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Chief Digital Officer at Cutters As
Real User
Its most valuable feature is the product's ability to perform the same job accurately and consistently
Pros and Cons
  • "Valuable features include rapid development and the scale of solution. The most valuable feature would be accuracy: The ability to perform the same job accurately and consistently."
  • "The initial setup was a bit complex. It could be better, especially with Orchestrator."

What is our primary use case?

The primary use case is to have a platform which allows us to scale rapidly without adding a lot of human labor. We are looking to go global without being dependent on recruiting heavily on back office functions.

How has it helped my organization?

We combine this RPA solution with predictive analytics. We are in the hairdressing industry, so we predict the amount of haircuts that we get every month in advance. Based on that prediction, we set up our work shifts based on it. We do that predictably, then we use UiPath RPA to fill in the work schedules for each employee in advance and measure it, since it is really important for us to get an accurate number of shifts based on predictive analytics.

It is fairly easy to use. We are using it with a lot of integrations with separate tools to get the flow of data going.

What is most valuable?

Valuable features include rapid development and the scale of solution. The most valuable feature would be accuracy: The ability to perform the same job accurately and consistently.

What needs improvement?

We use UiPath only in virtual environments. If it came out of the box like a software as a service, it would be a whole lot better, especially in our case. All our internal systems are cloud-based systems, so we have no dependencies or legacies in terms of installed software in any way. We could be completely in the cloud all the way through.

I would like to see direct integration with the Google BigQuery platform. 

I would also like an Orchestrator self-service desk.

Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

Less than one year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is as good as the developer makes it.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability looks pretty solid. We haven't been working with it too long, or long enough to see it really scale yet. 

Orchestrator should have better scalability with a better payment model in terms of number of processes that you want to use. Instead, you have one product which covers this size with this fixed price. You're getting a box of options, but you can't really scale it.

How are customer service and support?

We have not really used the support. We did spend a bit of time on the community forum, but that's about it. The community forum is pretty good. This is one thing which differentiates UiPath from the pack: It has a community and access to information.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We did not use a previous solution. We went straight to UiPath right from the get go. 

I have worked with automation before. We saw a rapid gain in terms of automation where we couldn't automate in any other way. 

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was a bit complex. It could be better, especially with Orchestrator. 

Orchestrator should be a separate solution, straight out. Just sign up and have a heavy solution for it. Instead, we spent a lot of paid consulting hours setting it up on our Google Cloud platform and virtual server in the cloud. That was just wasting money for our organization. It should be its own software as a service. 

What about the implementation team?

We used PwC for the deployment, who was very good.

What was our ROI?

We've been in production for about two months, and we have seen tremendous ROI. The accuracy of the job was far more valuable than the man-hours spent.

It has helped to eliminate human error by a huge amount.

While it has saved us time, we're a small staff business, so there's not a whole lot of time to save.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Licensing costs are high, but still well within a positive return on investment.

We like the hybrid model, but it would be very costly for us to have one Attended Robot for each person in the organization. Although, it would be nice to have, we don't do many mundane, repetitive tasks in entire our organization. We actually have UiPath to do all the work that we don't do, which means we can think about it differently from the start. If we can consolidate all those tasks on Unattended Robots from the start, then we save on licensing money, which we try to keep as tight as possible.

The main cost driver is developing and maintaining the software. Ensure that you don't spend unnecessary time implementing something you don't know. Get someone who knows it to get it up and running. Let that be the basis of your tech choice. I like UiPath roadmap, and the roadmap of the product should also be very important.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Getting the ROI, which we expected within one month, would be impossible to do with another tool.

We did not look at other solutions. I am managing the system, not developing it. I am a self-service manager for the operations, and I only knew UiPath. Therefore, the cost of implementing something that I didn't know would be higher than the cost of implementing something I did know. Plus, it works for work we need.

What other advice do I have?

The automation technology at our organization is pretty good. We use a set of combination batch/cron jobs for a Google Cloud platform together with some AI automation tools, like Dialogflow, in combination with the RPA tools, like UiPath.

