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Digital Workforce Analyst at a energy/utilities company with 10,001+ employees
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Gives you a technology or ability to build a solution on any legacy system
Pros and Cons
  • "It gives you a technology or ability to build a solution on any legacy system."
  • "VM was on the service for high density. It is finicky at times. The latest release is a lot more stable. However, I've had a two week production outage where DLLs weren't registered and someone from Vegas had to login for eight hours onto the fraud service to work it out. Even though they uninstalled and re-installed it, all the different apps still wasn't working. So, I have lost a bit of faith in it to be honest."

What is our primary use case?

Our primary use case is IP invoice automation.

We are currently using Orchestrator and bots.

How has it helped my organization?

It gives you a technology or ability to build a solution on any legacy system.

What is most valuable?

I love Orchestrator: 

  • The configuration part
  • The amount of keys
  • Transaction reporting
  • Logs
  • Accessibility on the iPhone.

What needs improvement?

VM was on the service for high density. It is finicky at times. The latest release is a lot more stable. However, I've had a two week production outage where DLLs weren't registered and someone from Vegas had to login for eight hours onto the fraud service to work it out. Even though they uninstalled and re-installed it, all the different apps still wasn't working. So, I  have lost a bit of faith in it to be honest.

I would like to have cloud stuff back in Australia and hosted there. I want everything in SaaS, bots included.

While it has eliminated human errors, it has created other errors.

I would like something that better identifies the processes. If it could watch the computer, then work it out for me, that would be good.

Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using it since 2016.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Now that I've done an upgrade, it seems to be a lot better. Because I was running high density on the 2016.2 or 2016.3. I had a lot of problems, but I couldn't work out whether or not it was just UiPath or our client app that was timing out. But, we noticed that if you login as console, you have far less issues than if you run high density.

These days, the stability is a four out of five. Back in the day, it wasn't.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

In my old organization, 50 to 100 people were involved.

I have a bit of a different issue because at my old company that I just left, I was only paying $3,600 USD per bot. I turned up at my new company, and because of our size, we are paying $8,000 per bot.  

How are customer service and support?

The support is not good. I had a two week production outage.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

There was a business problem, and we needed to work at how to solve it. The partner was a big driver in this process.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was pretty straightforward.

It took two weeks from the time we purchased our UiPath license until we had our first robot in production.

What about the implementation team?

We used, and our experience with them was awesome.

What was our ROI?

We have seen ROI. The last company that I work for was trying to get 1000 FTEs out the door, and I think that they are already at 60. In Australia, at my current company, we are already at 10 FTEs. Just in Australia, we have save a million dollars, and maybe five million in India.

The reduction of 10 FTEs has saved us time.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

At the last place that I worked, it was $700,000 USD.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Everything that I read about Blue Prism suggest that it is too heavy and takes too much development to ramp up.

I looked at Automation Anywhere for the price point, especially for a PoC. Between and what I saw already with UiPath, I just thought UiPath was the better option.

What other advice do I have?

Scout it out. I am going to try to work with this company a different way than what I did than last time, e.g., federated.

I would rate the overall product as a nine out of 10. It's an enabler. It seems pretty good. There is a lot of investment and new things.

I would rate the ease of use of the platform as a four out of five. It is pretty easy to use but it is not doing everything for me. I still have to do stuff.

I would rate the UiPath Academy as a four out of five.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Lead Process Analyst at ACT
Real User
The bots help us utilize our staff better
Pros and Cons
  • "It has a really good turnaround time for our operations department to start working on claims, because all the information has already been pulled upfront with the bots. Instead of having to go into an account and request medical records or a certain type of document, it's normally already been pulled on the front-end as soon as the account loads because we run everything through the bots."
  • "The implementations or integrations through Citrix are really good. The only problem that we are coming across is just maintenance. If the Citrix platform gets updated and we're not notified, it breaks. So, we have to reconfigure our bot to the new updates. Unfortunately, that's just the name of the game, and that would be true if we were pulling them manually versus a bot."

What is our primary use case?

Right now, the primary use case is document retrieval from our client system. We are a healthcare billing company, so we have to pull things like medical records and different documents from hospital stays. So, we used the robots to pull those versus an FTE.

We have both unintended and attended robotics that we use. We haven't really delved into Studio a lot yet. That's going to be part of our staging and going into the next phase. We built all of our basic bots, so now we're going into the more complex bots.

