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Works at Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
Real User
Its recording feature is one of the best features along with its pricing

What is our primary use case?

  • Automating applications that the client requires in the project
  • Mostly automating day-to-day tasks which are like user-setup, user termination and password-reset in an application. 

We use the 2018 version. The community of UiPath is very supportive and active; that makes it very much understanding.

How has it helped my organization?

It made automation very easy with the help of experts from UiPath. Using this tool made a very easy way to automate the applications that our organization uses daily like time filling. For the beginners, UiPath provides a platform which helps them to have a better understanding of UiPath. Also, it has a community edition that helps to have a good hands-on experience for a beginner.

What is most valuable?

The OCR capability of UiPath makes it special as this feature was not in my previous automation tool. When I started using this tool, it made it compatible with automating some complex applications like reading PDFs, virtual machines and some more Citrix applications that were hard to automate using other tools. Its recording feature is also one of the best features along with its pricing as it charges money as per robot usage by the Orchestrator.

What needs improvement?

The tool is perfect as it is a full-on package, but yes it needs some improvements like when we use the OCR feature of the tool it works, but when we try to fetch the data from the image which is of low resolution, its accuracy of fetching the data decreases. Sometimes the data gets some garbage values added to the data that is fetched. This needs some improvement. Also, if the page has some dynamic background, then fetching the data becomes harder.

Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

Trial/evaluations only.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Software engineer at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Saved us a hundred thousand hours in the first year
Pros and Cons
  • "We use Task Capture all the time. We have a bank business analyst who uses it and teaches people how to use it. We're constantly getting process definition documents to review and add to our pipeline."
  • "There are bugs here and there. My only complaint is that each time we open a new ticket, we get someone new and have to explain how everything is set up all over again."

What is our primary use case?

My primary use case is mainframe automation from legacy mainframes that previously hadn't been automated with other automation tools. The product worked like a dream with the mainframe automation.

How has it helped my organization?

We're trying to get rid of the boring, mundane tasks that people do every day so that they can spend more time doing more important things like figuring out why there are issues happening rather than just putting a Band-Aid on.

In our first year of jumping into it, we set up the infrastructure and everything, so it's been less of a year of development, but we have saved a hundred thousand hours.

The automation efficiency depends on what the job at hand is and how much it saves. But some of the tasks done constantly throughout the day, even if it's only saving five minutes, add up really fast. 

What is most valuable?

We use Task Capture all the time. We have a bank business analyst who uses it and teaches people how to use it. We're constantly getting process definition documents to review and add to our pipeline.  

Studio itself has all its great features and is easy to use. 

What needs improvement?

There are bugs here and there. My only complaint is that each time we open a new ticket, we get someone new and have to explain how everything is set up all over again. 

It would be nice if they had that somewhere on record for support.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath for two years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It is a stable solution; everything seems to be running pretty smoothly altogether. The biggest issues are not on the UiPath end, but on our company's end like, network issues and issues like that keep popping up every now and then.

How are customer service and support?

The support's been pretty decent. We have a TAM, so we have someone we are constantly in contact with.

We meet with them weekly, and they're very helpful. If we do have to open up a support ticket, there's a bigger issue that they can't help with. They usually help get the ball rolling.

Support has been pretty helpful. Like any other support though, they ask all the basic questions in the beginning just to figure out what has or hasn't been done.

My only complaint is that each time we open a new ticket, we get someone new, and we have to explain how everything is set up all over again. So it would be nice if they had that somewhere on record.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was straightforward. There's plenty of documentation that is easy to follow. 

The hardest part was more on our company's network and infrastructure, trying to navigate all the hoops that we have to go through just to make sure it's secure and the network's secure. Getting access to what we need to get access to.

We're still kind of new to things and working on migrating to the cloud. We're one small team in the organization. By moving to the cloud, we're hoping we can onboard more and more teams to be able to use it and spread it throughout the company.

