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Director, Data & Analytics, Intelligent Automation, ASSA ABLOY Americas at a construction company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Straightforward setup; saves hours
Pros and Cons
  • "We are seeing many hours saved with respect to automation. Automation should be on every project's agenda."
  • "One way to improve the UiPath Academy, I think, would be to add some real life use cases and take the students through the automation process. These would be good for citizen developers to start with."

What is our primary use case?

We have multiple accounts sellable, accounts payable, corporate finance, and supply chain use cases. We have started some use cases at the factory floor automation as well.

How has it helped my organization?

There are so many benefits to using UiPath, but getting the buy-in is very important from the end users. We are seeing many hours saved with respect to automation. Automation should be on every project's agenda. 

What is most valuable?

Scaling at pace with regards to the industry has been the most valuable UiPath feature for us. I would also add that there are so many features in RPA. 

What needs improvement?

We are leveraging the UiPath Academy for our citizen developer program. We are asking them to train at their own pace. The courses are straightforward.

The adoption rate for this program is low, however. Out of the 150 citizen developers that started, only 10 decided to continue the process.

One way to improve the UiPath Academy, I think, would be to add some real-life use cases and take the students through the automation process. These would be good for citizen developers to start with.

Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

We started our UiPath journey early last year. It has been a year and six months. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

UiPath is stable. The automations we have in place right now are stable. 

How are customer service and support?

Over the past two years, I've reached out to them maybe twice. 

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was straightforward. When we started this automation journey, instead of going with complex use cases, we picked three simple ones. We started with the accounts receivable processes. 

Deployment took us six weeks. 

What was our ROI?

As of now, we have automated 160 processes using UiPath and saved many hours. We have saved around 60,000 hours. Although we are not directly reducing costs, we are avoiding the cost of hiring new people.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution is very expensive. It's getting harder for me to convince my management about licensing costs. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Yes, we considered Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere. We created an automation using both of these and UiPath and ultimately decided on the latter. UiPath is more compatible with the other applications we were already using. Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is our ERP and they partner with UiPath, so that was a major plus for us. Also, UiPath has very straightforward coding courses.

What other advice do I have?

It is usually not easy to build a complex automation. The whole process takes about four to six weeks for a complex automation. Most of the time is spent on gathering the requirements. The development itself does not take much time.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
RPA Developer Manager at First Horizon Bank
Real User
Added the ability to do jobs without having to worry about error handling
Pros and Cons
  • "The Academy courses are good. That's usually what I start new developers with; to do those and then kind of have them go and try to do courses periodically to kind of stay up to date and especially when a new release is coming out. The hands-on training is the most valuable part of it."
  • "We could use a little more interaction with users, like with UiPath, the vendor, and support."

What is our primary use case?

We do product downloads, accounts, updates, maintenance, a lot of operation stuff, reading emails, responding, organizing stuff to send, etc.

How has it helped my organization?

It's definitely added some efficiencies. It's added the ability to do jobs without having to worry about error handling and process tasks on a daily basis without having somebody having to be responsible for it.

We see UiPath as a money-saving solution. It also saves us man-hours and human error. It affected our ability to automate processes that are more complex.

The Academy courses are good. That's usually what I start new developers with; to do those and then have them try to do courses periodically to stay up to date and especially when a new release is coming out. The hands-on training is the most valuable part of it. 

What is most valuable?

We use the solution's error functionality. 

What needs improvement?

There's a little bit of a learning curve to build automations, especially in the citizen developer world. Usually, the technical people are busy a lot of times, so it's hard to get them trained. But as far as developers, they usually come along pretty well, from my experience.

We could use a little more interaction with users, like with UiPath, the vendor, and support.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath for two and a half years. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We had a vendor that kind of offered to do a few, like bring you the UiPath and do some automations for us. We dipped our toes into that and liked what UiPath has, so we kept them.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate UiPath an eight out of ten. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.
RPA Solution Architect / Project Manager at Ariamehrgan Information Technology
Real User
Quick to develop automations, with great parallel processing and a simple implementation process
Pros and Cons
  • "The speed of development in UiPath is very fast."
  • "There are minor bugs. Every major software has bugs. That said, all are solvable, all are resolvable, and it's not a very bad thing."