We are on-premise. We were looking at moving to the cloud, so that will be something in our next steps.

How has it helped my organization?

It has a really good turnaround time for our operations department to start working on claims, because all the information has already been pulled upfront with the bots. Instead of having to go into an account and request medical records or a certain type of document, it's normally already been pulled on the front-end as soon as the account loads because we run everything through the bots.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature right now is we have been able to utilize our staff better with the bots. We can put them on more high priority items. That was the one thing that everyone was afraid of: The bots would replace them. What we did is retrain them to do other tasks that we needed, as that was more of a priority for us.

What needs improvement?

We do deal somewhat with Citrix. It depends on the client and how the bot has to be set up. We have some clients who do run through Citrix, then we have some who use a VPN tunnel to get in. So, we have it on both.

The implementations or integrations through Citrix are really good. The only problem that we are coming across is just maintenance. If the Citrix platform gets updated and we're not notified, it breaks. So, we have to reconfigure our bot to the new updates. Unfortunately, that's just the name of the game, and that would be true if we were pulling them manually versus a bot. We would still run into that with the Citrix platforms.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I would rate stability as a five (out of five). We have not actually had any issues with UiPath. Most of our issues have been with just platforms changing, breaking, and the regular maintenance.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have about 40 bots right now with 30 ready to be made.

Our team is really small. We have roughly six people who are working with the developers and actually running the bots. We're the only department using the solution. Our department was asked to lead this on, so we've been very fortunate to be able to lead it and be able to help our own department first. Now, we're starting to look at other areas of the company to deploy RPA.

How are customer service and technical support?

We have not used UiPath technical support.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was a little complex, but that was because we really didn't even know what we were getting into. We were told by upper management (our CFO) that automation was the next frontier and we had to go that route. We were sort of the pioneers going through this for our company,

It probably took about six to eight weeks for us to talk with development and for them to get the context of what we wanted. It took them about five weeks to actually build the bot. Then, once they built the bot, it was in production. Of course, we had to go back and do some maintenance because it did not work first time. After we got the hang of it, it's been great.

What about the implementation team?

We got some consulting from UiPath. We do use their developers. Other than that, we do not go through a third-party. We did everything else ourselves.

Our experience with UiPath services was good. There were some bumps along the way. It's just trying to understand the process and RPA from what we've seen.

What was our ROI?

It took us about six months to really see what the bots could do. We then started tracking financial savings and how it's helping the company. We set out a bit differently. Our CFO came out, and said, "Automation is where we're going," but on top of that, "This is X amount of money that you have to save in the process."

We have spent the last 18 months tracking how much we are spending and how much we're saving. We hit the goal with no problems because we were able to shift staff. We did eliminate some staff, but this solution really brought out the skill level of our employees. Those employees with the higher skills were able to transfer to more important projects.

Within the first year, we saved a little over $600,000. That totaled to almost 19 FTEs which we ended up saving.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We haven't used any other vendors.

What other advice do I have?

We are on spreadsheets and data. I keep saying we're stuck in 1996. It's been nice to have the vision of being able to be in the 21st century and really be able to use the bots the way we want to use them.

We have not taken part in the UiPath training. That's something that we talked about right before this conference. We really need to start utilizing more of the training that's offered. We want to turn some of our soft coders into people who can really code for us, not always relying on developers to do all of our work. That's definitely something that we're implementing soon.

I would rate it at least a four (out of five) for ease of use. We don't deal so much with UiPath, but from what we do deal with outside of developers, we have not had any problems. It has been very user-friendly, for those of us that don't know coding. We are able to look at things, sort of fix things, etc.

I rated them a four for ease of use, not a five, because we want to see what UiPath can do. We have a lot on the table. We have 30 bots ready to go. A lot of it's more screen scraping, which will be more complex. So, we want to see really if UiPath can do what they say the solution can do. We want to test its scalability.

I definitely would say UiPath is the way, especially with everything that they're coming out with now. It helps you understand more about RPA instead of just being thrown into things. It helps you understand all that on a smaller level. It is what everyone else has said here at the conference too, "Start with a small project. Don't go out with a big thing because it's not going to work." Luckily, we did start small, and we've just grown from there. Those would be my suggestions.

