z/OS, its subsystems, databases, middleware, applications, and software generate thousands of
event messages daily. IT professionals need a tool to filter, prioritize, and respond quickly to
these events before they impact availability and threaten business processing and associated
service level agreements. CA OPS/MVS EMA automates processes, enabling you to resolve
problems as they arise. It also automates more routine tasks, simplifying IT management and
CA SYSVIEW Performance Management offers new levels of visibility into critical business transactions that provide 24x7 monitoring for complex application environments. This real-time visibility is a critical asset to simplify mainframe performance management by monitoring against alerts, drilling down for intuitive problem identification, and basing automation on performance intelligence. Instead of using different tools, processes and people to support each environment, now there's an enterprise-wide solution that monitors the real-time performance of mainframe subsystems, providing additional integrated data.