It is a very good product and very much stable. I love working with it. Though, it still has some limitations when it comes to integrations and development. Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where have to add a bunch of code to make it work faster, or you will be stuck with it dragging and dropping. While this works in most cases, for the 20 percent where you want to add code, it does becomes annoying.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
RPA Developer at Global Hitss
Real User
The tool is friendly, simple to use, and very visual

What is our primary use case?

We are currently implementing a solution for a large telephony company to migrate data between systems. This data is fetched from a system A and placed on a system B. Much of UiPath's functions are well used, such as integrations with PDF, OCR, Excel, and a few others. The financial return tends to be large since the robot manages to work 24/7 and with almost zero errors.

How has it helped my organization?

UiPath is a simple tool to be used, has a friendly interface and at the same time powerful and useful to automate most repetitive processes. From an academy with training courses that enroll anyone who wants to join the RPA area, teaching from basic to advanced takes around 20 hours. Available features, integrations with other applications, and a large amount of community-made frameworks that are very active are the things that make UiPath more feasible to use or choose from its competitors: Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism.

What is most valuable?

UiPath will surely win over anyone planning to join the RPA. The tool is friendly, simple to use, very visual, courses are well produced and explained, and certification is free until the end of March.

What needs improvement?

Despite all the good points, UiPath still leaves a bit to be desired with the documentation. ReFramework, which is an adopted community framework, is too nebulous to be understood and poorly documented and presented in the course, causing us to scour the internet for help. Another downside is that the passage of arguments and the number of native commands is not as vast as one of its competitors.

For how long have I used the solution?

One to three years.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

No, UiPath was the first RPA solution I used.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Despite being an expensive tool, it brings considerable returns.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Ease of use, market leadership, and cost.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Wladimir Corrêa - PeerSpot reviewer
Wladimir CorrêaDeveloper RPA at student
Real User

Great review, thanks for the information provided, will be a reason for discussion in meetings at my place of work.

Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Real User
Saves time and resources, and it's very easy to use
Pros and Cons
  • "UiPath is very user-friendly. There is ease of use. People can understand it very quickly."

    What is our primary use case?

    We use it to automate repetitive processes. We are also using it to manage people and costs.

    I have used it for automation in telecommunication, HR, and finance. I have also done two projects for IT. It is a combination. I have worked on all these different projects.

    How has it helped my organization?

    UiPath helps with cost savings and staff savings. We can use manpower for high-value tasks rather than for repetitive tasks.

    UiPath helps with end-to-end automation. I have created end-to-end automation through UiPath. It is a high priority for our company. I have not yet worked on the AI functionality.

    UiPath reduces human error. If it is a repetitive task, then bots cannot go wrong. They have already been coded with whatever is required, so human errors are generally not there, but there can be scenarios that have not been covered, and they can result in exceptions. We have to work on them and update the bots so that we do not get the same issues.

    UiPath improves accuracy. The teams for whom we have done automation are happy. There are no errors. It improves their efficiency. Bots can work 24/7 or at whatever time they want. There is no dependency on time, which is not the case with humans.

    The time savings vary from project to project. On average, if a human takes three hours for a task, a bot would take about ten minutes. UiPath reduces the costs, but I do not have the metrics.

    What is most valuable?

    UiPath is very user-friendly. There is ease of use. People can understand it very quickly.

    It is very easy to use.  It is very good. There are many people who are uploading learning sessions on YouTube, which are free. It is good to learn from there as well. There are many sources to learn and explore it. There is also a community of UiPath users.

    UiPath Academy has complete courses for developers and business analysts. A business analyst can follow the course path created for business analysts, and a developer can follow the course path created for developers.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been working with UiPath for the last four years.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    It is a stable solution. However, if your applications are changing, you will have to do some manipulations in the code. Now they have a feature where you can keep your UI things in your config or in the assets, which is helpful. It is easy.

    How are customer service and support?

    I do not interact with them directly. There is a team that communicates with their support. 

