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Solution Architect Support Manager at a financial services firm with 5,001-10,000 employees
Real User
Orchestrator enables us to monitor the bots, "orchestrate" them, and we can deliver that tool to customers so they can manage their bots
Pros and Cons
  • "The best thing about UiPath is that it is fairly easy to understand and learn how to use it."
  • "There are a lot of things that can be done to the product to make it better but they are minor and the product continues to improve with every release."

What is our primary use case?

We have a bunch of uses for the product so it is hard to judge which is the most important. We started working with data structures for websites and then moved into more complex automation like speech detection and making more cognitive decisions based on rules. Our automation using bots is essentially on the verge of using artificial intelligence.

How has it helped my organization?

There are a lot of ways this product has improved our organization. Even a simple project can bring us a lot of recognition. One example is retrieving passwords on Amazon. Imagine that you have a user who forgets their password. Amazon lets you reset your password but there are a lot of steps. In the background, Amazon is validating that you are the person that you are saying that you are with a lot of manual steps. We automated that with a bot and other tools and the customer experience skyrocketed. We reduced the processing by five minutes just for that service. Not only did we apply that solution for one country, but we also applied it to seven different countries. It was a success story.

What is most valuable?

What I think is the best thing about UiPath is that it is fairly easy to understand and learn how to use it. One of the most valuable things about the product is the improvement they are making with the tools. They are offering around thirteen new products now. With these additions, there is a lot of value-added enhancement that we can provide via the automation to augment what we already have implemented.

The studio's Orchestrator is the tool that we use in order to create the scripts for the bot. It is what enables us to deliver automation. Having these new technologies within the studio is what enables us to be more creative. With the Orchestrator we can monitor the bots, we can "orchestrate" them, and we can deliver that tool to customers so that they can manage their bots. It is really like digital workforce management. If we created a bot for a business, usually it would just do its job and the customer would not see what the bots are really doing. With this tool, the client has that opportunity to see what the bots are doing. 

The bots automate the work that otherwise would have to be done with other interventions and resources, so reallocation of resources and focus is the most valuable thing overall.

What needs improvement?

There are a lot of things that can be done to the product to make it better. The feature list that I develop between releases is often covered new releases of the product. That is good. But there are still a lot of enhancements that I would like to have within the Orchestrator and the queues. For example, how we manage the queues is an important thing.

I would like to see the ability to have other ways to look for one transaction within the queue. If I am looking for a single transaction, it would be good to have a filter that you can use to specify a detail, like just looking for a reference name that starts with a particular letter — but not the entire reference, but wildcards. Those are the kind of things that can be enhanced and make a big difference. Maybe they are not on the roadmap for the company when it comes to upgrades at this point because those are tiny things within the tools. But even those tiny little things can make a lot of difference in the functionality of the tools.

Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

On a scale of one to five where five is the best and one is the worst, I would rate the stability of this platform a five. The stability of the platform is very good. During the four years that we have been working with UiPath, we have not encountered any issues with stability because of the platform. There are always issues with the environment and that can affect stability and performance, but with the platform itself, there are no issues.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Within the RPA suite, we have around 40 people working with the product. But we also have to consider that we usually engage people from other places to contribute to every single project. There are a lot more users than are working with us within the project and within our immediate company team. The peripheral people are going to be people from security, people from IT, people with specific business backgrounds, etcetera. The number of users and the product itself are scalable.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support is actually pretty good. We worked a lot with our CSM (Customer Service Management). They are always doing a great job to find someone to help us out when we have issues. They get the right person for the right issue. For now, if I had to rate it from one to five where five is the best, it is going to be a five.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

At the beginning, we would try to automate tasks using spreadsheets where we had calculations. We had macros and things of that sort to automate small tasks. The next step in moving to a new era was to turn to RPAs. There were a lot of things that we needed to implement through this new technology. So we did have another solution before for some types of automation but it wasn't really a dedicated system for automation and it wasn't capable of this scale.

How was the initial setup?