What about the implementation team?

UiPath helped us along the way. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

There are other automation tools that the company uses, but they can't do everything that UiPath can. All of the potential automations just kept being pushed to the side until we started using it.

We used Microsoft Automate for a very short time. We started looking into it for some tasks. The issue is that we're trying to automate it deep inside our corporate network, so, we haven't really been able to use Power Automate.

What other advice do I have?

Overall, I would rate the solution a nine out of ten. The amount we could do in one year is pretty impressive. 

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
VP Business Development at Ampliforce
Real User
Pre-built integration with our scanning solution gave us the ability to automate processes, and we went from two hours to 15 minutes and from 600 people to 150 people
Pros and Cons
  • "It had pre-built integration with the scanning solution that we use called Kodak Alaris. They use our current scanners to scan in the documents, and then they have the software that allows you to load those documents right into UiPath Orchestrator. That gave us the ability to automate those processes."
  • "It took quite a bit of time to understand some of the document types. Some of the documents were already pre-built, but some of the documents were new, and it took us quite a bit of time to get it to train on those documents. If there was any variation, we had to re-train it. It took longer than expected."

What is our primary use case?

We're doing mortgage loan processing. When people are applying for a new loan, we're using it to gather all loan documents and validate the property ownership and do a title search. We then put the loan documents in a package.

We are using its latest version.

How has it helped my organization?

It used to take two hours to take all these documents and load them in, and now, it takes 15 minutes. So, we went from two hours to 15 minutes. We're able to process a significantly larger number of documents in a much shorter time.

What is most valuable?

It had pre-built integration with the scanning solution that we use called Kodak Alaris. They use our current scanners to scan in the documents, and then they have the software that allows you to load those documents right into UiPath Orchestrator. That gave us the ability to automate those processes.

What needs improvement?

It took quite a bit of time to understand some of the document types. Some of the documents were already pre-built, but some of the documents were new, and it took us quite a bit of time to get it to train on those documents. If there was any variation, we had to re-train it. It took longer than expected.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using this solution for about four years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Its stability is very good. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is enterprise-ready. So far, we are very happy with everything that we have been working with. It is designed for enterprises. 

We're going to continue to use it for the next five years. It is automating the roles. It has to do more with validation than anything else. The users like it a lot, and we're very happy with it so far. 

How are customer service and support?

We have a third party for support, and they are very good. They are very quick to support.

How was the initial setup?

All in all, it was pretty straightforward. We had to bring in third-party consultants to get it going. We were expecting that, but the costs were a little bit more than what we were thinking at the time.

From beginning to end, it probably took about four months. It included everything that we were trying to do. We got started right away, but the actual deployment took a little bit longer than what we thought it was going to take.

We've moved from different versions over time, and we were able to do it pretty seamlessly. We had another product called Automation Anywhere, and that took a lot more effort to do the migration. So, we were happy with the implementation time that UiPath took.

What about the implementation team?

We took the help of a third party. Our experience with them was good. It was more expensive than we thought it was going to be, but overall, it was good.

For its deployment and maintenance, we have a team of four people in the house, and then we have five people outside who are actually continuing to do maintenance in terms of upgrades and new forms as they come up.

What was our ROI?

We have probably saved about $6 million using the product. We were going to have to hire about 600 people to be able to process the loans, but we only had to hire 150 people. We didn't have to hire 450 people, which was pretty significant.

We did pay more than what we thought we were going to have to pay upfront. We had a third party for implementation, and the cost turned out to be about twice of what we thought it was going to be upfront. So, instead of one month, it took us three months for an ROI, but we got significant returns. 

