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DECOYnet is a security product that does what firewalls, IPSs and anti-viruses cannot do - it detects attacks in progress and defeats them. DECOYnet reveals the presence of malware and attackers that have infiltrated your network and are trying to steal your information, using a new and unique approach of decoys and traps in the network, while identifying CnC-asset communication. Once DECOYnet has discovered an attacker at work, it proceeds to deceive, confuse and slow down the attack. This is a very different mode of operation compared to security products like firewalls, IPSs and anti-viruses, which attempt to identify and stop malware from entering your system. DECOYnet, in comparison to these blocking and identifying approaches, is dedicated to identifying intruders by their behavior, without any preconceptions about how the target suspect might look, or how it came to be there.