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    I know Automation Anywhere, and I have also done a certification on it about four years ago, but I did not work on it. I am not familiar with the features currently in Automation Anywhere, so I cannot compare it with UiPath. I have more experience with UiPath because we got more UiPath projects. We were going to work on a project with Automation Anywhere, but that did not happen.

    I have also worked on UiPath Document Understanding, but most of my experience is with general automation.

    How was the initial setup?

    I have set it up from scratch in one of the companies. It was not that hard. It was easy to set everything up. I was doing it for the first time, so it was a little bit confusing, but it was good. There were forums and YouTube videos. The UiPath team is also available if you need help with installation and what to use. It was good.

    After the code is ready, the bot deployment takes 10 to 15 minutes. Three years ago, it used to take us an hour.

    What other advice do I have?

    I have not worked extensively with any other tool. My experience with UiPath is good, and I would rate it an eight out of ten. I am satisfied with UiPath.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    Flag as inappropriate
    PeerSpot user
    Senior RPA Lead at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
    Real User
    Low-code solution that reduces human error
    Pros and Cons
    • "UiPath has helped to minimize our on-premise footprint and reduced human error."
    • "UiPath would be improved by integrating AI."

    What is our primary use case?

    I work in development, creating robots, and I use UiPath for automation.

    How has it helped my organization?

    UiPath has helped to minimize our on-premise footprint and reduced human error. It has also sped up digital transformation and reduced its cost without requiring any expensive or complex application upgrades.

    What is most valuable?

    UiPath's best feature is that it's low code. UiPath also has the best community I can think of in the IT sector.

    What needs improvement?

    UiPath would be improved by integrating AI.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I've been working with UiPath for four years.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    UiPath is very stable.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    UiPath is very easy to scale.

    What other advice do I have?

    UiPath makes it easy to build automations, monitor the activity of the robots, and let the business side interact with the robots. It also has a lot of applications, starting from test capture and process mining to reporting the activity of the robots. UiPath is a simple solution if you're looking to save time and money, but in the long term, I would suggest customizing the main applications you're using. I would rate UiPath nine out of ten.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    PeerSpot user
    Manger at a computer software company with 501-1,000 employees
    Real User
    A valuable solution for building bots that provides insights for determining ROI
    Pros and Cons
    • "Insights have been super valuable because they help us determine the benefits of our bots."
    • "The Insights could be improved to be more user friendly and less reliant on code for building specific dashboards."

    What is our primary use case?

    The solution helps our organization with filing sales and use tax returns. We mainly copy and paste data from Excel and process it in the solution. 

    We do not use AI yet, but want to start looking into it. 

    How has it helped my organization?

    The solution has helped by decreasing the manual work required to file certain tax returns. A manual return takes about an hour but bots can complete the work in twenty minutes. This time savings has been a big help for our organization. 

    What is most valuable?

    The Studio is valuable because it helps us to build bots.

    The Insights have been super valuable because they help us determine the benefits of our bots.

    What needs improvement?

    The Insights could be improved to be more user friendly and less reliant on code for building specific dashboards.

    The Orchestrator could be improved to make it easier to manage folders where bots are stored.  

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using the solution since July of 2021. 

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    The solution is stable and we have no problems running bots. 

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    The solution is scalable and it is pretty easy to see how processes can be applied across multiple teams. 

    How are customer service and support?

    The Community is very cool and it has been interesting to see all the various companies involved with the solution. There are many good ideas and it is valuable to hear from speakers. 

    The Academy offers courses that are very helpful and assist in getting up and running. Instead of having to figure everything out, classes are available for learning Studio, StudioX, and Insights a bit quicker.  

    Technical support has been fine but nothing special. I have only opened a few cases so far and support resolved those problems. 

    How would you rate customer service and support?


    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We did not previously use another solution. 

    How was the initial setup?

    The setup and deployment was pretty straightforward. 

    Many things come with the cloud platform so they can be a bit complex until you learn about them. I feel like we are learning new things on the platform every day. Once we learn a product, it is relatively straightforward. 

