a case with Check Point, they can be a little slow. Sometimes, they don't solve things."

What is our primary use case?

I am using this solution for perimeter security in the company. Our firewall security is centralized under one management. Also, we use this firewall to manage some of the VPN clients and the employees' access across the company. 

Each firewall is capable of using the VPN client, but we only use two. We have five in total, but we only use two for these issues.

I am using the firmware version for the operating system. The blades are firewalled for IPS and mobile access.

How has it helped my organization?

Last year, we used the Check Point Identity Awareness Software Blade. Now, we only use a normal firewall with IP address rules, address destination, and services. Then, we can filter by users. So, my boss has access to these things by user. Even if it's connected with the Active Directory, we can filter by user name, or in this case by server name, and it works perfectly. This is very valuable for our company.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features about Check Point are the API and automation process.

Using the GUI, you can add comments from your PC or the client server. If I want to check the firewall rules, I can send one line of command to determine if it is configured or not. 

Its implementation and integration with the rest of the network are better than its competitors.

What needs improvement?

The stability needs improvement for its version releases. They have a feature called Inline Layer as part of the R80.10 release. In the last version, it still had bugs and is not working very well. I would like the developers to release a version that is more stable, because if you start to use the latest release and try to use this newest feature, I'm not 100 percent sure that it will work very well. After six months of development, it might start working better. However, at the beginning, it's not a good choice to implement in your company with your first attempt. But one or two releases later, it might be better. 

If you only have one vendor and they are downgraded or no longer a leader in their industry, then you need to change the entire solution, making it more expensive. For example, Check Point's components are not interchangeable with other vendors.

For how long have I used the solution?

Around four years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability of the firewall is nice if you use the legacy mode, because the new mode is not good. Things worked in version 77, which is older. It was more stable. When they jumped from version 77 to 88, sometimes things didn't work that used to work in the earlier version.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability of the firewall depends on the model. In terms of the implementation, it's really easy.

We have about 25 users for the entire solution. We have two engineers who work on deployments and implementation. We have another 18 engineers who do support and operations. They have responsibility to monitor the firewall 24/7.

It protects the core network and ISP: the routing, switching, and APM backbone. This is around 8,000 pieces of equipment. 

We don't have plans to increase our usage right now.

How are customer service and technical support?

I would rate the technical support as a seven out of 10. Sometimes, it's difficult to get them to understand what the issue is. Sometimes, the issue is not resolved, then we solve it by ourselves with Check Point's documentation, which can be useful. When you open a case with Check Point, they can be a little slow. Sometimes, they don't solve things.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

In the beginning, we used Fortinet, Juniper, and Cisco. Now, we only use Check Point for firewalls. 

Last year, we changed the Fortinet firewall to the Check Point firewall. The Check Point API let me make 100 net rules in just 10 minutes, which saved us time.

The administration is awful in Fortinet. They have the FortiGate portal on an HTTP portal. Therefore, if you want to make a change, you can make a change. But if you do the change, then it's directly applied on the network, and we don't want to do that. We configure and change the policy and routing. We only apply the changes in the night. However, with Fortinet, you need to configure and apply the changes at the same time. So, it's not useful for our operations.

With Fortinet, you need to duplicate the rules from the DMZ to the Internet and the Internet to the DMZ. In Check Point, you only use one rule, which works on both sites.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is really easy. You can do it in 30 minutes. Setting up an environment for a firewall and its management with a licensed demo took me an hour last week, and that includes the time for configuring the rules. The whole installation is 30 minutes and the configuration is another 30 minutes.

If you are implementing from another vendor, Check Point has a program called SmartMove. Then, all you need is the configuration of the previous firewall. Once you do some optimization, then you are ready for the integration. This might take a month overall.

What about the implementation team?

We consulted with one partner of Check Point, who is our provider. If the issue is really big, then we open a case with Check Point directly via the partner. My experience with them was really nice. It was the best experience that I had ever had.

They have amazing engineers. Their expertise is unbelievable. They do integrations really well. They could improve on routing and networking, but the product is what is important for me. 

What was our ROI?

The firewall is only for protection. It is not used to sell services.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing and licensing are expensive. If you compare it with Fortinet, then it is cheaper on a yearly basis. However, Check Point is the most expensive firewall right now in terms of licenses and its appliance. My recommendation is if you want a long-term investment, then you should use an open server. If you use an open server, then the latency is really low. If you pay for a full appliance, it's more expensive.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Check Point's web administration is not complete. If you compare it to Fortinet's web administration, Check Point's web administration is not nice. However, Check Point's full solution, including SmartConsole, is better than Fortinet's solution.

What other advice do I have?

If you use Apple computers or Linux, the product may not be a good choice for you.

I would rate the solution as a seven point eight out of 10. They can improve some things. They can make it more flexible in terms of its software. It is a good solution, and I like it. For me, it's the best firewall solution.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Engineer at CENACE
Real User
Efficient firewall protection
Pros and Cons
  • "It is easy to configure and it is a valuable antivirus protection. I especially like the IPS feature of this product."
  • "The presentation of the reports need to be more user-friendly."