What is our primary use case?

There are lots of use cases. Mostly, there are many gaps in organizations that buy a lot of software and a lot of automation platforms like ERPs, however, they don't know how to actually create an end-to-end process and connect those systems. In those cases, they end up like small islands in a big organization. What I started doing was filling those gaps. After that, we use the RPA to fulfill that. For me, a lot of processing in Excel or some processes that needed multiple users to interact is what we use the solution for. We just capture those tasks and convert them to RPA bots. Basically, we've automated a lot of manual tasks.

We do not use UiPath in the contact center environment. In our case, contact centers here are really dependent on CRMs. Even using chatbots in contact centers is still very new in Iran. These foreign branches, these foreign companies that are in Iran, do not see any potential to use RPA in this scenario. 

How has it helped my organization?

Mostly, UiPath has improved my career. I am an RPA Developer, and without UiPath my job wouldn’t exist. UiPath changed my career. Due to UiPath (not Automation Anywhere or not Blue Prism), there’s a noticeable increase in the speed of development. I was a C# Developer and it's helped me a lot. Generally, UiPath is in the top 10 and has offered a lot of new technological shifts and people are talking about it more. When people are talking, there are great opportunities. There are now new voices that can be heard. 

UiPath is constantly listening. That's a good point for UiPath - it's always listening from its community to its top customers and interacting with comments. Due to the fact that it listens, it integrates new software, goes into end-to-end automation, and changes for the better. Someday they will have Autonomous RPA, a real Autonomous RPA that can actually decide like a true robot, not just a robot that works on a script. One day they will offer a true robot that can finally decide what to do in certain situations, not by just using something like document understanding that we call Machine Learning. UiPath is very, very good at giving true innovation to people. It’s a win-win for everyone.

What is most valuable?

RPA is actually something that can be executed, that can be used side by side with many programming technologies.

The speed of development in UiPath is very fast. For example, sometimes you want to do many frameworks and the budget is low, with the timeline being very crucial. With UiPath Studio and with the whole UiPath platform, it can be very fast to develop and deploy. That's the main advantage for me personally - that the speed of development is great.

UiPath enables us to implement end-to-end automation starting with process analysis, then robot building, and finally monitoring. They are all there. The one exception I’ve noticed is that end-to-end automation is still lagging, I have reasons for that. However, the monitoring of the robots or even using insights is there. They are the prerequisites for an RPA platform. They are great suites. They are necessities.

I like parallel processing. I like that a robot can do some parallel stuff while the user continues to do their own thing. If it needs interaction, we can just pop up a clear window or apps, for example, or through email, in order to inform the user about the robot's request.

AI Automation overall has enabled us to automate more processes. However, when we go forward and move forward, we see that we can digitalize those documents before it needs to be processed by an image machine-like OCR or even Machine Learning. For example, there are still handwritten documents. We’ve convinced many organizations to drop those handwritten documents and use digital products for us. Those are immediate time savings for the process. We are not using document processing anymore, for example, in a specific organization. For processes that still need to have handwritten or printed out documents, document understanding could be fine. I really hope, however, that they shift to AI, which is what RPA lacks. RPA lacks Autonomous Automation, that's something that everyone is waiting for. We’d like to have a robot that's actually using the computer with its own mind, not just the workflow we give it.

What needs improvement?

For end-to-end scenarios, UiPath is still growing. I'm not saying that UiPath isn’t good. There is a lot of potential. They're using UiPath Actions or Apps, for example. Dashboards ensure that end users can interact in a new way with robots or with the whole end-to-end automation. RPA is a technology that hasn't maxed out yet.

Someday, there will be no legacy software or very intelligent processes that will use APIs. It’s my understanding that UiPath bought some company that specializes in API Automation. For end-to-end automation, UiPath needs to integrate all those components, rather than task automation to process automation, real process automation. With RPA, if you read the HFS report, you see that the process version is actually not a process. It's tasks. Perhaps in their next LTS release, UiPath will actually gain to that point.