The hardware requirements to manage this was also a little bit more than we thought it was going to be, but our ROI was so high that in a way we earned it back. So, even though the costs were more than what we were expecting, the return was much better than we were expecting. We were supposed to go from two hours to one hour. That was the goal, and we went from two hours to 15 minutes. The benefit was more than what we were expecting.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Its actual cost turned out to be about two times more than what we thought it was going to be upfront. There were hardware costs that we were not expecting. Some of the server costs and things of that nature were higher than what we were expecting but based upon the return, it was a net.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We looked at Blue Prism, Datamatics, and Signavio. We just looked at the market and how many references they had that were in our market space. We were able to talk to a significant number of companies that were already using these products for the same thing, and that's what we based our decision on.

What other advice do I have?

I would advise doing the homework upfront and seeing what the full impact is going to be. You should not just look at task automation; you should also look at the full process. That's because when you make a change in one area, you need to consider how that's going to affect another area in your organization. You may get a big benefit in one area, and then all of a sudden, you have to change the way you're doing business to take advantage of that. If you correct a bottleneck in one area, you might still have another area that's a bottleneck, so you need to look at the full process. This is something that we learned in general from our experience. As we were fixing different things and automating different things, there was another bottleneck down the road. We went from doing 10 a minute to 100 a minute, but when we went to the next process, we could only do 10 a minute. It didn't really make a difference unless we fixed that one too. That's why you have to look at the full end-to-end process.

I would like them to work on the process mining solution that they have to give us a better picture of the full end-to-end process. That was what was really missing. They do have a process mining solution that you can run up front, but it wasn't very good. We ended up running into things thinking why didn't we know that. If we had a better tool upfront to give us the bigger picture, it would've saved us a lot of time and effort down the road.

I would rate it an eight out of 10.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Works at a tech services company with 11-50 employees
Real User
Has a tremendous amount of training and information that's out there through their Academy
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable features are the ease of use and the amount of resources and community that are out there for UiPath. They have all of the information that you would generally pay for with other providers. It's a very easy-to-learn solution as long as you put time and effort into it."
  • "There should be a little bit of a longer trial version. I know that their existing trial version is around 30 days. I think it would be very beneficial to make that a 60 day trial for active POCs."

What is our primary use case?

Our primary use cases are for any financial business process. Primarily for myself, I was with an organization that did a lot of back-end middle office, and front office automation for many midsize banks and credit unions.

How has it helped my organization?

We saw anywhere from three to five times ROI, based on the business processes that we were able to automate, and its ability to enable the organization to do more with less.

It increases operational capacity. We noticed that it even helped a lot of the C-levels with employee morale and to keep their retention as well. If you enable your FTEs with the tools that they need to do their day-to-day operations, that's naturally going to create growth.

Our clients have absolutely seen a reduction in human error and time savings. As long as the accuracy of your data is there, the bot can learn the business process, based on how you develop it. It's emulating human behavior within graphical user interface automation. We've definitely seen an incredible amount of ROI on that.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features are the ease of use and the amount of resources and community that are out there for UiPath. They have all of the information that you would generally pay for with other providers. It's a very easy-to-learn solution as long as you put time and effort into it.

UiPath has a low-code and no-code approach; the user interface is intuitive. It's something that can generally be used by either a business user or anyone that has a high-level understanding of IT.

We use UiPath's Apps feature. Depending on the applications that we're looking to build and connect users with, or any of the existing connectors or apps that exist with the UiPath, we definitely utilize this.

The Academy is a huge catalyst for allowing your business users or your IT users to learn the solution at their pace. It's a very intuitive Academy that's provided free of charge. It's something that really enables the organization to help them develop citizen developers. Enabling users is the biggest hurdle that a lot of RPA users or anyone that's looking to implement RPA is going to be facing. UiPath has a tremendous amount of training and information that's out there through their Academy. It's definitely attracting a lot of organizations to lean towards UiPath.

The biggest value we've seen from the Academy is the amount of operational capacity that it allows for organizations to do more with less. Anytime you look into or embark on an automation journey, you're really looking to drive efficiency through automation. That is something that's really needed as you start to go into 2022 and post-pandemic.

