API-Management from Scheer PAS offers you maximum control with the administration and optimization of your programming interfaces.
This comes from the differing levels of access rights for the use and administration of API’s, services and clients. The supply and publishing of agreements (contracts) can also be controlled flexibly and in real time. Access to interfaces is possible via (fixed) contracts as well as via the use of open API’s. The documentation of your API’s is secured over their complete lifecycle with the help of Swagger (Open API Specification)
You benefit from the comprehensive functionality of the Process Automation Suite integration platform. All connected REST and SOAP interfaces are secured via API Management. In addition, REST and SOAP interfaces from other systems can also be administered. You can now offer the flexible use of individual API’s to your developers and partners as well as to your end-customers. Scheer PAS API Management makes possible the direct import of xUML Service endpoints into API-Management.
The availability of policies offers additional benefits for your agility. These are a succession of differing statements that are applied sequentially at diverse points (API, plan, client etc.) and which can be adapted flexibly to specific needs. Policies in API-Management offer the opportunity to adapt the behaviour of an interface quickly and easily.
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