There are minor bugs. Every major software has bugs. That said, all are solvable, all are resolvable, and it's not a very bad thing.

Mostly, licensing must be improved somehow. Licensing is very expensive. Even in many industrial countries such as the USA or UK, UiPath is still very expensive. For example, Microsoft now owns its own RPA, Power Automate, and the pricing is much more reasonable than UiPath. UiPath licensing is very vague and expensive. There are some ways that they can reduce the cost to make everyone benefit from an RPA.

UiPath needs a lot of maintenance. Every RPA vendor, every RPA on-premise software, needs a lot of maintenance. The cloud version has reduced that, as far as I know. It’s resolved the maintenance issue so that users can focus more on other things. Every new feature will be first on the cloud version and eventually, we can benefit from that.

We use document understanding. For English documents, it helps, however, for Persian documents, due to the fact that the models, the Machine Learning models, that are pre-built, are based on English or other common languages. If we want to actually use Persian, we need to use AI Fabric and build our own models. It's now out of our budget to do something like that here.

For how long have I used the solution?

It's almost been three years since I first started using UiPath.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I don't like the stability very much as it has minor bugs.

You see that processes break without any reason. When you check the system, check every log, even view robot logs or logs in the network level and you see that it has, it's only then that you realize the issue was a bug from the UiPath platform. Once that happens, you must go to the community and explain the situation to each other. The good thing is, there is a community right there and you can learn from each other. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Scalability is great. UiPath has many capabilities. Anyone, via a simple search, can go through UiPath and even try the enterprise version and just see for themselves that there are many, many, many capabilities. You can use .NET and there are many NuGet packages that you can use or you can even design your own custom package. There are many great platforms, such as Insights, Action Center, UiPath platforms, and so many different types of robots.

How are customer service and technical support?

In terms of technical support, I do not have the opportunity to speak with them, as we are in Iran, and, due to sanctions, we do not have a direct opportunity to speak directly to UiPath's support. Therefore, I cannot have an opinion on their services.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I'm familiar with other RPA solutions such as Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism.  

I saw a lot of people that are going to RPA. I put myself in their shoes. However, from my perspective, UiPath has a great community. The UiPath forum is very good compared to Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism. Every technology can be learned, sooner or later. That said, the first thing that any kind of technological software needs to have is a good community to facilitate that learning. Without community, you cannot spread the word, you cannot spread the knowledge. It's the first thing that UiPath has over both of these other solutions. 

And the second thing is, as a technological matter, UiPath is much better. The other two lack the connection, lack the integration. The user interfaces of both Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism are terrible. I do not like them. They're not very intuitive and they are not easy to learn. UiPath is using Workflow Hosting Foundation from Microsoft and great integrations with .NET, which is so much better than the other ways that other vendors are approaching things.

How was the initial setup?

I'm typically involved in the setup. I'm involved in every phase of the process. 

The setup is straightforward. They're using .NET Core now and before that, they were using ASP.NET's Standard Framework. The company has relied on default application configuration as far as, for example, in web.config or .JSONs. Most configuration must be done in the UI itself. I don't really like to just manipulate files at the system level just to do something. I believe that's the way now, however, that can be improved. It could be just in the UI and the certainty would be much better.

The length of time it takes to set up a robot deployment depends on the project itself, however, for a small project, it can be in one month to 45 days.

The initial deployment of UiPath is not more than three days.

Setting up UiPath doesn't have any standard process. There's just documentation. We are always using its documentation.

What other advice do I have?

We do not have any relationship with UiPath directly. We are just a contractor doing RPA for foreign companies that are based in Iran.

Iran has sanctions against it, and there are a few companies that are local branches of foreign companies, and those that have licenses from UiPath all use on-premise deployments. We're always using the latest versions of the solution. Right now, we are on version 19 and it's in the 2010 LTS.

I didn't have the opportunity to use UiPath Cloud. I'm in Iran and I don’t have access. There are some capabilities that are still in the cloud version, like Apps.