    What about the implementation team?

    We implemented the solution in-house. We wanted to cover the lowest hanging fruit that would give us the most immediate benefit. 

    With initial deployment completed, we have moved to taking our time to learn Studio and expand to more complex automations. We work with Tquila Automation who has been very helpful with development and learning. 

    What was our ROI?

    We have realized ROI because we have saved over 1,200 hours that would have been required for manual filings. This has been a big help because staff can instead focus on other things. 

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The solution is definitely expensive but is a powerful technology that we do not expect for free. It is important to justify the business cost by explaining the ROI to stakeholders. 

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    We evaluated several options before choosing the solution, including Blue Prism. 

    What other advice do I have?

    I rate the solution a nine out of ten. 

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Private Cloud

    If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    PeerSpot user
    Solution Architect at a energy/utilities company with 5,001-10,000 employees
    Real User
    Reduces manual work and offers effective reporting and good ROI
    Pros and Cons
    • "The insights that this solution provides have been most valuable. We use these insights to report to higher management on the performance of our processes."
    • "The support for this solution is tedious. I would rate it a five out of ten. If we don't respond or the ticket closes, we do not get a response from them."

    What is our primary use case?

    The use of this solution is spread out across our organization. On the IT side, we use it for synoptic notes like admission process, reviewing invoices and giving usage access.

    What is most valuable?

    The insights that this solution provides have been most valuable. We use these insights to report to higher management on the performance of our processes. 

    UiPath also helps us reduce manual work although we do not yet use UiPath's AI functionality. We have learned a lot from the UiPath community and gained knowledge about future products and enhancements. 

    What needs improvement?

    The support for this solution is tedious. I would rate it a five out of ten. If we don't respond or the ticket closes, we do not get a response from them.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using this solution for six years. 

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    This is a scalable solution. 

    How are customer service and support?

    The support for this solution is tedious. I would rate it a five out of ten. If we don't respond or the ticket closes, we do not get a response from them. We then need to go through the process again and reopen a ticket with the same information.

    How would you rate customer service and support?


    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    I have a little bit of experience using Automation Anywhere, but I prefer UiPath. The coding with Automation Anywhere was not developer friendly. 

    How was the initial setup?

    Our whole team was new to this solution so there was a learning curve involved for all of us which made the setup difficult at times. At this stage, UiPath was one or two years old with limited documentation. The deployment did not take long.

    What about the implementation team?

    We deployed this solution with the help of a partner called Ernst & Young.

    What was our ROI?

    We have experienced a return on investment using the solution as it has led to three million in savings since we started using it. 

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    We would prefer it if the licences were packaged together. When it comes to developer licences, we need to pay to transfer licences when a developer leaves and this also creates additional work for our IT team. 

    What other advice do I have?

    Overall, I would rate this solution a nine out of ten. 

    I would recommend UiPath to others because it is a good tool and has a lot of potential to expand. 

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    PeerSpot user
    PeerSpot user
    RPA Analyst at a tech services company with 501-1,000 employees
    Real User
    Enables fast automation development, and Orchestrator allows us to centralize and monitor things
    Pros and Cons
    • "The best feature, for sure, is the ease of development. It's very easy to create an automation from scratch... UiPath has a more friendly development environment compared to other vendors of RPA."
    • "They could focus more on UiPath Studio. I would like to see them add more features for developers who have a deeper understanding of programming languages."

    What is our primary use case?

    I'm a consultant. Right now, I work on supply chain coordination. I have also used UiPath for finances, for building reports for engineering, and for human resources departments.

    The solution is on-premises, but we are migrating to the cloud.

    How has it helped my organization?

    The solution helps a lot when we are dealing with big companies where governance is a must. We can have multiple centers of excellence at different places in the company. UiPath is easy to deploy and easy to manage for such companies as we can centralize a lot of things in one place.