I would rate the solution a 10 out of 10.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Strategy and Analytics Consultant at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees
Real User
One of the easiest things about the product is you click one link, it downloads, then you are done
Pros and Cons
  • "The object cloning in UiPath is a lot more consistent than Automation Anywhere. The consistency with which it captures the information that it's supposed to in order to do the rest of the process is probably the most useful component of the tool package."
  • "Navigating the directory of objects needs improvement. I would like to be able to put in keywords that would allow me to figure out what command will allow me to do the task that I am trying to do."

What is our primary use case?

The primary use case is data management.

What is most valuable?

The object cloning in UiPath is a lot more consistent than Automation Anywhere. The consistency with which it captures the information that it's supposed to in order to do the rest of the process is probably the most useful component of the tool package.

What needs improvement?

  1. Navigating the directory of objects needs improvement. I would like a better way of finding the command which allows you do the thing that you're trying to do. This would help. For example, there was this one command that I was wrongly using for months. Then, someone told me, "You can do that by just using this one command instead of three jerry-rigged together." Therefore, I would like to be able to put in keywords that would allow me to figure out what command will allow me to do the task that I am trying to do.
  2. The testing could be a bit easier. There are error handling steps in the platform tool, but it's not super robust. It's very user friendly from a development perspective. However, from a testing perspective, it is unclear what I am looking at. Maybe, they could add more commenting. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

When the complexity increases, the bug related issues go up. There are limitations to utilizing RPA software, in general, where sometimes you have business leaders who think something is a good process. Then, they ignore the technical advice to not move forward, or choose to. Thus, you're left in a situation where you're trying to automate a process that isn't great for automation.

How was the initial setup?

One of the easiest things about UiPath is you click one link, it downloads, then you are done. With Automation Anywhere, we have a whole days worth of setting up that needs to be done. This is another component that UiPath is leading the industry in.

What about the implementation team?

UiPath works best when there is a strong understanding of the capabilities and limitations of RPA. I have seen it work best when you have an experienced practitioner who has seen what an implementation looks like. Therefore, they know the right questions to ask as you are determining which process to automate. It is better to have skilled developers, who are more technically capability, to develop solutions using the tools which come with the package to make sure it is working correctly. 

There is the upfront work of talking to clients. There is a middle part of developing it, then the maintenance and operations post-implementation. You have to manage the bot after it's built, and it works best when you have someone who comes in and knows all three of the step components are equally important to a quality end product.

What was our ROI?

The ROI on all of our RPA use cases is from a throughput perspective. Processing time improvement is anywhere between 70 percent faster to 300 to 400 percent faster. For the right processes, there is even up to 7X to 10X improvement from a throughput perspective, even though it works through the UI. 

The most impressive use case that I've heard of was about saving a year's worth of FTE time in a month's worth of development, testing, and deployment, then doing the processing.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I have used all of the major RPA platforms: primarily Automation Anywhere, UiPath, and Kofax.

UiPath is the most open in getting people to use their software. I think they understand that the most successful relationships in sales come from people playing with the solution.

I started out as an Automation Anywhere person and will always be better at Automation Anywhere because of my affinity with it. Where Automation Anywhere might have UiPath beat is the speed at which you can automate simple processes, like being able to create and automate simple processes. Automation Anywhere is a better point of departure because the way you look at the script in it, there is almost like a sentence that you can read. Being able to understand what a process is supposed to do, you can just replicate the steps in your head. A non-technical person can open this web browser, type here, and press enter.

With UiPath, it's more from a process perspective, which is more useful if you're looking at automating a process. Instead of something simple, like for training, we'll have people look up the weather in five, ten, or a 100 cities. From that perspective, it's easier to start up than Automation Anywhere. 

UiPath makes up for its steeper learning curve by being a more reliable product. 

If you are looking on the spectrum of which is most to least technical and most to least scalable, UiPath is a happy medium compared to Kofax, Automation Anywhere, and Blue Prism. UiPath is less technical and not so hard, but it's also scalable, so it's a happy medium.

What other advice do I have?

UiPath Academy is by far the best online training resource. From an online content training perspective, their videos and training modules are leading the industry.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Business Analyst at Region Syddanmark
Real User
It is great for automation and reducing the time needed for a work assignment
Pros and Cons
  • "It is great for automation. It can reduce the time needed for the entire work assignment, freeing up time for something more exciting."
  • "There is a very steep learning curve for business users."

What is our primary use case?