What needs improvement?

There should be a little bit of a longer trial version. I know that their existing trial version is around 30 days. I think it would be very beneficial to make that a 60 day trial for active POCs.

For how long have I used the solution?

We have been using UiPath for three and a half years,

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability of the solution is really improving itself from where the organization really started to embark on automation. Year over year, they've added new features, and really what made automation more of an omnichannel approach.

It's not just another tool to develop bots, but it's a tool that has process mining and tax task capturing. It's something that only comes in with an end-to-end approach, rather than other RPA tools in the market that only have point solutions just for development and really don't have an end-to-end solution.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Scalability is something that is quite remarkable at this point with their cloud solution. Growing your RPA footprint doesn't really propose a tremendous amount of a challenge anymore. Their cloud approach is going to definitely help them move forward in 2022 with a good amount of growth.

How was the initial setup?

I found the initial setup to be fairly easy. If there were any complexities, I know that they have great support, resources there internally to again guide you through that automation journey.

The form of engineers that they have, as far as the level of understanding and so forth, is quite remarkable. That is where they're really leading the market.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

They should provide a clearer and more of a definite approach for any organization that wants to sign beyond a one-year, two-year, or three-year contract.

A little more visibility and more clarity would help, even for the partners. There should be more visibility into the price measure.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Compared to Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere, in terms of the pros, UiPath has built a great community around the solution. The amount of training provided by their Academy is something that is really helping them scale the organization. That's where Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere can take some notes from UiPath, as far as what they're able to provide to the market.

Ease of use is something that is definitely moving the business users into adapting UiPath at a much greater scale. Simply because it requires less technical knowledge.

Someone without an actual IT background can come in and start developing their own bots to help them from a day-to-day basis. Those are the pros. Obviously, the cons are that those other organizations can start providing a little bit more information to their prospects. Even as a partner, sometimes it becomes challenging.

What other advice do I have?

The number one piece of advice that I can give anyone that's embarking on automation is that automation is something that's been proven. It comes down to why wait and automate today, and whether it's going to be a low, medium, or high complexity bot. That's something that organizations need to embark on it now, instead of waiting. 

I would rate UiPath a nine out of ten. To make it that 10 they should provide a little more clarity on their subscription and pricing market.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Consultant with self employed
Real User
AI Center speeds execution and provides a good savings on time
Pros and Cons
  • "It has a very easy drag and drop process and logic base setup. Previous projects were taking a lot of time. However, when we used UiPath on the same projects, instead of a process/task taking a day, it was now taking anywhere from 10 minutes to five hours."
  • "I would like UiPath to give free trial licenses for more features, like AI Center. UiPath currently offers two licenses for the trial version. However, if I need to practice in AI Center, then I need four to six licenses."

What is our primary use case?

I am currently involved in healthcare-related projects and wholesale/retail-related projects. Previously, I was involved with banking and financial services, healthcare, and retail.

My current company is using a combination of the UiPath tool and SAP automation.

In my previous company, I used the UiPath tool for many projects.

How has it helped my organization?

It has a very easy drag and drop process and logic base setup. Previous projects were taking a lot of time. However, when we used UiPath on the same projects, instead of a process/task taking a day, it was now taking anywhere from 10 minutes to five hours.

There is almost no human involvement. For example, in banks, a bank manager will receive so many loan applications. We create some bots to check the requirements after validation and do the follow-up work. The manager is only checking boxes for the final approval request.

In the banking sector, I am using AI Center and creating some workflows. Some machine learning is needed to create these workflows in AI Center. This gives us a 94% accuracy, which is good accuracy.

What is most valuable?

Document Understanding is a good feature. It is a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning. We have created some workflows using Document Understanding. We are using its machine learning to do some language analysis, semantic analysis, and invoice processing. UiPath currently provides some language conversions, such as German to Russia and Russian to German. However, it does not offer Russian to German, English to German, German to English, Russian to English, and English to Russian as well as some non-trainable languages.

