My original use for this solution was as a reseller to learn more about the product. I know about other solutions and want to be able to provide information on a wider variety of products to clients that they may know about.
For me, one of the most valuable features would be that I want to block attachments by extension type in Office, but it is not possible using SonicWall Email Security — at least not in any solution that I have found. The SonicWall Firewall device does not block all macros with the version or configuration I have. This is a problem. But SonicWall support said that new features will be coming in September or October to resolve the issue. It will come, but I don't know exactly when and I have not seen it. So this will be the most valuable for me when it is available.
I think one improvement would be to add HTML recovery for scanning all attachments and links for malware and macros. It would be nice to add some features to block commands and the ability to open Office 365 products, even if it is just added as an extra feature.
Overall, I'd advise adding some blocking unit. It is something I need in an update, but I don't see any solution for it in the email security features.
They should add features for better control of blocking attachments, blocking macros, blocking contacts, etcetera. Features like this are very important. Contextual help features would be nice for those discovering the product. But attachment control for Office is important and should be the feature to focus on right now if they can deliver just one feature in the next release.
Other than that, really I think the features are perfect, but attachment controls are so important it hurts the usability of the product.
I have been using this solution for about six months.
Recently I had a problem using a SonicWall firewall device. We had a problem especially with the NFC model (Near Field Communication), even if it was with only two or three devices. We didn't have any access to the interface and through IP management, I didn't get any reply or connection. I could send a ping and I got a return, but I could not access the page. I researched the problem and I know the solution, but it doesn't work. Problems such as this where certain devices can't be used limits the scalability.
I used SonicWall support sometimes. Most of the time I research and I solve any problems I have by myself because it is quicker and often easier. The company's actual support should be a little bit better.
On the other hand, I learned solutions to issues simply by doing some research on the SonicWall web pages and community. If I need some answers, I found I can resolve it through other options they provide in the community. Sometimes support staff didn't seem to know as much as the user community, or they don't give as much information as they should for users to be able to resolve an issue. Because of these things, when I had problems with SonicWall Email Security, I was more inclined to solve any problems I had by myself. So support could definitely be upgraded.
The installation was not complex. Because I am a resale agent and engineer, I am familiar with other, similar products. This made the deployment easier.
I use a reseller for the deployment, though I think I could have done it myself.
One of the most important things for me is choosing an email security device. These products need to have full features to give you the best protection. products delivering this type of security need to remain up-to-date, available and usable.
I would rate it a nine out of ten.