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Drag and Drop components anywhere you like to create a mobile app perfectly tailored to you. Match your business's brand with custom fonts, color palettes, icons, logos, and more. Adalo has flexible database options for you. Choose between our internal database builder or integrate with backends, like Xano or Airtable, through our integration capabilities. With the Adalo app builder, you build your app once & publish it across app stores and a custom domain. Don't worry about choosing which platform is best - Adalo lets you publish your app to all platforms. Reach your customers exactly where they are, wherever that is, on any device. Adalo provides all you need to make money from your app, increase your users, and supercharge your business growth and profits.
Whether you're looking to get hands-on with no code creation, looking to launch your business, or want to extend your existing product to mobile - we make it easy. Create a mobile experience that works offline and dynamically adapts to the user's preferences, location, and other variables. With more than 50 design components, easy animations, and limitless logic blocks, it's fast and fun to realize your app idea. Get your product to market quickly with seamless publishing to the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or the mobile web. From input fields and buttons to maps and video players, we have everything you need to quickly build an intuitive user experience.
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