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Red Hat AMQ vs VMware Tanzu Data Solutions comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Red Hat AMQ
Ranking in Message Queue (MQ) Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
VMware Tanzu Data Solutions
Ranking in Message Queue (MQ) Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Database Development and Management (7th), Relational Databases Tools (9th), Data Warehouse (7th)

Featured Reviews

Bhushan Patil - PeerSpot reviewer
May 24, 2024
Reliable, offers good scalability but has multiple components like several queue managers
We just started working with Red Hat AMQ. We selected it as the ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) platform for a new airport project. I manage the entire Master System Integration (MSI) project for one of the new airports.   I like its flexibility, scalability, and the number of protocols it supports.…
Erick  Karanja - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 11, 2024
Management interface is cool and offers good features like dead-lettering (DLXs) and more
I like many features in RabbitMQ. Number one, reliability for the messages is key. RabbitMQ ensures your messages are safe. They are not deleted and stuff. Number two, they have a very good feature called Retrying messages – it's all about retries. You can easily retry a message through RabbitMQ. So, if processing fails, you can push the message back into RabbitMQ. Maybe you can re-consume it and so on. They also have features like tags, which we call "dead-lettering (DLXs)." If it's approved, it means the messages have been delivered. If it's false or missing the first time you get it, you can make decisions based on that. The feature assigned to code for it is called the dead-letter queue. Moreover, the management interface is so cool. It's simple. It's able to give us an overview of the messages that have been consumed, pending messages, messages that have been delivered, messages that have been acknowledged, and so on. We can also extend that management to tools like... we can extend the management through, like, Kibana or Grafana

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"AMQ is highly scalable and performs well. It can process a large volume of messages in one second. AMQ and OpenShift are a good combination."
"This product is well adopted on the OpenShift platform. For organizations like ours that use OpenShift for many of our products, this is a good feature."
"The most valuable feature for us is the operator-based automation that is provided by Streams for infrastructure as well as user and topic management. This saves a lot of time and effort on our part to provide infrastructure. For example, the deployment of infrastructure is reduced from approximately a week to a day."
"The solution is very lightweight, easy to configure, simple to manage, and robust since it launched."
"The most valuable feature is stability."
"My impression is that it is average in terms of scalability."
"Reliability is the main criterion for selecting this tool for one of the busiest airports in Mumbai."
"I can organize the tool with microservices, which allows me to use it across different services. It is easy to learn."
"The security is great."
"After creating a RabbitMQ service, they provide you with a sort of web management dashboard."
"The stability of this solution was very good."
"The solution's technical support is good."
"A very good, open-source platform."
"Very fast for query processing."
"The solution has really cool features to use. Its management console is excellent. You can utilize plugins to view the performance of the whole service on one network."
"Tanzu Greenplum's most valuable features include the integration of modern data science approaches across an MPP platform."


"There is improvement needed to keep the support libraries updated."
"The product needs to improve its documentation and training."
"There are some aspects of the monitoring that could be improved on. There is a tool that is somewhat connected to Kafka called Service Registry. This is a product by Red Hat that I would like to see integrated more tightly."
"The turnaround of adopting new versions of underlying technologies sometimes is too slow."
"AMQ could be better integrated with Jira and patch management tools."
"There are several areas in this solution that need improvement, including clustering multi-nodes and message ordering."
"This product needs better visualization capabilities in general."
"Red Hat AMQ's cost could be improved, and it could have better integration."
"It doesn't have any GUI-based monitoring tools."
"Initial setup is a little complex. It took around two weeks to deploy."
"There are some security concerns that have been raised with this product."
"If you have a user consuming a huge load of resources, it takes down the entire system."
"The fact that a single queue can't be distributed across multiple instances/nodes is a major disadvantage."
"The solution needs improvement on performance."
"Implementing a circuit breaker scenario using RabbitMQ is complicated. This complexity arises because manual intervention is required to manage worker details and handle operations based on worker IP addresses."
"RabbitMQ is clearly better supported on Linux than it is on Windows. There are idiosyncrasies in the Windows version that are not there on Linux."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is open-source."
"This is a very cost-effective solution and the pricing is much better than competitors."
"I would rate the pricing a six out of ten, with ten being expensive."
"There is a subscription needed for this solution and there are support plans available."
"Red Hat AMQ's pricing could be improved."
"The price is pretty good."
"It is an open-source platform. Although, we have to pay for additional features."
"It’s an open-source solution."
"It is the best product with best fit for price/performance customer objectives."
"This is an open source solution."
"Pricing is good compared to other products. It's fine."
"The solution's pricing is cost-effective as it does not involve significant expenses. Licensing is required only for the server, while clients do not need any licensing. Therefore, it proves to be a cost-efficient option."
"Tanzu Greenplum's pricing is really competitive and gives excellent value for money."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Red Hat AMQ?
AMQ is highly scalable and performs well. It can process a large volume of messages in one second. AMQ and OpenShift are a good combination.
What needs improvement with Red Hat AMQ?
The product needs to improve its documentation and training.
What is your primary use case for Red Hat AMQ?
We just started working with Red Hat AMQ. We selected it as the ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) platform for a new airport project. I manage the entire Master System Integration (MSI) project for one ...
How does IBM MQ compare with VMware RabbitMQ?
IBM MQ has a great reputation behind it, and this solution is very robust with great stability. It is easy to use, simple to configure and integrates well with our enterprise ecosystem and protocol...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for VMware Tanzu Greenplum?
It’s an open-source solution. There are no expenses for using it.

Also Known As

Red Hat JBoss A-MQ, Red Hat JBoss AMQ
Greenplum, Pivotal Greenplum, VMware RabbitMQ, VMware Tanzu GemFire, VMware Postgres

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Sample Customers

E*TRADE, CERN, CenturyLink, AECOM, Sabre Holdings
General Electric, Conversant, China CITIC Bank, Aridhia, Purdue University
Find out what your peers are saying about Red Hat AMQ vs. VMware Tanzu Data Solutions and other solutions. Updated: September 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.