We have a turn-around time of four to six weeks. In order to go to implementation and production, it depends on the complexity of the project. A normal project that is not that complex will obviously take less time. We have to take into consideration the time that we have in assessment, in the evaluation of the project, and in development, and only after that do we do testing to put it into production.

There are, of course, always challenges, but not all of them come because of the UiPath platform. There's a lot of things that are an issue because of the environment or the target applications that we're using. It is often more because of that than the platform itself.

What about the implementation team?

We have in-house developers, we have a QA team, and we have a training and communication team specifically for the RPA suite. We also have managers for the teams, the support team, and solution architects. We do our own implementations and assist others in doing theirs.

What was our ROI?

We usually try to calculate return on investment within a year or two depending on the project. But we start to look at the benefits from the first month we put the product into production. Not really the ROI exactly, but the benefits. What I mean by benefit is if the automation is achieving the goals it was intended to achieve. Once we pass through the cost of implementation, license cost and any additional expenditure of resources, then we look into ROI.

We have seen a lot of benefits in a variety of ways depending on the projects. Most of what we have been seeing is capacity creation. There are a lot of things that can be introduced to automate processes. If there is work that can't be handled by a team and they are not going to meet SLA (Service Level Agreement), creating bots and putting bots into their team to take over redundant tasks is letting the team use resources differently. It creates additional capacity so the team can focus on more important things — like quality or process. That enables the business unit to accomplish their tasks while raising quality. The bot can always be depended on to do a specific task in the same way. If we have the right steps and if we have the right process to execute, the output from the bot is going to be right. That is another incredible benefit. Of course and for example, giving the customer a response in one hour instead of five hours enhances the customer experience. Proper use of automation can do all of these things.

Bots can also be used in eliminating human errors. Being cautious in estimating that, it could be as much as a 60% to 80% reduction. It will be reducing human error, but there is always some level of error in processing.

The percentage of time saved using UiPath bots depends on the projects, but most processes can save teams 85% of the time they would spend on tasks that can be automated. Some other automated tasks we have the efficiency go up to 90 or 95%. That is pretty good and a great way to allow for the reallocation of resources.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The cost depends on how many licenses we have and how we use the bots. We have a rate for attended bots and a rate for unattended bots. The price itself depends on the project and the number of licenses required. The prices, in general, are good — actually they are the best — but they could always be cheaper. Right now there is no one that is cheaper. The cost is in line with what we thought that it should be.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

In 2016, we started to evaluate vendors. We went through Automation Anywhere and a lot of the competing products. We decided to go with UiPath not only because of the cost and the model that they have, but also the relationship that they have with customers. They actually care for you. They are always looking to provide you with the newest and best technologies. They try to make you use it in the best ways and they try to make you test out new features and provide feedback. If you need it and you realize that it's really good, then they help you make it happen. That is the best thing. They are being humble even though they are growing a lot. It is what actually made us go through UiPath.

What other advice do I have?

We are using the entire UiPath tool. We are using the studios, we are using the orchestrator, we are using the bots. That is both unattended and attended bots.

We have two different environments. One is on-prem within Costa Rica data center and then we have another in the U.S. that is on an internal cloud and we use VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) and Citrix.

The virtual environment is actually pretty functional. There are some pros and cons. The pro is that it enables you to add virtual machines if you need them. The con might be that sometimes you need to enable connections that are not enabled. You might have to go through firewalls, go through network issues, etcetera. With that, it is a little bit more complex to build out automation sometimes. You have to go through configuration hurdles when you encounter them.

On a scale of one to five with five being very easy and one being very hard, I would rate the ease of use of the platform as a five. It is a five because when comparing it with the other RPA (Robotic Process Automation) platforms, it is easier to navigate within the studio and it is more comprehensive. There is a saying in usability that if you need to take more than five clicks in order to find what you're looking for, it is not easy. Finding what you want in one or two clicks is what makes a product easy to use.

We use UiPath Academy RPA training all the time. Every new employee or intern that we employ in our company goes through the RPA academy training first. That is kind of the bible for us. On a scale of one to five, five being very beneficial and one being not beneficial at all, I would rate the academy as a five. 