While it depends on the project requirements, much of our work is on attended automation. I see attended automation as a gateway to an RPA solution as users are very busy and we cannot just pop-up in some programs, random programs, and stuff so they end up having to wait. I do not believe that attended automation helps users as much as an unattended version can help. This is due to the fact that at some point, someone still has to be involved in the process.

RPA is a new technology and a new shift that there's no good book on how to manage. Maybe there are some, however, they can be obsolete rather quickly, as the technology is changing and with every new version. That's why hands-on experience is the best way to learn. Even for UiPath, without any practice, without any hands-on experience, and without any good community, you cannot do anything.

If someone wants to learn UiPath, first they must sign up within the community and then go to UiPath Academy. Start there. Practice. Get in touch with people in the community, and then create a small use case and do some hands-on work. Practice is very crucial in RPA. Don't forget to review official documentation as well, as it will save you lots of time. 

I'd rate the solution at an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Software Developer - II at Rackspace Technology
Real User
Reduces human error and minimizes our on-premises footprint
Pros and Cons
  • "The solution has reduced costs overall via automation. However, I cannot speak to exact cost savings. As a whole, it's saved our organization money."
  • "With artificial intelligence or natural language processing, we need to get in touch with the servers, however, we cannot do it without getting a proper license. Maybe a mode of artificial intelligence and natural language processing should be included without needing a different license."

How has it helped my organization?

Earlier, there was no integration of PagerDuty. In any process, we had been working with many stakeholders and many other clients, however, sometimes if any process needed to be done at a particular time, for example, 8:00 AM in the morning, and was not running at that time, we would get a failure message. Now, we instantly get an alert on our phone, or we get an alert on Teams or Slack. This UiPath integration, with all the features, is very beneficial as it is keeping us up to date and on schedule. If there are any failures the production support team can know and handle them immediately.

What is most valuable?

All the features, all the packages, everything, have been great. All of the artificial intelligence which we are getting is super-useful, as are all the needed updates.

All the features are valuable as, much like any application, it cannot work without just one feature. For example, we have PDF automation, we have Excel automation, Citrix, SAP, and we have SharePoint automation - which makes it so that we can automate anything. All the features combined allow us to work on multiple projects or one specific project. 

The ease of building automation using this solution is good. I really enjoy the flexibility. It's also very easy. We do need a few coding skills with languages like C# or Power Automate. However, it's got a good UI, with drag and drop functionality. That makes it easy compared to other tools, like Prism automation. UiPath is much better and it's highly recommended.

Scaling automation without worrying about the infrastructure was easy. I simply did some googling and looked to see which automation tools were out there and which was the leader. There were multiple training portals - including UiPath Academy, where I was able to pull all of these tutorials and insights. There's also a free forum where queries are answered. It made everything quite easy. 

The solution enables us to implement end-to-end automation starting with process analysis, and robot building. This end-to-end coverage is important to me as we follow an agile methodology. We have an RPA development life cycle. This product gives us all the tools and everything we need. The requirement gathering and document preparation come as standard models. We have UiPath Studio for testing and UiPath test features for maintenance. We have the Orchestrator where we can maintain everything as well. We can see where things are working or not. In fact, we have integration with PagerDuty that gives alerts if something is failing or not working. It's really important that UiPath has integrated across all the life cycles, and that all the phases are working properly.

UiPath has helped to minimize our on-premises footprint, which has been very important to me. It's very important due to the fact that we can build a robust and scalable solution for an enterprise and have security in UiPath. It's very important that customer satisfaction is there, no matter what we are developing. It's very important to our organization.

It's a very fast solution. It can provide a result or automation to a business process within seconds. If we have an API, we can integrate EPS as well instead of using the UI. Basically, we can get any solution we need within seconds. It's very fast.

I have noticed that the solution reduces the cost of digital transformation as we are saving on manual hours. It's reducing them. We don't have to hire more people to do these manual jobs, which has helped us reduce the cost.

We did require application upgrades and IT application support. We wanted to update and get all the latest features that UiPath often releases. I've seen every month or every year we get all of these new packages. It's better to include the latest version to get all the latest features.

