Our use cases are generally related to front-end UI-based automations that emulate tasks done by teams. For example, we do front-end SAP automation for data entry and scraping or posting data to websites that are related to the organization. We use UiPath for other automations like extracting and manipulating data from Excel. The primary use cases are in finance, HR, and operations. In logistics, it's used in full-sprint solutions.
UiPath's ability to do end-to-end automation is crucial. If we do the automation in bits and pieces, it's challenging to integrate it. The best part is that the turnaround time is drastically reduced because the process isn't being put on hold in between two manual interventions. The more permissions we apply, the more we reduce the turnaround time. However, the smaller automations don't impact the turnaround time that much. If the logic is set correctly, it can completely eliminate human error.
The UiPath community development forum is helpful. Developers can access all the information they need if they get stuck. For our use case, we refer to OpenMedia, not any particular program. To understand what are the RDP use cases. I personally follow primary and secondary research forums as well as McKinsey's technology consulting newsletters and documentation.
The UiPath Academy explains various use case scenarios through videos and training sessions. It's all practical, hands-on instruction instead of purely theoretical. That made a significant difference by increasing our confidence in the product and ability to create our own automation. You can track each team member's training steps in parallel because everyone needs to be on the same page.
Uipath doesn't necessarily reduce our on-premise footprint. We use UiPath to automate configuration integration, so I can't say there is any direct impact because RPA is now just part of our on-prem ecosystem. The solution doesn't require expensive or complex application upgrades, but certain applications need scripts to be enabled to get UiPath working on their front end.
It saves time, but the amount varies. Each process has a different impact depending on the frequency of that process. If a process is running daily, the values are high, but sometimes it's low. The organization aims to have one bot per person, so everyone has one attended bot that can replicate their monitor network. It's the equivalent of adding one FTE per year by default per person. Every person can have a bot, scale up the work, and get more done in a day.
The amount of money saved also depends on how often the process runs. We pay per bot, so if the bot isn't running frequently, we might not save any money. However, if the requirement is to do many more tasks than a single person can handle, it makes sense to use a bot, and we can save a lot of money that way. Sometimes, we have different goals beyond just saving money or reducing the time that our staff members spend on tasks. We might deploy a bot to improve the user experience and save the user some time. In some cases, we might not see short-term savings, but we'll see a benefit from it in the long run as the process volume increases.
The feature I like the most is ONEWEB UI automation. UiPath's OCR technology also works well. There is another feature called Action Center that lets you decide what happens after the data is captured. It passes the data into Action Center, where a person can review and approve it before it goes to the next step. It helps us manage our attended bot processes.
It's generally easy to build processes because of the drag-and-drop configurable suite. However, more complex expressions may require some kind of functional coding. UiPath also has some prebuilt functions in its training module that can be utilized to enter the expressions and get the job done. That's one workaround.
UiPath's built-in integration with Python scripts could be more robust so that I do not have to depend on another technology and I can do everything on one platform.
Each program you write on UiPath contributes to bot consumption and utilization. As you add more bots, your costs will increase for more actions. Python is open-source, so it is totally free. Depending on our automation needs, we go back and forth between these two technologies. Better integration between these two tools will help organizations cover all areas of automation without more cost-effectively.
I have used UiPath for approximately two years.
I rate UiPath nine out of 10 for stability. We haven't faced any challenges with UiPath's stability because it is a SaaS product. It runs on the UiPath cloud, and things are working fine.
UiPath is fully scalable. I haven't faced any challenges in terms of scalability because the cost is not per user or per process. It is priced according to the amount of bots being consumed, so it all depends upon the complexity of your own project. If the complexity is lower you can reuse and share
I rate UiPath support nine out of 10. They always respond with solutions within the time established by the SLA.
We were working with Power Automate. It has benefits from a cost perspective. The cost per developer is much lower relative to UiPath. Power Automate is a more cost-effective solution for larger enterprises. However, UiPath has more technological capabilities, and it's more user-friendly for developers, which is why UiPath is being adopted more over Power Automate. At the same time, Power Automate is continuously improving, so it may reach the same level as UiPath in the future.
We are using the cloud version of UiPath, which is hosted by the UiPath team themselves. We do not use a private cloud. The network configuration didn't take much time. The deployment involves setting up a UiPath account and configuring permissions. It is a SaaS platform like Office 365.
The deployment time is just the amount of time required to develop processes for the project. It depends on the size and complexity. A project with hundreds of activities might take a few months, but a simple project with only two processes can be done in a few hours.
I rate UiPath eight out of 10.