My advice for anyone considering this solution is very simple: It is worth it, go ahead and give it a try. You will like it. Try to experience everything within UiPath and go through every single feature that they have and can provide currently before you commit to it. The company's support will back you up and they will make sure that you find what you are looking for.

On a scale of one to ten, where ten is the best and one is the worst, I would rate the product as an eight. To get a ten, a product should be perfect. Nothing is perfect. It is not a nine because it is just a cautious rating. In technology, we always say that for every question there is an answer that says "depending on...[something]". Depending on what you're looking at, it is going to be an eight or it's going to be a nine. It should never be a ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Real User
Now we can retrieve the header of HTTP requests which was a must use case for our project

What is our primary use case?

There are multiple use cases:

Automation of manual Excel workflow: Previously, our account support executive used to manually prepare client Excel sheet using a variety of third-party integration. Data flows manually into Excel and is then exported manually to a different system. What a fantastic work done by UiPath using integrations and webhooks. We almost saved 24 hours of weekly effort per employee and imagine we have to do this every time of the year and for hundreds of clients.

Automated data entry: Automated data entry of generated invoices was made so much easier with OCR recognition that we are trying to explore it in more departments like human resource and support systems.

How has it helped my organization?

It helped us in achieving the following efficiency and compliance:

  • Cost management
  • Drive innovation
  • Creating internal/operational efficiencies
  • Improving business process outcomes
  • Improving business process agility.

What is most valuable?

I am an automation expert responsible for creating utilities which help support systems in easing down their business and saving lots of money with redundant efforts. Earlier, it was done using software code, but once I latched on to UiPath, I was overwhelmed with the ease, flexibility, integration, and support provided by it. 

Along with that, UiPath provides the best learning material and easiest learning curve making it one of the popular tools in the market. 

I also found the UiPath community forum very helpful which is a big plus for developers like us. The latest version of UiPath (Community Edition, v2019.2.0) contains a beta version of AI computer vision which we have just used, and I am sure that it's going to kill in the market with such an ease of recognizing UI elements. 

Additionally, now we can also retrieve the header of HTTP requests which was a must use case for our project, and it eased out a lot of re-work.

What needs improvement?

  • I really like to see improvement in IDE for UiPath. There is still a lot of space where the user flow could be made more intuitive. 
  • Enterprise support for UiPath is still spotty and is not fully capable of solving queries in a single session. They still require some time to get back on the issue. 
  • I also have a suggestion: Don't try to overburden your product, with the early release of so much integration, with bugs. Do thorough testing, make sure it is bug-free, make sure there is proper documentation and make sure tech support is up and ready with known issues.

For how long have I used the solution?

Less than one year.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
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Senior Process Manager at Capgemini
Real User
The OCR and desktop recording features give good results

What is our primary use case?

We are a financial shared services office; we have been using UiPath in our daily process. This is the most useful tool.

How has it helped my organization?

This has helped us to automate most of the jobs. Even if it has more control and manual works, this works well.

What is most valuable?

  • The recording features, basic Citrix, OCR, and desktop recording which gives good results
  • OCR is at its best.

What needs improvement?

I'm from Chennai, and here I couldn't see any classroom training or academy which offers the classroom course.

For how long have I used the solution?

Less than one year.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Evangelist | Startup Community Builder | Public Speaker | Ex - Info
Real User
OCR integration works well with third-party engines

What is our primary use case?

  • Invoice processing
  • Claims processing
  • Vendor onboarding
  • Product fitment analysis
  • Database monitoring
  • Interaction with FTP and analyzing XML files
  • Underwriter quote submissions
  • Automating reconciliation of reports.

How has it helped my organization?

Ease of implementation.

Extensible framework assists in plugging in required components from existing scripts, and in implementing intelligent automation utilizing the best in class machine learning algorithms.

The framework provided has good recovery mechanism and exception handling capabilities built in. It can be customized based on the requirements and provides an easier start for implementation and to showcase in a presentable manner.