With UiPath, we have reduced human error. Humans are prone to making errors that they can make at any time. The bot does not. It's continuously given proper feedback. The lack of human errors has affected business a lot. The bot allows for complete confidence that perfect work is being done. It has also freed up employee time. We've saved thousands of hours. We have ten processes that are running in production. Up to this point, with those running, we have saved up to 1,918 hours from the automation. On top of that, employees can now focus on higher-value work. It has improved work satisfaction. There is more self-motivation that boosts the work, which we are doing.

The solution has reduced costs overall via automation. However, I cannot speak to exact cost savings. As a whole, it's saved our organization money.

What needs improvement?

Right now, we don't have many use cases in the field of NLP, natural language processing, or artificial intelligence. There are not many tutorials or any videos or enough insights shared by the UiPath Academy. If we could get more insights, that would be great.

With artificial intelligence or natural language processing, we need to get in touch with the servers, however, we cannot do it without getting a proper license. Maybe a mode of artificial intelligence and natural language processing should be included without needing a different license.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for the past three years. I am currently working in Rackspace Technology. It's been two years looking at it now and one year in my previous organization, which was essential.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The solution is very stable. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is scalable. So far it's not been getting into trouble, and we haven't tested the boundaries, however, it's scalable.

I've been using the solution for the past three years myself. We also have a developer and some bigger production staff. There might be a few people who use it here and there. 

It's been extensively used in our organization. We are getting in touch with many internal clients, internal business units, and getting more projects. We are in the process of expanding it. Right now, we have five to 10 business units, such as accounting, et cetera, and we are trying to expand further out to other departments. 

How are customer service and support?

I've never used UiPath technical support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I did not previously use a different solution. 

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was easy. We basically had to install UiPath Studio and the tool, as well as the orchestrator. It was quite straightforward and easy.

The deployment process was just a couple of minutes. It was maybe five minutes. Not more than that.

We didn't have much of an implementation strategy beyond setting it up and working with a model via the deployment team. 

What about the implementation team?

We handled the implementation ourselves. 

What was our ROI?

While I have noted an ROI, I cannot share specific data points.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I don't know much about the buying, the pricing, and other cost-related details. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I did evaluate other options, such as Automation Anywhere, however, I have found that UiPath has a better interface and all the activities can be seen more visibly on the screen.

What other advice do I have?

We are just a customer. 

At this time, we have not automated departments or role-specific processes that require human-robot collaboration. Mostly, we have unattended automation such as NOMA inclusion. We do not use the AI functionality in our automation process just yet and we do not use the solution's automation cloud offering. We also have not used the UiPath apps feature.

I would advise users considering the solution to try it once. The community edition is free. You can explore and download the community edition and take note of all the features which UiPath offers. If it suits the company, I would advise users to go contact the UiPath technical team or support team and get more information on how to implement UiPath.

The more you explore, the more you'll learn. It's not just the straightforward drag and drop functionality. Many people say that UiPath is just for a person with no technical knowledge. However, the more knowledge you have of the technical side, with an understanding of languages like Java, Python, C#, the more you'll excel as it's based on a .NET framework. 

I'd rate the solution at a nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Robotics Engineer at Siemens Industry
Real User
Enables us to cost-effectively implement numerous small automation projects
Pros and Cons
  • "We are using the solution's selector technology for UI automation. That is the most important feature for us. For example, one of the applications in our company is being updated day by day, by the development team. We use selector to make it dynamic."
  • "An area which the UiPath team is rapidly working on is machine learning and artificial intelligence. At the moment, it is a little difficult to understand. If they could add some more training on it in their Academy, it would help customers to learn about these features."

What is our primary use case?

One of the use cases that I have recently completed is related to SAP and the interaction with Excel and our internal application. We are going with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP application and we used UiPath to help in this area, and were able to do so within a few days.

Some of our people are going for process automation and some are doing desktop automation.

How has it helped my organization?

It helps our developers learn and implement things faster.