Document Understanding has been one of the best features for invoice processing. For example, companies require some keywords in invoices. While normal frameworks take much of time, we upload the invoices using Document Understanding, then determine the keywords required for cross referencing. The cross reference is very fast. It will capture the amount and put that in an Excel format. This is a very good feature.

A valuable feature of UiPath has been the REFramework. In banking, we need to log in to the website with a user ID and password. Once, we did that wrong and the workflow stopped. Using REFramework, there is exception handling. Stability depends on the correct configuration of error handling, so this is the best feature. 

It has some Citrix recording options.

The AI Center feature has been very good. It supports many machine learning languages and skills. It speeds execution and provides a good savings on time.

I like the certifications offered by UiPath Academy.

What needs improvement?

I would like UiPath to give free trial licenses for more features, like AI Center. UiPath currently offers two licenses for the trial version. However, if I need to practice in AI Center, then I need four to six licenses.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath since 2018.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is very good.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

There are no limitations for Windows.

We have over 500 activities in UiPath right now.

How are customer service and support?

I haven't used the technical support so much. My colleagues use it sometimes, depending on their problem. The speed of their response depends on the type of plan, normal or enterprise, that needs support. I would rate them as 10 out of 10.

There is also social media support through Twitter and LinkedIn.

The user community is very good. I am a member. If a developer has any doubts when working on a project, then a lot of people in the community are ready to give immediate answers.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

We have faced challenges when installing market-related data. We need to dig deep when we are installing it with Orchestrator and/or VMware. All the documentation is available, but it needs to be prepared in advance. Whereas, we work in real-time.

What about the implementation team?

I have been involved with many client installations for UiPath and Orchestrator. We do standalone installations for single node and multi-node systems, like Linux. Linux is not fully supported, as compared to Windows. UiPath deploys well on Windows.

What was our ROI?

My previous company had good ROI using UiPath compared to other tools.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

UiPath Academy is free of cost.

The UiPath Community Edition is enough to implement any complex workflows.

The price for attended robots is good.

Some features are very costly, like Document Understanding. That is why in India many customers are not using the Document Understanding license. This is a premium feature and its licensing costs are high compared to other tools.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Compared to other tools, UiPath provides a good, rich environment.

I am using AutomationEdge, which is similar to UiPath, but a small tool. It provides the same features as UiPath, but it is not as popular a tool. The UiPath Academy videos are very good and better than those offered by AutomationEdge. While AutomationEdge also has a free learning course, you must watch their videos from start to finish. UiPath has no restrictions on its learning, which is good and the best option. For example, when you are an advanced learner, you want to go to advanced training courses. However, AutomationEdge makes you start from scratch, even as an advanced user of RPA.

Some processes are faster in AutomationEdge than in UiPath for insurance-related organizations.

I am also using Automation Anywhere, which is a popular tool in comparison to UiPath. However, feature-wise, UiPath is easier to use because Automation Anywhere requires complicated coding knowledge, though some of their features are very good. While UiPath requires some coding knowledge, it is not as high level as Automation Anywhere.

UiPath is the number one tool in my opinion. I would recommend choosing UiPath for someone looking to purchase an automation tool for the first time.

What other advice do I have?

UiPath has very good accuracy. I would overall rate this solution as 10 out of 10.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Ebin Abraham - PeerSpot reviewer
Associate Consultant at a consultancy with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Good API support and the activity library facilitates bot re-use
Pros and Cons
  • "I found the Library option as most valuable because first, we can avoid the development of the same task again by developing and publishing a task as an activity into the Orchestrator, and second, in case of any changes required, the developer can make the required changes and republish in the Orchestrator with the new version."
  • "The area that must improve is while releasing a new version, it must be capable of running the bots developed in the older version."

What is our primary use case?