What is most valuable?

  • Excel automation: It has activities related to most of the functionalities in Excel and makes life easier for anyone who spends a significant amount of time in Excel for analysis and reporting.
  • PDF automation: It performs well in reading native PDF documents.
  • Email automation: It integrates well with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3 apart from supporting Outlook and Exchange which are used extensively in large corporations.
  • Web automation: The use of UiExplorer in extracting the properties of web elements and easy modification to improve the re-usability of workflows.
  • Windows automation: It works well with Windows-based apps for updating information received in Excel spreadsheets and to capture the information and reports generated in the apps.
  • Mobile app support to monitor bot health and status of the workflows.
  • OCR integration works well with third-party engines.

What needs improvement?

  • The core product is yet to include machine learning capabilities. 
  • Focus on solving domain-specific high volume use cases to target the major pain points in each vertical.
  • Simplify the knowledge requirements on .NET Framework for implementing complex automations.
  • Including additional visualizations on the reporting side would help. 

For how long have I used the solution?

One to three years.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Real User
The cloud deployment option is particularly attractive to some customers for its flexibility and scalability

What is our primary use case?

  • Financial domain
  • Excel automation
  • SAP automation
  • Citrix automation
  • Usage of Orchestrator queues
  • RE framework
  • Automating password resets
  • Security and governance
  • Highly elastic scalability
  • Work queues
  • Rules-based exception handling
  • Large group deployment
  • Rapid development support
  • Centralized repository for version control
  • Execution logs and credentials.

How has it helped my organization?

  • We have a lot of processes to be automated. UiPath helped us to be cost effective and time effective.
  • UiPath provides us with high speed in case of implementation.
  • Implementation speed which helps how fast can you automate
  • Reusability and extensibility which is used to build modular automation and reuse at the workflow level, plus it extends UiPath's functionality via custom activities or various integration.

What is most valuable?

  • Citrix recorder
  • UI Explorer
  • I used to connect using remote desktop and automated it using image automation. 
  • The cloud deployment option is particularly attractive to some customers for its flexibility and scalability, along with customary thin client advantages. 

Those customers should determine if the RA provider offers a cloud service that scales automatically. The customer should go beyond that minimum and look for a provider whose architecture provides a proven integration track record with Citrix (including Xen) and other virtualization technologies, enterprise applications such as SAP (GUI and web), Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft,

What needs improvement?

Sometimes when working with operation leads, it’s hard to get them to focus on the concept, and also believe in the concept. For approval, it should run through all of your company’s major departments, ranging from investor groups to operation floor leads to finance to management. Processes that will be affected by the RPA should all be consulted as well, and all departments should be considered in the RPA implementation process.

For how long have I used the solution?

One to three years.
Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: My company is Official Training partner for UIPath
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reviewer1000371 - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees
Real User
All steps that we want to automate can be recorded and directly transferred as a sequence into UiPath

What is our primary use case?

I'm working in a consulting company as an RPA developer. We have some projects with clients connected with automations. That is my primary case of using this solution daily. 

How has it helped my organization?

We help our clients to improve their businesses, reduce costs, for example, hiring new people to automate repetitive work, to be able to run a process when the need arises 24/7. 

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features for me in UiPath is the ability to use more than one programming language. We can, of course, drag and drop activities, but it's also possible to run our own code/macro. The second thing which I like the most is the recording ability, all steps which we want to automate can be recorded and directly transferred as a sequence into UiPath.

What needs improvement?

  • I think it would be good to add more activities regarding operations on data tables. 
  • The product definitely should be improved in the case of throwing more accurate description of exceptions.

For how long have I used the solution?

One to three years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Good in my opinion, we have a lot of possibilities, so it's up to us what we decided to use. We can use state machine which works perfectly or in some small processes choose sequence.

How are customer service and technical support?

Very good, a very well-developed UiPath forum having a lot of helpful guys. The maximum waiting time for a response is around two days.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I use both tools for automation: Blue Prism and UiPath. The current project runs in UiPath.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I have no idea about pricing, cost, and license.

