I give the solution a nine out of ten. Azure Virtual Desktop tends to be a problem for us, but Azure Lab Services is pretty straightforward. The educational institution we deal with has a small IT department, with only a few people, including the director and their networking people, and the firewall team. I have not met all of their administrators, so I can't provide an exact number of administrators. I don't know if other IT people are delegated the permission or role. But for the ones we implemented, I deal with less than five people. This solution is a competitor of all the VDIs out there right now. The solution's target audience is entities such as academia and educational institutions that need to provide virtual machines with customized templates. We've just been given a project to use a new product that we're not sure how new it is. We know about it and its inception, but don't know when it was first created. We've never had a customer that actually needed it before, but it does come in handy when we do Azure Virtual Desktop implementations. For those customers that want more control over their environment, we show them how to create a template and manage the Azure Labs for them. There's a delegation type of feature that's very hard to do with Azure Virtual Desktop implementations until we have to do some administrative components in order to give that type of implementation with actual labs.