What is our primary use case?

We use this product as firewall protection.

How has it helped my organization?

We are a utility company, so we need efficient antivirus protocols. The firewall support is extremely important to our organization. Checkpoint helps us protect our company from outside threats.

What is most valuable?

It is easy to configure and it is a valuable antivirus protection. I especially like the IPS feature of this product.

What needs improvement?

The presentation of the reports need to be more user-friendly. 

For how long have I used the solution?

More than five years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Sometimes we have problems. In those cases, we just need to reboot the system.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability of the solution is not great for us because we have old equipment. With newer equipment, I think the scalability would be much better. It is no fault of the solution itself. 

How are customer service and technical support?

The Checkpoint tech support takes a long time to resolve problems. 

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Prior to Checkpoint, we considered Cisco. 

How was the initial setup?

It was a complex setup. We had a partner configure the equipment. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The price is high in comparison to other solutions. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We are currently considering Fortinet as another possible option. 

What other advice do I have?

After much evaluation, we have decided to change our firewall.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Executivo de Negócios de TiC at a comms service provider with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Performs well and is easy to configure
Pros and Cons
  • "My customers cite performance and ease of configuration as two of the solution's most valuable features."
  • "The price is middling. It's much more expensive than Fortinet, although not so expensive when compared with Palo Alto."

What is our primary use case?

I have certain customers who make use of the solution for providing security in respect of internet access. I am aware only of the solution acting as a firewall. 

What is most valuable?

My customers cite performance and ease of configuration as two of the solution's most valuable features. 

What needs improvement?

The price is middling. It's much more expensive than Fortinet, although not so expensive when compared with Palo Alto. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution is significantly more expensive than Fortinet, although this holds true to a lesser extent when compared with Palo Alto. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

The solution is significantly more expensive than Fortinet, although this holds true to a lesser degree when compared with Palo Alto. 

What other advice do I have?

I do not have much familiarity with Check Point NGFW, although I do have several customers who make use of it. I can mainly comment based on what I have come across in user reviews in magazines.

I know the solution to be one of the top players in the world at the moment. 

As Check Point NGFW does not compare favorably price-wise with Fortinet, I am inclined to deduct a point from its rating and rate it as a nine out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Executive at a computer software company with 11-50 employees
Real User
Stable with good identity awareness and intrusion prevention
Pros and Cons
  • "We have found the solution to be scalable."
  • "The complexity could be fixed. It's a bit complex to set up, for example."

What is our primary use case?

We primarily use it for security.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features for us are the solution's identity awareness and intrusion prevention.

The solution is very stable.

We have found the solution to be scalable. 

Technical support is very good.

What needs improvement?

The complexity could be fixed. It's a bit complex to set up, for example. They could make it a streamlined and easier process. 

In a future release, it would be nice if they added web administration capabilities. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for about 20 years. It's been two decades at this point. I've used it for quite a while. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability of the solution has been excellent so far. There are no bugs or glitches and it doesn't crash or freeze. It's reliable. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability of the product is very good. If a company needs to expand it, it can. It's not hard. 

How are customer service and technical support?

We have found the technical support to be very helpful and responsive. We are satisfied with the level of support we get from them.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is not easy. It's a bit complex. 

What other advice do I have?

We're a partner.

I'd recommend this solution to other users and companies. We've been happy with its capabilities. 

I'd give the solution a rating of nine out of ten.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
it_user1364367 - PeerSpot reviewer
Sales Engineer at Unistar
Real User
Good technical support, reliable, and offers effective threat prevention
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable features are application control, regulation, and threat prevention."
  • "Compliance and centralized management can be improved."

What is our primary use case?

We are a system integrator and the Check Point Next-Generation Firewall is one of the solutions that we implement for our clients. It is primarily used for data protection, VPNs, and sandboxing. We also use it in our own data center.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features are application control, regulation, and threat prevention.

What needs improvement?

Compliance and centralized management can be improved.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using the Check Point NGFW for perhaps ten years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

This firewall runs 24 hours a day and it is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It scales okay because they are SCADA compliant and follow the industry standards. It is best suited to enterprise-level organizations.

How are customer service and technical support?

Technical support is located in Prague, Israel, and America. The support is good and they are quick.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We have also worked with Fortinet a little bit. We switched to Check Point because our team is a perfect fit for it. We know the solution well.

How was the initial setup?

The length of time required for deployment depends on the size of the environment. Our largest solution took us between 10 and 20 days.

What about the implementation team?

We have a contract with the vendor to implement and deploy this solution for customers. There are three engineers on the staff who are responsible for maintenance and support, including dealing with tickets.

In total, working with this solution, we have four engineers and two junior administrators.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

It is quite an expensive product, although security is a top priority. For people who want security, the price is not a problem, and everything is included in the price of the license.

What other advice do I have?

This is the number one, best firewall on the market. My biggest complaint is that the centralized management has to be improved.

I would rate this solution a ten out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
Download our free Check Point NGFW Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
Updated: September 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free Check Point NGFW Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.