We are working on trying to optimize some of the current processes which have been selected for review. I have been talking with our business partner to try and find the best way or tool to optimize these processes.

How has it helped my organization?

I have only been with the company a month, so I am only aware of a couple of scenarios/cases where it has already been implemented, such as:

  • Transferring data from one system.
  • Looking data up on the internet from a browser.
  • Performing logins and copying data tables, then putting them into Excel. Afterwards, manipulating and putting them into the right system.

These are our best cases, so far.

What is most valuable?

It is great for automation. It can reduce the time needed for the entire work assignment, freeing up time for something more exciting.

What needs improvement?

There is a very steep learning curve for business users.

From everything that I have seen, we still have stuff that we need to figure out on the inside:

  • How to spin up servers.
  • How to get compliant.
  • How to create A/B uses for the robots. 

It would help to have some guidelines, which I haven't found yet. It seems like UiPath is trying to keep out of the guidance part, because they want to leave it open for us to interpret how to use the tool. 

I don't even know all the features available yet. I would love to see the roadmap. I love that going forward UiPath is simplifying the roadmap, trying to make it available for development within the business, not only IT.

For how long have I used the solution?

Less than one year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability has been good, so far. I haven't had any complaints.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability seems good. 

How are customer service and technical support?

I haven't been through to customer support yet. I use our internal tech support (in-house). We have some knowledge, and they have been working in this area for quite some time.

I love UiPath Academy. While it is dull and I can't do more than an hour or two at a time in sequence, I think it is great. It's available to everyone, which is awesome.

How was the initial setup?

The implementation for virtual environments went fine for the cases I've seen. We are using Citrix for some of them and virtual machines for the Unattended Robots, which seems to have been flawless.

What about the implementation team?

We used consultants at some point.

What was our ROI?

It has saved us time. We are still doing the business cases to determine return of investment.

We expect to see ROI and performance benefits. I would rate the performance benefits as a ten out of ten.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I have nothing to do with licensing.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We are using multiple solutions for RPA within the whole region. UiPath is doing something right with its open community, sharing and involving users, then providing a platform for us to share our findings and snippets. That's the way to go and why I would recommend UiPath.

What other advice do I have?

We have a huge strategy on digitalization, so automation technology is very important. It's a common goal: Optimizing and putting stuff into categories, which can be optimized. 

While I believe it has been helpful in the elimination of reducing human error since it is doing the same task every time, I'm fairly certain we didn't have many error previously.

I am a developer, and I find the product pretty easy to understand since I understand the logic of data containers and data types. However, I have been speaking with a lot of our business partners on the business side, and they are finding it hard to use.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Software Engineer at Cognizant
Real User
It has an effective/simple user interference monitoring option available with the charts and graphs

What is our primary use case?

Learning RPA:

Open source (community version) of UiPath, and their Academy — one of the best Academy for RPA in the market. They split the content into different courses and content into similar sections which is easy and makes it easy for self-learning.

Coming to the design/implementation part: It's completely easy and simple to work on. It reduces the complication at ease. There are different options available for all the IT solution which can be utilized for effective management.

How has it helped my organization?

I'm usually solving infrastructure related automation like Exchange 2013, Windows.

The benefits that are in the ITIS sector: The work is the same that has to be replicated to different customers at different points in time. UiPath gives an option to resolve this duplication of work and saves time as well as resources.

It has an effective/simple user interference monitoring option available with the charts and graphs which help in handling the exception cases. And help in a case study for further development and implementation.

What is most valuable?

With this simple UI, my experience with UiPath is approximately four months. Whatever, I have noticed their priority is "feel the experience while using UiPath", and by the end of the day, this is what makes it different even in the business revenue.

What needs improvement?

There are different webpages for different uses: state, UiPath Academy, UiPath Connect, etc. They should bind all together into a single webpage. So having all in one place would be helpful.

And also they need to provide another couple of robots for the community version user for enriching their skill and for learning purposes. And also they need to have sample projects available to help new learns to learn complete automated skills rather than bits and pieces while taking courses in Academy.

And there should be a sample cheatsheet provided. UiPath is a simple tool which can be learned by anyone in less than a span of five weeks. If they have provided a sample cheatsheet, it would be easier to follow.

For how long have I used the solution?

Trial/evaluations only.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Completely stable and reliable with all the scheduled jobs. It gets the job done in most of the cases.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It was quick and effective in handling all the assigned tasks and simple to handle.

