We found StarWind when trying to look for a hybrid storage space that could handle various physical hardware as well as virtual operating systems.
Upon first contacting the company, the sales and technical demo were superb compared to other products and they clearly explained and showed us a live demo of our potential environment.
The whole purchase process was swift and followed up by calls and emails from their team.
Compared to other products that we looked at, the cost-saving was so great that choosing StarWind was a no-brainer.
When I need something urgently and very technical, I get the answer back that I want. I don't have to battle through with a first liner that tells me to "turn it off and on again".
The solution has improved our organization by:
1. The variety of services offered
2. The financial viability compared to the services offered
3. Product functionality and performance is suitable for our organization
4. The strong consultation accessibility for customers that wish to discuss the product first with their experts and start the process how they like it, not how the company wants it to
5. The support team has the expertise of a strong service in the products that their customers have purchased
6. StarWinds, in general, has a strong user community that offers help on forums and other sites
7. The company has a firm customer focus keeping in touch with us at all times, even after purchasing the initial product after two years
The features that I found most valuable are ease of use of the software that StarWind offers - with the first setup being a bit painful. However, now that we have a handle on it, it saves a great ton of time on management and caring about the hardware part of it as all it is is a software-based solution. I love managing the cluster that we have set up via the Virtual Storage Attached Network device, with the Web Management being so simple yet packed with all the features that I require. The management of the traffic and the speeds are awesome as well.
Some users have commented on online forums and others that the documentation and KB articles could be clearer or better written. However, I found this to be the case a couple of years ago. Now, in 2022, this has been rectified and you can usually find the information that you are looking for.
Another problem that we have come across is that when you will cease your contract with StarWind (for support) your product won't be updated and that is a big selling point, especially for us, as we have loads of products from StarWind.
I've been using the product for around two years now.
We previously used the standard SAN hardware solution from a big IT company - we switched to basically save on hardware costs and maintenance.
The initial setup cost will be great, especially with the new hardware. The StarWind pricing isn't that expensive compared to others, however, there are yearly maintenance costs to be aware of.
Yes, we had a look at Lenovo XClarity as well as Nutanix AOS and VMWare vSAN.
I'd advise new users to not hesitate and just go ahead with it.