What other advice do I have?

My advice for future UiPath users is to get familiarized with all documents and online courses provided by UiPath because it's very valuable knowledge.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
VP Finance Continuous Improvement at a tech services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Video Review
Real User
This has given us something that we didn't have, and I think that's the advantage we're seeing from UiPath

What is our primary use case?

We are using UiPath in our finance and accounting area but we do see it as a tool that we can use across the whole of the business.

How has it helped my organization?

We're really in the early days of what we're doing but even with the first robotized process, what we've seen is that it's given us the opportunity to really assess the process, understand where the waste is so that we could eradicate that, simplify the process and then really engage with the operations people to build a robust, streamlined process. And then the automation of course, has got rid of the mundane transactional work and given the people a much more fulfilling part of the process overall.

We've used a number of automation technologies previous, I mean we are a technology company so we understand automation and we've used a lot of BPMS tools in the past, but this has just given us something that we didn't have, and I think that's the advantage we're seeing from UiPath.

What is most valuable?

I think it's the relative ease of use. It's really bridging that gap between the human interface with the technology that we're using and giving us an automation advantage that you just couldn't get from any other type of solution.

What needs improvement?

I think it's a little bit early to say at the moment, I think UiPath are ahead of us in our thinking at the moment, maybe in a year's time we might have areas where we see gaps but at the moment, everything we need I think is there, out of the box.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I think like any tool, like any software technology, you have to follow the recommended framework and use proper coding standards so it's easy to use, but I think to scale up and make it robust in a scaled environment, you have to have rigor, you have to have a solid operating model in place. But we've done that and yeah, I think it's a very stable product.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Before we entered into this, we did some benchmarking and we looked at best practices and we're seeing companies that are scaling significantly using this technology. We believe we can scale to a significant level, and again, the key thing is to put that operating model in the infrastructure in place to give you that solid foundation.

How is customer service and technical support?

I would say it's excellent to be honest with you, getting our first robot up and running we had some pitfalls as you would expect in the early days, but we picked up the phone, we got hold of UiPath, they sent people both in physical and remote support forms. And it was second to none, it was really effective and we got up and running very quickly as a result.

How was the initial setup?

I think setting up the software is very easy to do. It is really about spending the time up front to think about your operating model and think about how you're going look at the processes, how you're going to simplify them and then how you're going to robotize them. So you could get up and running with a robotized process very quickly, but if you want to do it on scale, you do need to take some time to think about how you're going to scale that.

What about the implementation team?

we did use a partner, I won't name who that was. We worked with them. It was good to have that experience to bring somebody in who'd seen it in other companies and could help to give us that kickstart. We do want to be self-sufficient, we do want to build our own competence but I think everybody needs that boost in the beginning.

What was our ROI?

I think the first thing is that I always see these things a starting point, it isn't cost, per se, it's really about the improvement to the process, the quality, the service and overall value that you can deliver to the customer. But what's great is that coming out of that, you do get a cost advantage and obviously unattended robots give us a significant cost advantage, but even attended robots, you're seeing very much an ROI which is in the two times plus level.

If we look at ROI, if we look at our first robot, that's the only one we've got fully engaged and in production, it's probably going to give us an ROI in about one, maximum, two months.

It's been very quick to get up and running and it's saved significant amount of time. We're basically only talking about initially one FTE, when we scale it up to the rest, globally it's going to be be three FTEs. Within one to two months, it's going to giving us a return on investment and we've now got a pipeline and a backlog of robotized processes which we expect to be giving us ROI of less than three months.

It is always difficult to say exactly the percentage, but it's certainly got rid of human errors. I think one of the most important things is that we're 100% certain that the processes run right, so we know that day, that time that the processes run correctly, or if not where the errors were.