My primary use case of this solution was to automate BMC Remedy and SAP use cases. I used UiPath to automate various tasks in SAP. I developed several bots in client virtual machines using UiPath and then connected the virtual machine to the UiPath Orchestrator. Once connected, I scheduled the Bot.

How has it helped my organization?

The manual effort of employees for repetitive tasks has been tremendously reduced and thereby the employees are concentrating on different fields. Furthermore, human error is completely wiped out because of the Bots. The tasks that used to take a lot of time to get finished by humans are now accomplished in a short span of time by the Bots.

What is most valuable?

I found the Library option as most valuable because first, we can avoid the development of the same task again by developing and publishing a task as an activity into the Orchestrator, and second, in case of any changes required, the developer can make the required changes and republish in the Orchestrator with the new version. At this point, others can download that task as an activity and can use it with their Bots.

Apart from the library, I like the API activities and the activities which we can call Python scripts from.

What needs improvement?

The area that must improve is while releasing a new version, it must be capable of running the bots developed in the older version.

It would be nice if we can develop an intelligent bot that can make the right decisions.

Please include the option to select the time zone while scheduling the Bot in orchestrator.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using UiPath for the past one and a half years.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
RPA Develepor at Equinix, Inc.
Real User
Has flexible coding, good stability and solid support but it needs better scheduling options

What is our primary use case?

We use only unattended robots with Studio and Orchestrator. Our primary use for the bots is in finance, so we only do finance use cases like AP (Accounts Payable) invoice retrieval.

How has it helped my organization?

The solution has improved the way our organization functions because no one has to sit for hours just spending time retrieving documents. The staff just picks up the documents they need in the morning, start their analysis right away.

What is most valuable?

What I find the most valuable about UiPath is flexibility in adding code. That ability is the most important feature for me and what I do.

What needs improvement?

In the next release of this solution, I would like to see better scheduling options. Because of the schedule limitations, you can only schedule one process at a time. There are situations where I might want to build five processes that need to work together. As I can only schedule one at a time, it isn't currently possible.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

On a scale of one to five where one is unstable and five is very stable, I would rate the stability of the UiPath platform as a five. There are not many issues at all. On other platforms that we use, we always seem to encounter small things that cause problems. For example, with other solutions, we have had problems processing things like resolution and there is always an issue. But with UiPath, I can control almost everything from the robot and get it working.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

There are ten people in our organization involved in our automation program and I think it can be scaled at any time.

How are customer service and technical support?

While we don't use technical support directly, our team has used UiPath Academy RPA training to become more familiar with the product. On a scale from one to five where one is the least beneficial and five is the best, I would rate the Academy experience as a five. We've also used the forum. In all, between the implementation help, the Academy and the resources, I would rate the support as a nine-out-of-ten.

How was the initial setup?

From the time we purchased the UiPath license until we had our first robot in production took only about one month, and that was without previous experience with the product. The initial set up of the product was straightforward, so it was all pretty efficient.

What about the implementation team?

We did not need to use an integrator, reseller, or consultant. We did the entire implementation all in house. The only exception is that we did get some help from UiPath by working with them directly. 

What was our ROI?

We have experienced some return on investment and performance benefits, and it only took about one month to see it. There is one monthly process we use and in just one run — the first time we ran it — something that took two people two days was done in two hours. So, what took 16 hours to do analysis on before has been cut down to two hours. It is hard to say how much money that saved as we just changed the allocation of resources. The solution also helped to eliminate human errors which are even harder to account for.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We chose to try UiPath because we wanted to test the SQL capabilities that it has. I don't know that I would say we evaluated other options before choosing it as a solution. We currently work with both Blue Prism and UiPath at the same time. 

What other advice do I have?

On a scale from one to five where one is very difficult and five is easy, I would rate the ease of use of the platform as a seven. I think that especially business users who don't have more of a technical background can get lost in all the different features that are available.