Also, the UI Targets feature has helped us with some difficult situations. We were using other solutions for these situations but our company has moved away from them to using UiPath, and it's working very well. 

UiPath provides lots of integration to our ERP application and lots of new updates are coming out day by day. It helps us to automate our tasks.

What is most valuable?

We are using the solution's selector technology for UI automation. That is the most important feature for us. For example, one of the applications in our company is being updated day by day, by the development team. We use selector to make it dynamic.

We also use the latest version of the desktop Assistant tool for some queueing activity in UiPath Orchestrator. The tasks in the queue are continually updated and then they are run by robots. Using Assistant, we get a lot of information about our queues, like if something fails, for example. Also if a robot fails we get robot status-type information from the Assistant. The Assistant plays a good role because, if a process is going wrong, we have control. Using the Assistant we can stop that process. It is a most important feature from UiPath.

What needs improvement?

An area which the UiPath team is rapidly working on is machine learning and artificial intelligence. At the moment, it is a little difficult to understand. If they could add some more training on it in their Academy, it would help customers to learn about these features.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath for the last eight months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We only use the stable versions, regardless of whatever they are releasing, to avoid bugs and errors. In the stable versions, we have never found any issues or any bugs. If there is any issue, we have a team that will contact the UiPath team and we will get quick solutions. But so far, we have never had any problem or issues with a stable version of UiPath.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We use the Assistant to handle all the robots' actions. We are scaling and tracking it. That is very important for us. The scalability features of UiPath are awesome.

In the eight months I have been working with UiPath I have implemented seven or eight projects. Day by day we are increasing our usage of it, and UiPath is also increasing the product's features and adding technologies. That enables us to work on more projects, as it is easy to integrate.

What was our ROI?

We have been able to implement a lot of little projects. That is one of the reasons that it is cost-effective. In addition to the affordable price, it just takes a few days to develop solutions for these projects.

In India, a developer costs about 16,000 rupees per day. Using UiPath, all our projects have been done in 30 days. If we tried to do these little projects in another technology, they would be more costly because they would be more time-consuming.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Our company is based on automation. UiPath is the correct solution for this. It is cost-effective and has an affordable price.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

UiPath is not the only technology we are using, but we are migrating to UiPath because it is cost-effective. The previous solution was Blue Prism, but for the little projects, it was not the right solution.

In addition, the Control Room is really required for other technologies, like Blue Prism, but there is no need for it with UiPath, because we manage and deploy it with our team only. We don't need to worry about the Control Room.

What other advice do I have?

For the beginner the UiPath Academy has a lot of training available. It's important to go through the training. After the training you can easily work on any project in UiPath. So first of all, follow the training. For intermediate-level users, UiPath is the correct solution. These users just need to keep up to date, day by day, because the UiPath team is rapidly updating the features.

The Picture in Picture functionality for attended automations is a new feature. Up until now we have not used PiP, but we have some use cases for an internal project we are doing and are looking into it for the future.

We are using UiPath Automation Cloud, but we have not yet migrated our on-premises UiPath instance to it. We are thinking about the on-premise because it fully depends on our own enterprise. If we go to the cloud, we will be able to collaborate better with our team and what others, because it is "public."

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Naveen Chaganti - PeerSpot reviewer
Analyst at Capgemini
Real User
RE framework is helpful and the image-based automation works well
Pros and Cons
  • "We are using the RE framework and it's very helpful for delivering the product on time."
  • "OCR-based activities should be improved to handle larger amounts of text."

What is our primary use case?

One of my primary use cases is invoice processing.

In this process, there are two applications including one for data and the other for the main application. The main application needs to take invoice data from the data process and match it with invoice details that it has. After this, the status needs to be recorded in the data process.

How has it helped my organization?

UiPath is growing day by day. We began with one unattended bot and we now have approximately 20 bots in production.

What is most valuable?

We are using the RE framework and it's very helpful for delivering the product on time.

The image-based automation is working as expected, using different levels of accuracy.

What needs improvement?

OCR-based activities should be improved to handle larger amounts of text.