The thing with human errors, even if they're infrequent, you don't often know until much later on that the error occurred, so it's that certainly of knowing when you've got 100% accuracy and when you've not, you can very quickly rectify that. So I think that's probably the biggest impact we've seen. So far, over 80% of the lead time and process time has been reduced.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Software Developer at a computer software company with 51-200 employees
Real User
Top 20
We can simply drag and drop based on our application requirements, so things go smoother and faster
Pros and Cons
  • "I find the whole product useful, but I like the intuitive design the best. It's a well-designed UI, and it's comfortable for this use case."
  • "UiPath should improve the test case criteria in future versions because the test cases are not well-designed. I feel everything is fine other than that."

What is our primary use case?

UiPath is deployed on AWS EC2 instances, and we use it for basic automation.  Very few developers are working on UiPath here. Our end-users don't deal with this. We only use our database and the data collected from UiPath, but the automation is not visible to our customers. We only use it in our internal development or design phase or to collect some automated data. 

We haven't used UiPath's machine learning capabilities, but we are working on that. That could be useful in a few use cases for triggering some queues and running processes in the background. We are using asynchronous jobs, but we don't rely on AI yet.

How has it helped my organization?

It helps us design the automation capabilities of our products. You can quickly create some AI-driven, easy-to-use, automated tracking products. We can also design the workflow to enhance the optimal automation process. Before using UiPath, we needed to write code to define some UI tasks manually. It required a vast amount of coding and used up much of our developer bandwidth. 

UiPath saves us some time and development costs by helping us quickly design some automated tasks and workflows. We reduced our work time by at least 70 percent because developers no longer need to write a considerable amount of code for a single automated task. UiPath can do all of that.

The drag-and-drop APIs reduce the time it takes to build workflows because we can define an orchestration URL and how we log in to the system. We can easily define entire edge cases and workflows. This helps us a lot. The AI will help us, too, but we are still in the development phase. 

In the early stages, it took a little time to see value from UiPath. Our engineering team needed to learn the product, but we were good to go in two weeks. 

What is most valuable?

I find the whole product useful, but I like the intuitive design the best. It's a well-designed UI, and it's comfortable for this use case. You can easily automate anything. The drag-and-drop APIs make things easier for us. We can simply drag and drop based on our application requirements, so things go smoother and faster.

What needs improvement?

UiPath should improve the test case criteria in future versions because the test cases are not well-designed. I feel everything is fine other than that.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using UiPath for about two and a half years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have been using this for about one and a half years, and it's highly stable so far. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Based on our current use case, we believe we can scale toward the AI path of that product, and we are still in the process of evaluating this. Once we implement the AI features, we expect to scale up further.

How are customer service and support?

I rate UiPath support nine out of ten. I'm impressed with them. It has a steep learning curve, but UiPath provides a lot of online documentation, helping us figure out everything ourselves.

The technical support from the updates team is nice. They provide instant support for any issue, but we've barely used them because everything is well-documented, and the UI is intuitive. 

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We were working on coding architecture and directly defining and using our code.

How was the initial setup?

A different team handled the installation. We have two people managing the solution, but it doesn't require much maintenance. We install patches about once a year. The updates can affect our data and the process we use, so that's a challenge sometimes. 

What was our ROI?

We have definitely seen a return because UiPath has cut the engineering cost significantly. It frees up our engineers to do other tasks. It has reduced our workload by around 80 percent. We still required one or two developers to develop all these UI cases.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We find UiPath's total cost of ownership is cheaper because we significantly reduced the resources required for development. We believe it's a reasonable price for the value we get in this application use case.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We tried Automated Anywhere, but that doesn't work for us. UiPath provides much more features, and we can enhance things better. UiPath's drag-and-drop functionality also makes things easier for us. After trying these two products, we found that UiPath is a major gamechanger for our use case.

What other advice do I have?

I rate UiPath an eight out of ten. The test cases could be better, and we're still evaluating the AI-driven part. Otherwise, I would rate this as a nine. I highly recommend this product because of all the advantages it offers, and UiPath has great documentation and videos available on multiple channels. It has considerably reduced the manual work we are doing. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Updated: August 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free UiPath Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.