How are customer service and technical support?

Didn't have a chance to raise many cases with their technical support team for their assistance. But whatever the cases I have raised or saw, they were quick and responsive.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

This is the first RPA tool I have chosen over Blue Prism for a simple reason: open source and an active community to share the views and new ideas.

How was the initial setup?

It was straightforward; I didn't face many problems. It's one of the simple tools that can be set up with basic knowledge. 

What about the implementation team?

Didn't implement via vendor team, but did set up a couple of components. It works like a charm and is completely reusable.

What was our ROI?

Return on investment — not applicable. Still, I don't have any project that is completely commercial that went live. But I will have a better ROI using the UiPath tool. It's trustworthy.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

UiPath's best package for everyone in the market. Starting from the free community version. It's all for the taking.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

  • Growth in the market
  • Ease of use
  • Reliability, and 
  • Management.

What other advice do I have?

There could be an improvement on the library packages and other built-in options.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Head of Business Transformation & Procurement at LIA
Video Review
Real User
We were able to save roughly 40%, more than 8,000 hours and for us, that is ROI

What is our primary use case?

We have acquired UiPath with both the robot and orchestrator. I want to make sure that we get the right return on investment and with the orchestrator you are not only able to use the robots during the day, but you are also able to schedule them during the night. You maximize your investment 24/7.

Lombard International Insurance is the number one in wealth investment and for us the onboarding process is a critical one. We have started with KYC (know your client) which is an extremely painful process, a lot of manual work, but now have some very good friends and colleagues that are happy to have Ruby the robot as their assistant. 

On top of this we also have tax reporting, overdraft, reinvestment, so there are several processes, some like KYC for instance.

How has it helped my organization?

The commitment that we have made internally is that we're going to reduce the workload as much as 20%-50% and I would say this is the promise that we have delivered.

In KYC it's 50%, in another process it's 20%, it's also very much depending on the maturity of the processes and how much manual work do you currently have because the robot will only take away the manual work.Whenever you need to have validation because you need to have the four-eye check, that still remains.

When it comes to automation in our organization, we have a certain strategy. Automation and technology is only one pillar of our strategy, but we have an integrated strategy which means that we have the business model, the operating model and the technology.

What is most valuable?

When you build a house, if you do not have a strong foundation, it's just going to fall apart, so, for us, it's a pillar. It's not the only one, but it is the cherry on the cake, that it is the one that is actually enabling the business to go further and to provide better services to our clients.

At least for our case, I would say it's not the cost that was driven by attended or unattended robots. At the end of the day, my department, business transformation, I am there to transform the business for better.

In some cases, you have processes in which you still need human interaction, you still need somebody to validate and make sure that, once all the data are prepared for you in the onboarding process, you certified and you double checked four eyes principle that everything is correct.

In some cases you do need the attended robot. In some other cases, tax reporting for instance, you can just run it unattended and it's perfectly. You don't even need to know it. Before morning, you have the report prepared for your local authorities, and that is fine, so I think it's just a mix, depending on your business and how it's bringing much more value to you. Sometimes, it's only attended, sometimes, it's unattended, but I think, in most of the cases, you will have in any companies a mix between attended and unattended.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We are proud to say that we have not encountered any issues. Yes, sometimes I hear some colleagues like, "Oh, I have KYC and he stopped." Well, there are also some reasons because, if your password expired and, guess what, somebody needs to update it before it's expiring, the robot will stop. Yes, but so is if you're a human and your password expired, you need to change it.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is scalable for us. I will have to be honest, we do not have 1,000 robots.

How is customer service and technical support?

We have not had any opportunity to work with them because that was very stable so far, so we had only in the beginning a partner which worked with us in this journey.

I have actually a story with a CEO in our previous company who was saying, "I didn't know when we did the email migration." I said, "Well, then it means my department is very successful. If you do not hear, if you do not see it, it means we do a good job, so I can only assume they do a good job if we do not interact with them."

How was the initial setup?

It was quite straightforward. Not only this but you see they go more and more into the direction that makes this open and collaborative even for the business users. So that is a very strong advantage for us.

What about the implementation team?

We selected Fujitsu in Luxembourg because our company is headquartered in Luxembourg. Fujitsu had proven not only that they have the technology knowledge, but also the market and local legislation which, Luxembourg people know that it's heavy regulated and you need to really know the ins and outs, so, for us, they seem to be the right partner.