UiPath does not recognize Google and Microsoft OCRs.

Sometimes UiPath will not work properly, even though it worked the previous day. Also, it may suddenly not work when we switch environments from development to QA. This happens approximately one out of ten times.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath for the past two years.

How are customer service and technical support?

Technical support has been helpful for debugging and fixing issues that we have had in production.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I did not use another solution prior to this one.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I began looking at Automation Anywhere, but when I saw how user-friendly the interface in UiPath was, I started learning it instead. I find it very comfortable to work with and develop processes.

What other advice do I have?

I am proud to have UiPath on my resume as it is valuable for career growth. I plan to continue as a UiPath developer.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Dhenn Espiritu - PeerSpot reviewer
Senior RPA Consultant at Ernst & Young
Real User
Good community and an intuitive interface that makes it easy to develop workflows and save us money
Pros and Cons
  • "The community is what I like most in UiPath and I think that without it, the solution would be hard to learn like Blue Prism was in its earlier years."
  • "There are some limitations like the UiPath Executor becoming stuck when running 10GB text files, which is something that really needs to be fixed."

What is our primary use case?

We use this solution to automate business processes and save millions of dollars in operational efficiency. We are developing new automated solutions for our clients and partners, and also training new developers to use this tool to deliver great results by the end of the year.

How has it helped my organization?

The business has saved million worth of dollars in cost savings.

What is most valuable?

The user interface is intuitive and it is easy to develop workflows.

The community is what I like most in UiPath and I think that without it, the solution would be hard to learn like Blue Prism was in its earlier years.

What needs improvement?

There could be improvements made in in terms of debugging. Troubleshooting is hard.

I hope there can be more major improvements in Orchestrator, such as the ability to have session variables other than assets.

Being able to filter work queues, just like what Blue Prism has, would be a helpful addition.

There are some limitations like the UiPath Executor becoming stuck when running 10GB text files, which is something that really needs to be fixed.

The training is difficult and should be made better.

For how long have I used the solution?

We have been using UiPath for almost two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

UiPath is a very stable solution.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

This solution is very scalable.  Our UiPath team has grown from 10 to more than 50 developers, including business analysts, process analysts, developers, senior developers, and solution architects. Hoping to grow our organization more as new clients are coming in.

How are customer service and technical support?

Customer support is great but not that fast.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Prior to UiPath, I used Blue Prism. I switched because my company switched.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is not straightforward but also not complex.

What about the implementation team?

I set up UiPath on my own.

What was our ROI?

More than a million dollars.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

UiPath is more cost-effective than any other tool.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I did not evaluate other options. Aside from Blue Prism, UiPath is the best.

Overall, UiPath is the best in providing a community for all developers.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Automation Delivery Lead at a pharma/biotech company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Good training, helps to reduce errors, and the technical support is good
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature is Studio, which allows developers to specifically focus on development."
  • "I would like to see some use cases and additional information on the process mining and the OCR features that are being released."

What is our primary use case?

We are using Studio, Orchestrator, attended and unattended robots.

Our primary use for this solution started with automating processes in finance, procurement, and HR. Now, we are researching various directions in logistics.

We do not run our automations in a virtual environment. This is something that we are trying to avoid.

With respect to how easy it is to automate our company's processes, on a scale of one to five, I would rate this solution a four. I'm an IT-based person, and for IT people it is easy to learn. UiPath claims that it is easy to learn and it's for everybody, but it's not true. For business people, it is hard to learn and hard to understand how to code to make things work. They need a lot of help with things like exception handling. If somebody lacks technical or programming skills then it makes it much more difficult to use. Although UiPath is getting closer to business users, there are still some basic skills that they need to have to make it work.

On a scale of one to five, judging how beneficial it is, I would rate the training a five. When I get new hires it doesn't matter whether they have previous experience in RPA or development, they have to go through all of the basic training from the Academy. This includes the Orchestrator and I've been recommending SAP training because we are experiencing growth in the use of SAP. Going to my team, this is the base, and then we have created our internal framework and standards that also require training. Some people may already have experience with UiPath or Blue Prism, but they still need to take the training from the Academy.