    For example, with Orchestrator not only can we monitor all the bots and processes, but it helps in the development phase as well. If we want to have custom libraries that solve specific problems for the company, we can create those custom libraries and share them throughout the organization. This helps a lot when it comes to governance, compared to other automation solutions.

    I created a project based on attended automation and it was successful in helping the user. It was a bot to create engineering reports and the user was able to implement it on a daily basis. I have a positive view of attended automations. Having said that, unattended bots are preferable because we want most of the processes to be automated, end-to-end, and not require the user to start them. We use attended robots only when there is no other solution. So attended bots are not as relevant as unattended robots, in my experience.

    In addition, because the user did not need to create that report anymore, he could focus on more analytical thinking. That is something that I always say when starting an RPA project. Users become freer to do analytical thinking and not robotic thinking where they just click here and there and move some Excel files. I would estimate it saved them five to eight hours a week.

    In a lot of the projects I have worked on, reducing human error was one of the priorities for the automation. When working with human resources, for example, reports could go wrong if the user did not create them properly. This could cause the company to have to pay fees. Automating those reports reduced the risk to zero and helped with compliance.

    UiPath also reduces the overall costs of automation operations. Although it's more expensive as a solution when compared to other vendors, because it's a very consistent application and there is really good support from the UiPath team, it is the fastest when it comes to developing and deploying automation. It is surely the most reliable in the long term. That's where UiPath is at the top.

    What is most valuable?

    The best feature, for sure, is the ease of development. It's very easy to create an automation from scratch. Time to production is really fast when everything is already set up and we have a clear view of what needs to be done. UiPath has a more friendly development environment compared to other vendors of RPA.

    And the Task Capture feature helps implement end-to-end automation starting with process analysis. Task Capture helps us map a business process from start, and it can generate code in UiPath's Studio development platform. If you use it correctly, it definitely helps.

    And with Orchestrator, we can keep watch over all the executions and also create easy integrations with BI tools like Power BI and Tableau, if I need some extra analysis on the data that is being processed. Orchestrator provides everything that I need for monitoring.

    What needs improvement?

    Although they add a lot of enhancements every month to the solution in general, they could focus more on UiPath Studio. I would like to see them add more features for developers who have a deeper understanding of programming languages. 

    They could also make it easier to integrate custom-made functions.

    One of the downsides of Automation Cloud, and this is more an issue related to the Community version, is that they always place the newest features on the Community version. I have experienced some issues when implementing automations on that version because things can change from one day to another. Some of these changes can impact automations that were running. But when it comes to the Enterprise version, things are very stable. They will never change things like that from one day to the next.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I've been using UiPath for about three years.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    It's pretty stable. I have never gotten errors on the connection between the bots, Orchestrator, and Studio. 

    The errors I have found are generally related to the network or to a virtual machine with fewer resources than the minimum requirements. 

    The overall execution of the automations is pretty fast, even when dealing with high volumes of data from Excel files, compared to VBA or another scripting tool.

    How are customer service and support?

    I have opened tickets with UiPath and they have helped me a lot in solving the issues. I have never had major issues with support. If I need to open an urgent ticket, I get a response on the same day. They call me to solve the issue together with them, if needed.

    It's also really good that UiPath has a strong community. They started the idea of sharing new features and engaging the community. That has definitely helped UiPath to be on the list of the top vendors. There were times when I reached out to the community and they were very fast in helping me solve a question or get through an error. The community, for me, is one of the differences when compared to other RPA vendors.

    How would you rate customer service and support?


    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    I have not worked with other solutions at an enterprise level. I have looked at them just to understand how they work and to see if they could serve my purposes better than UiPath.

    How was the initial setup?

    The on-premises setup takes some time because we have to implement Orchestrator among other things. Generally, it's very fast. Sometimes there are issues, things like application and environment access, but they're usually more related to the customer that I'm working with. Overall, if everything is good to go, installation and configuration can be done in a day.

