McKesson ClaimsXten is a solution for clinically-based claims auditing that offers rules creation and firing that enable payers to process each claim under the specific terms and conditions of each benefit plan. ClaimsXten combines with McKesson Total Payment platform, a comprehensive library of McKesson clinical rule content, and a services team of medical claims experts to provide your organization with more medical and administrative savings opportunities. With full-service, technologically advanced ClaimsXten, offers a standard fee-for-service claim code editing
McKesson InterQual is an Evidence-Based Clinical Criteria that provides support covering medical and behavioral health across all levels of care as well as care planning and complex care management. InterQual's comprehensive portfolio includes five content suites: InterQual Level of Care Criteria, InterQual Behavioral Health Criteria, InterQual Care Planning Criteria, Content Powered by InterQual and InterQual Coordinated Care Content. InterQual Criteria connects and aligns payers, providers and other organizations with evidenceâbased clinical intelligence that helps care management decisions, support care, manage medical resources.