Before I arrived at the company, there were already some automations running. However, fifteen months ago we shut down a couple of robots because they were failing terribly. From that time, it took us five months to create the first robot.

How has it helped my organization?

We have a project that combines UiPath with OCR and our integration tool. This allows us to automate processes we use in different projects that are coming from different vendors in different countries. Apart from gathering the information, we are template invoicing. The robots take invoice information and post the results into our SAP and other systems. It is much faster than our original process. This has been implemented in Spain, and we are now releasing it to other countries, one by one.

Using this solution is not just about saving time or reducing the number of staff. It is also for improving stability and decreasing the number of errors that we have. In Spain, where we were implementing a pilot project for purchase orders, we saw a decrease in the number of human errors. When they started, there was an error rate of ten percent. After three months in production, the error rate decreased to five or six percent, and after six months it was one or two percent. Also, even though there was still an error rate, it was consistent and it is something that we can account for.

In terms of money savings, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature is Studio, which allows developers to specifically focus on development. Orchestrator allows us to connect those things together.

What needs improvement?

I would like to see some use cases and additional information on the process mining and the OCR features that are being released. There are other products that offer OCR features, and at this point, it is hard for me to determine the benefit of using UiPath for OCR rather than integrating it with another solution. This is not just from a business perspective, but from a development perspective as well. For example, I would like to see how you can connect UiPath to all of the applications to collect the logs and the data. Then, how we can put that information together. If there is a thirty-minute delay then how do you identify whether it was because the person went to lunch, or rather that they were working and thinking.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

With respect to the stability, on a scale from one to five, I would rate this solution a three.

The stability of this solution really depends on the developer or the execution. It's not always a UiPath issue. If the process is unstable, it's the issue of the business case and not the actual execution of any development. So it really depends on how you use the platform and how you understand it. We will use a more stable technology, such as alerting through an API, before we go to the UI path.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have about one hundred licenses for production and four Orchestrators.

How are customer service and technical support?

Both customer support and technical support are really good. Whenever I have a question, whether it is business, Studio, or Orchestrator related, I usually get an answer. We have our own customer success manager who helps us on a daily basis. I also have connections to the lab and to the production team so I can ask questions there as well.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

At this company, they did not have an RPA solution in place before this one.

Personally, I have also used Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism. From my perspective, it's about how you use the tool, and not about which tool you use. Personally, I don't like Automation Anywhere, and I used to be a Blue Prism guy.

I feel that Blue Prism is easier to learn because you can do things in terms of processes or objects. Logically, it is easier. In UiPath there are more options, but it's also harder to learn because you need to create a logical structure on your own. It doesn't show you how to do that in an easier way. UiPath has more connections and more inbuilt stuff than Blue Prism, but on the other hand, the navigation between the types of variables is slightly different. It's not a disadvantage, but it is something that takes time to learn.

I find that Automation Anywhere is not that user-friendly. For example, in Blue Prism you have loops that you can put a component into. In Automation Anywhere, you have to copy all of those stages, one-by-one. You cannot create a loop, which is basic.

What was our ROI?

We have not been tracking ROI yet, although we are working on it. It is difficult to calculate because to collect the information for each process it requires a logging system. Each project will require a specific logging system so that we can collect the same information to compare and evaluate it. We have to consider our development costs, maintenance costs, licensing costs, etc. At this point, we do not have enough people to work on this, so it is a work in progress.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

They ran a selection process here and my understanding is that Blue Prism was not able to provide a free Studio license, unlike the policy they now have in place. This is the reason that UiPath was selected. 

What other advice do I have?

The majority of our use cases are unattended, and that is the way that you should go. We do use attended bots as digital assistants, where you have small automations that are triggered by the users on their own to direct the robot. These are two separate products.

My advice to anybody who is researching this solution is not to be scared to use it. Play with it as much as possible and see if it brings value. There are different applications that can bring more value in certain cases.

Overall, this is a good solution, but there are always ways to improve a product.

I would rate this solution an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
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Updated: August 2024
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