    I worked with a national company on an on-premises solution and it took four hours to install Orchestrator, and one to two hours more to implement UiPath Studio and the UiPath robot. It was really straightforward with no configuration errors. Using the right versions of Windows Server and the virtual machines, the ones that UiPath recommends, helps everything go smoothly.

    When working with a customer that is just starting to use RPA, I usually pick all the recommendations for installation and configuration from the UiPath vendor website. I then add some extra tips on configuring the Windows Server and ask the customer to provide the environments. That gives me access to everything that I need. 

    There can always be additional details to deal with, but they are usually errors to do with infrastructure, permissions, or proxy configuration on the customer's side. These are usually things that they did not mention, and then we have to reconfigure things. But if I don't know how to handle them I can usually find a UiPath tutorial where they teach you how. UiPath always provides the knowledge that I need to implement the solution.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    UiPath speeds up digital transformation. When dealing with a customer's first RPA implementation, and they are comparing UiPath with other vendors, the downside of UiPath is always the price because it's the most expensive platform. However, it is the fastest and most reliable. The community is great. The support is great. So it definitely speeds up the digital transformation process a lot.

    When customers are comparing tools, we focus on the strong points of UiPath. For example, it's the least expensive over the long term because it's very reliable, and we are not going to spend too much time on the development. The development is always faster when compared to other tools.

    If customers are only looking at the initial price for implementing RPA, they may go with other vendors. I have seen this happen a couple of times. When this is the case we will usually want to use the least expensive license possible from UiPath. For example, when a company has only one unattended robot, they will try to put multiple processes on the same robot before jumping to buy another robot and expanding the overall architecture.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    Some things can be done with open-source tools, but they lack governance when implementing automation on a large scale. When we talk about scaling the solution, a solution like UiPath is the clearest choice.

    Free automation tools are not going to be as easy to deploy and scale as UiPath.

    What other advice do I have?

    When we are developing RPA projects for digital transformation, we want to provide a solution that is reliable and fast. UiPath helps on both of those counts. It enables us to implement automation in a fast, secure, and reliable way.

    I have worked on some projects with UiPath Automation Cloud, but mostly using the same tools as usual. I didn't take too much advantage of what the cloud provides, compared to other projects, but it's easier to manage if a company needs to start from scratch. With Automation Cloud you don't have as much to maintain, such as handling an on-premises server. It also definitely helps for keeping things updated.

    With everything centralized on Automation Cloud, it's very easy when it comes to a higher level of governance. For example, if I want to manage the licensing between Orchestrators, and create different tenants and manage the access between those tenants, that is all very easy to do. UiPath gives you a very clean interface.

    A SaaS solution helps a lot when working on projects for many of our customers because they do not have any RPA infrastructure. They are often starting their first project and a SaaS solution has everything centralized. They can just buy one license for attended or unattended robots and start from there. It's great for the customers because they only need to worry about a virtual machine in their environment. We create a minimum viable product more efficiently because we don't have to worry about the configuration of their own Orchestrator and the like.

    Also, when they want to scale, Automation Cloud will be much easier.

    I keep myself updated on the news from UiPath and they are starting to implement serverless robots on the cloud. I don't know if this is already available in the Enterprise version, but when it comes out, companies do want to implement it because they won't even need to worry about an on-premises virtual machine. Everything will be in the cloud.

    I started my learning about UiPath from the Academy. It's very good and very insightful, and the questions and exercises are everything that you need to learn how to automate using UiPath Studio or any other tool.

    The Academy is a must for starting with RPA using UiPath. There are some other courses online in other learning platforms, but UiPath already provides everything that you need to start an RPA career. Not only can you learn the developer's role, but also the role of a business analyst and solution architect. It gives you an understanding of all the steps involved in creating and managing automations.