What was our ROI?

In terms of ROI, I think it's also depending and this is probably critical and I can advise other companies that are starting this journey, make sure one of the critical success factors is select value reach processes. What does this mean? It means that you need to select critical process for your business but also those in which you do have high manual work and you run maybe that process frequently.

You will see ROI in probably 9-12 months, at least as I said, if we look at our processes. Now, we do not like to talk about savings in term of money because we have a different philosophy, meaning that what we want to create we want to create workload reduction for our users.

If I am projecting growth, if I need 10-15%  growth next year, how do I cover this? Do I hire more people? Do I streamline my processes? Well they are kind of lean. Do I use technology? Yes. Well that's your answer. So it means you need to use that technology in a smart in order to enable your people to process more, be it transaction, terms of processing, be it in finance and they have a lot of invoices, it does not matter. It's the same, it means that if we are able and we were able to save roughly around 40%, more than 8,000 hours, per year that we have managed to save, for us that was the ROI.

This is how we are able, for instance next year, to reach the five billion target. I would advise other companies to go more in that direction.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I think one of the advantages that we had with UiPath is that we tested other products such as Automation Anywhere because they are the big players.

What other advice do I have?

We did not yet implement UiPath in Citrix, we have Citrix in our environment, we work with Fujitsu too because there are some aspects that you need to take into account.

I would give it an 8.9 because the extractor is not there, probably now with the extractor I would give it a 9.3. In terms of what it is as options, as I said, I think they are the only player at this moment that has attended, unattended, and an orchestrator, you can customize it.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Sanobar Khan - PeerSpot reviewer
Automation Engineer at a tech services company with 51-200 employees
Building automations in UiPath is done through simple activities
Pros and Cons
  • "The Excel automation in UiPath is very easy to use. Even for complex scenarios, we can easily automate the process. And that is true for email automation as well."
  • "When it comes to web automation, a change order should be able to be handled more easily."

What is our primary use case?

I have automated finance use cases, as well as banking, NOC, and call-center use cases. I have also done email and Excel automations.

How has it helped my organization?

It has definitely reduced the cost of the process I have automated. It has reduced the number of employees required for some processes and improved process efficiency. It has improved accuracy and error rates. All of these factors reduce the cost of the processes.

Because there is no human involvement and there is a fixed flow that bots follow, it has minimized the human errors that occurred before.

What is most valuable?

The Excel automation in UiPath is very easy to use. Even for complex scenarios, we can easily automate the process. And that is true for email automation as well.

Building automations in UiPath is done through simple activities. We just drag and drop into a workflow, build the flow, and execute it. It's that simple.

We use UiPath Academy courses as well, and they give us an idea of how we can use it professionally. They have given us a complete idea of how to use the solution.

What needs improvement?

When it comes to web automation, a change order should be able to be handled more easily.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath for almost three years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Compared to other tools, UiPath is very stable, as well as easy to install, manage, and upgrade.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is more scalable than Automation Anywhere.

How are customer service and support?

I have not contacted their technical support.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

UiPath has more costly licenses than Automation Anywhere and, of course, Power Automate.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

There are multiple differences between UiPath and Automation Anywhere. Automation Anywhere has a good handle on desktop automation as well as its IQ Bots for document understanding.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate UiPath at seven out of 10 overall.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner and Reseller
PeerSpot user
IT Services Manager at a financial services firm with 11-50 employees
Real User
Can significantly increase productivity and reduce processing time, but the price has room for improvement
Pros and Cons
  • "The queue feature is the most interesting to me because it allows us to work on a list of tasks in parallel on several robots."
  • "The pricing has room for improvement."

What is our primary use case?

I use UiPath to automate tasks in our internal HR and finance departments, as well as to dispatch back office requests, close accounts, process insurance claims, and make international money transfers.

How has it helped my organization?

Building automation with UiPath is easy. It depends on our level of understanding of the process we want to automate. UiPath offers a wide range of possibilities for automating business processes. For example, we can use UiPath to get input data from files, extract data from databases, or make SQL requests. We can also use UiPath to manipulate applications, perform human actions on the user interface, and introduce back-office processes. Finally, we can use UiPath to distribute the execution of our automation across multiple devices.