For this solution, we could totally deploy with attended robots, but our business just isn't ready for that yet. I think, with the adoption of Studio X that we might be in that position, but not right now.

On a scale from one to ten where one is the worst and ten is the best, I would rate this product as a seven overall. The scheduling feature just isn't there yet to allow more flexibility in programming and use, but the development is much faster and the flexibility better than much of the competition. The introduction of open-source changes the game for RPA solutions.

The advice I would give to a colleague at another company who is researching this solution or a similar one would be to clearly evaluate the use case. Don't just breeze through and assume you need automation. Take a good look at what you actually need to do, make sure the solution fits, and make sure the targeted processes are processes that should be automated.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Systems Administrator at Allied Solutions
Real User
Unattended robots save us a lot of time, and Orchestrator makes it very easy to see what is going on
Pros and Cons
  • "I like Orchestrator and how easy it is to manipulate and get your data, to see what's going on."
  • "One of the things we're struggling with it how to project how many robots we need to do these processes, so better documentation or assistance in this regard would be useful."

What is our primary use case?

We use unattended robots and the Orchestrator module. I am most familiar with the Orchestrator. We are very new to this solution and just getting into it.

We are a financial insurance company and we do VoW, Verify on Web. We have a bunch of different insurance carriers.

We run automations in a virtual environment, VMware, and I haven't seen any problems with it.

With respect to how easy it is to automate our company's processes, on a scale of one to five, I would rate it a five. For my part of it, this solution seems very useful. I have limited exposure to it because I do more of the installation, the configs, etc. I don't really work with the workloads, although I see what is being worked with. We have our in-house developers who are doing the integration into our in-house programs, so I watch what they do and it just seems that it's very easy to pick up on.

I have not used the UiPath Academy, although I think that the developers have. I did not get any feedback from them about it.

I was not involved at the time, but I think that from the point that we purchased our UiPath license until we had our first robot was approximately three to four months.

How has it helped my organization?

In terms of eliminating human errors, I would say that we have a twenty-five percent reduction in the number of them. However, it is hard for me to say because I'm not that clear with it prior to the incorporation of the robots.

With respect to saving time, because of the commitment to the development and the installation and the bringing things onboard, at this point, we have not saved time. In daily operations, we do save time. I would say that we save between twenty and forty hours a day.

Our organization has improved because of the time savings. We've got robots now taking ten seconds to do what people were taking four to six minutes to do. It's a whole department of people that are now free to do other things.

What is most valuable?

I like Orchestrator and how easy it is to manipulate and get your data, to see what's going on. My job is to make sure that the system is running, so it's very easy to go to the Orchestrator through the dashboards. If it's not running, you'll see through the logs what's not running and what has caused the problem. At that point, normally, I escalate it to whoever needs to work on it.

The company likes this solution because of scalability.

What needs improvement?

One of the things we're struggling with it how to project how many robots we need to do these processes, so better documentation or assistance in this regard would be useful.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

With respect to the stability, on a scale of one to five, I would rate this solution a four. I cannot give it five, yet, because I have just not had enough exposure to it.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have about twelve people working with this solution, from developers to the business side to the IT side.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

The idea of RPA was brought back down to me from our VP of IT, but I'm not sure where he got it from.

What was our ROI?

We have already seen a workload that has been moved off of our employees. It was within the first two months of the bot being developed. It is not my place to say the amount, but I can say that it is substantial and six digits. 

What other advice do I have?

From a cost perspective, the unattended bots are going to be a major saving for us. We have a lot of mundane, routine tasks that need to be done. I have not done very much with the attended bots, so I'm not sure how we might benefit from using them.

My advice to anybody who is implementing this solution is that knowing what it is you want to automate is the most important thing. We were kind of blind walking in on that. We had one process we looked at and now it's throughout our company. People have all kinds of ideas about what we can do with automation.

I would rate this solution an eight out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Updated: August 2024
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