    The certification is also very important. At the time I did the certification, it was free. It's very valuable for someone starting out who wants to get an RPA job.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    Works at a retailer with 501-1,000 employees
    Real User
    Created a better atmosphere of better data quality
    Pros and Cons
    • "Time-saving is the biggest area that has improved for us. We had users spending lots of time trying to get data from a system and then creating a file that was going to be used for our auditing purposes, which then gets submitted online. We definitely found some issues where an end-user was pulling data from different sources and then storing that data with lots of human touching that created issues."
    • "Since we've been with them, they've changed their licensing structure. It would be nice to have one set structure where they're not changing the structure on us because we were set with what we had, but now we are changing. I understand there's a lot of changes and reasons for it."

    What is our primary use case?

    Our primary use case is to scrape our database to get data out, create audit files for our tax team, and then take that data and go to websites for each state and submit our taxes online.

    How has it helped my organization?

    Time-saving is the biggest area that has improved for us. We had users spending lots of time trying to get data from a system and then creating a file that was going to be used for our auditing purposes, which then gets submitted online. We definitely found some issues where an end-user was pulling data from different sources and then storing that data with lots of human touching that created issues.

    UiPath created a better atmosphere of better data quality. Time management was also much better, and now the user actually has a better experience doing that process because now it's a click of a button. They can spend their time doing the actual work that they want to do.

    Instead of having to go back out through those websites and make corrections when they paid for the wrong taxes. In some states, it's a lot harder to make those corrections, especially if it's one where you overpaid. Now, they're accurate and they don't have to go back and make those changes to try and get that resolved.

    We have seen cost savings from the time it has saved us. We save around 40 to 50 hours a month. Over the course of a year, it's quite a bit, and it adds up.

    What is most valuable?

    Web trading services are the most valuable features. 

    It is easy to build out automations. I have an IT degree, but I was not doing the dev work within our department. I came from a data quality background and transitioned over to this because the low code has been great and all the online resources that they've provided us have been very beneficial.

    Other members of my team have used the Academy. It helps to get a jump start. Now, luckily, we have a couple of us that do it. It's much easier to train and show them what we have already built and then say, "if you have questions, you look here." It's just been great.

    They have the robotic enterprise framework that I wouldn't have used if it wasn't for the Academy. When I first started automating, I wasn't utilizing that process at all. That actually made a huge difference in how I programmed and how I even looked at building my automations to start with. I feel like learning that course specifically for me, was great, was like the best benefit for me.

    What needs improvement?

    Since we've been with them, they've changed their licensing structure. It would be nice to have one set structure where they're not changing the structure on us because we were set with what we had, but now we are changing. I understand there's a lot of changes and reasons for it.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using UiPath for a year and a half. 

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    I haven't had much issue with stability.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    It doesn't seem to have a limit. Scalability has been great. Everything that we've run into that we've needed it to do, it's been able to do.

    How are customer service and support?

    Even being a smaller consumer as we are, when we've submitted tickets, they've been very responsive even to the point of when we couldn't get our deployment deployed because we had an issue. They were responsive and within a couple of emails of them understanding our issue, we were on a phone call and had everything resolved over a phone call

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was straightforward. A different part of our IT department did the setup and they seemed to do okay with it. We had some hiccups with it. When I did some upgrades with that, I had a couple of hiccups, but I was able to actually work with UiPath and they were able to help us resolve our issues.

    My first deployment took a couple of weeks.

    When we did our original deployment, it took a couple of weeks just to research and understand exactly what we needed to do for the on-prem plus the other daily work that we had going on. It wasn't the highest priority because at the time I was using the community addition to get started.

    What was our ROI?

    Our very first project was the biggest return on investment.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    For bigger businesses, pricing doesn't matter as much. It has the right packages. But for a smaller company, it's really tough. There could be better package options that suit smaller companies. 

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    A consultancy called Agility Partners came in to help us. We had the tax automation we wanted to do and they gave us some options of different things and then they pointed us in the direction of UiPath thinking it would be the best benefit for us.

    What other advice do I have?

    As soon as you can, do it. You're not going to believe how well the automation will save you time, your company time, and even quality issues. This has been great.

    I would rate it a nine out of ten. 

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    PeerSpot user
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    Download our free UiPath Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
    Updated: August 2024
    Buyer's Guide
    Download our free UiPath Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.