UiPath enables us to implement end-to-end automation and orchestrate all processes using the orchestration tool. We can get the inputs for the process and execute the report at the end. We have all kinds of possibilities. For five or six years now, we have been able to automate all the processes that we faced, as long as the inputs are structured and well-structured, and we have a good flow and volume of inputs.

There are numerous advantages to using UiPath. Firstly, it can significantly increase productivity and reduce processing time. Secondly, UiPath enables scalability, allowing processes to be performed around the clock, seven days a week. Additionally, robots can execute processes with consistent quality, minimizing the risk of errors or incidents. Finally, UiPath can help optimize human resources by delegating tasks with low added value to robots, freeing up human resources to focus on tasks that require higher levels of expertise.

The time it takes to bring UiPath to market can range from a few days to several weeks. The return on investment can become apparent within a few weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the process involved.

When we refer to UiPath as a suite, it includes several tools and features that can greatly facilitate the automation process. For instance, we can group some commonly used features into a single library. Additionally, we can segregate the different layers of our development process. These abundant features can help us organize our work on UiPath, ultimately reducing our on-premises footprint.

UiPath Academy is a place where we can ramp up our skills very quickly and become operational as soon as possible.

UiPath's AI features provide a broad range of API applications, such as handling unstructured inputs. This includes non-digital inputs such as paper forms. Additionally, the system can process false inputs that are not well-organized through character recognition. UiPath also offers machine learning to further enhance its functionalities.

UiPath accelerates digital transformation and significantly lowers the associated costs. The impact is significant as it enables the deployment of production environments in just a few weeks. Additionally, RPA users can collaborate over the weekend to automate applications starting from the human interface. This allows us to automate more processes effectively. Other tools may require access to top-up bases or the use of Unix or scripts, but with RPA, we can automate a wide range of features based solely on the user interface component.

There were no expansive or complex application upgrades or IT application support required.

UiPath helped to decrease human error. By developing autonomous processes and thoroughly testing them, we ensure consistent and reliable execution, which guarantees high-quality results for our customers. Compared to human execution, global execution by robots is both more accurate and quicker.

UiPath saved us around 17 percent of our time.

UiPath helps to save costs in several ways, such as reducing the time required for execution. The main difference between manual and automatic processes is the ability to have UiPath execute tasks on our behalf, based on pre-defined reports. Unlike humans, who typically work from eight o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the evening, UiPath can work all day, even on weekends. This can result in cost savings of up to 60 percent.

What is most valuable?

The queue feature is the most interesting to me because it allows us to work on a list of tasks in parallel on several robots.  Additionally, the ability to integrate the OCR components is valuable. We use this feature for one of our banks in Africa. These are the most valuable features that we cannot find with other tools.

What needs improvement?

The pricing has room for improvement.

I would appreciate UiPath's assistance in simplifying our process of easily and quickly capturing our customers' business requirements within our framework.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath for almost seven years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

UiPath is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

UiPath is scalable.

How are customer service and support?

UiPath's technical support is reactive.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is complex, and obtaining a license for training poses a challenge. As a result, an experienced person is necessary to complete the deployment. Our deployment required two people.

The deployment can take one to two days for an experienced person, but for an inexperienced person, it may take up to three weeks.

What about the implementation team?

The implementation was completed in-house.

What was our ROI?

The return on investment is based on the complexity of the process that is being automated.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The cost of UiPath is higher in Africa than in Europe and Asia due to differences in salary levels. As a result, the number of customers who are able to use UiPath is limited.

We pay for additional components to include features, in addition to the licensing fees.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We utilized Selenium Test Automation for tests and conducted an evaluation. However, it did not fully meet our business requirements, so we selected UiPath.

What other advice do I have?

I give UiPath a seven out of ten.

Due to the quantity of customer input, the success of automating tasks is not solely dependent on the capabilities of UiPath tools. The quality of the paper scan, document quality, and resolution are also crucial factors that can positively or negatively impact the possibility of a wide range of automation. Therefore, the success of automation is highly reliant on the quality of the source inputs, in addition to UiPath's capabilities.

Our implementation strategy involves beginning with the proof of concept and then separating processes before moving on to scaling the API.

I would recommend UiPath for large enterprise companies, as the cost of the solution may be prohibitive for smaller organizations.

I recommend that anyone assessing UiPath should first create a clear automation roadmap. This will enable them to address questions related to optimization, implementation, and development.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
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Updated: August 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free UiPath Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.