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Analyst at a energy/utilities company with 11-50 employees
Real User
Good technical and community support, and makes tasks easier for our employees
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature of Studio is the ease of use for developers who do not have a technical background."
  • "I would like to see anything that can increase the reliability of the processes."

What is our primary use case?

We are using Studio and Orchestrator.

We use this solution for financial analysis, accounting, invoice processing, and other menial tasks.

We run automations in a virtual environment.

With respect to how easy it is to automate our company's processes, on a scale of one to five, I would rate this solution a five. The ease of use comes from many things including the user interface and the coding.

On a scale of one to five, judging how beneficial it is, I would rate the training a four. I feel that you can have people who are directly thrown into the training, but sometimes it is difficult for people to pick up on topics that are not related to the processes that they are dealing with.

From the point that we purchased our UiPath license until we had our first robot was approximately two weeks. The implementation was straightforward both on the setup and the development side.

How has it helped my organization?

This solution has a big impact on what we do. It gives us a bigger impact on a decreased employee base.

I can't say exactly how much time we have saved across the company, but I can speak to my own processes. We save about one hundred a twenty hours per week. This savings comes in part because it is making people's jobs easier.

In terms of eliminating human errors, our error rate has improved since automation. I would estimate we have twenty-five percent fewer errors.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature of Studio is the ease of use for developers who do not have a technical background.

The user interface is good.

What needs improvement?

I would like to see anything that can increase the reliability of the processes. It can be a really challenging task and there is certainly room for improvement.

I would like to see more selectors included in the next release of this solution.

Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

With respect to the stability, on a scale from one to five, I would rate this solution a four. It's fairly stable and it's making good improvements. In some cases when you get an upgrade package, you can lose functionality that previously worked with some processes.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have about six people involved in our automation program.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support for this solution is good, but seeing the functionality break that worked in previous versions can be frustrating.

What about the implementation team?

For my processes, everything was done in-house.

What was our ROI?

We have seen ROI with this solution. We began to see some in about a month, but a lot more after two months and greater.

What other advice do I have?

My advice to anybody who is considering this solution is simply to do it. Dive right in. Gather as much information as you can about the processes, then use the community in place to help.

This is a good solution, but there is always room for improvement.

I would rate this solution a nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Solution Architect at a engineering company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Studio is very easy to learn, and Orchestrator makes it easy to manage the platform
Pros and Cons
  • "It is really easy for people to learn the basics and the learning curve is not steep."
  • "Orchestrator needs to have better integration to include business users."

What is our primary use case?

We use all of the products in the UiPath platform.

We have use cases ranging from back-office to manufacturing, which include large project management, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and treasury management. Most of the areas in the company have processes that we have automated.

We run our automations in the Citrix virtual environment, although we are unhappy with Citrix. It is pretty bad, and it's very difficult to keep up the performance. AVS or Azure do not offer a good service yet, but we are looking for alternatives with respect to the virtual environment.

With respect to how easy it is to automate our company's processes, on a scale of one to five, I would rate this solution a four. We have been using UiPath for quite a long time, and we have seen this evolving. It has been getting better over the last few years.

On a scale of one to five, judging how beneficial it is, I would rate the training between three and four. The training is good, but the content doesn't have the depth required for people to go ahead and do something if they're not technical. It's still pretty high-level.

From the point that we purchased our UiPath license until we had our first robot was three to four weeks. The process is getting better, but when we started in 2016 and UiPath was small, it was good but needed refinement. I would have rated it three out of five back then.

How has it helped my organization?

Using this solution is enabling us to move the drive for digital transformation to the core. We can now take automation to a level it has never been to.

In terms of eliminating human errors, we have seen benefits. With humans performing, the accuracy was at approximately ninety percent. Our accuracy with automation is now close to one hundred percent.

With respect to saving time, we have seen FTE savings but the numbers are confidential.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature of Studio is the ease of use. It is really easy for people to learn the basics and the learning curve is not steep.

Orchestrator makes it very easy to manage the platform.

What needs improvement?

Orchestrator needs to have better integration to include business users.

For how long have I used the solution?

We have been using this solution since 2016.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

With respect to the stability, on a scale from one to five, I would rate this solution between four and five. Stability has been getting better. For example, Studio used to have a lot of bugs when you were developing and when you were capturing the screens. Now it's been getting better, but there is still room to improve.

Orchestrator used to lag quite a bit when there were a high number of transactions, and there is still room to improve.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have at least a few hundred people involved in our automation program.

How are customer service and technical support?

The technical support for this solution is pretty good. Whenever we had trouble they were always there.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We did not use another RPA prior to this one. We were looking at improving the efficiency of processes and bringing some innovative solutions to automating tasks and processes. This is when we decided to try RPA. 

What about the implementation team?

We implemented this solution on our own.

What was our ROI?

We have seen ROI but I cannot share the specifics.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We did a very extensive vendor review. We had all of the major providers of RPA solutions in 2016, and UiPath was the one that came through in terms of fulfilling all of the criteria.

What other advice do I have?

Looking ahead at the features that are being released this year, they seem to be what we have been looking for.

My advice for anybody researching this type of solution is to choose wisely. There are a lot of products out there, but few of them actually work.

This is a good solution and they are releasing some features that I am looking forward to, but there is still room to improve. 

I would rate this solution a nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about UiPath. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Program Manager at a government with 51-200 employees
Real User
We have direct access to read and write data in our applications, but the security and integration need improvement
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature of UiPath is they have direct access to read and write data in their applications, so we don't need to build a back-end interface."
  • "We still have to test the final product. UiPath's recommendation is build another bot to validate the other bot's work. That is the scary part: If you make a mistake creating the bot, how can you recover from that mistake?"

What is our primary use case?

I work for the financial management office. We do a lot of manual processes. Our use case right now is that we look at all of our financial business processes, break them down, and identify the subprocesses that we can use UiPath to automate. This is very manually, so we try to find some efficiencies which have the most the value for our organization.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature of UiPath is we have direct access to read and write data in our applications, so we don't need to build a back-end interface.

What needs improvement?

The security needs improvement, especially in regards to managing the credentials.

I would also like to see better integration with Microsoft products.

We still have to test the final product. UiPath's recommendation is build another bot to validate the other bot's work. That is the scary part: If you make a mistake creating the bot, how can you recover from that mistake?

A lot of Elastic is not working, which is why the solution is not integrated.

While the commercial solution is successful, the government solution needs improvement. Government has so many regulation and requirements that still need to be address by the product.

For how long have I used the solution?

We are still in the process of building our first bot.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It's a bit choppy, so people need to find workarounds.

We haven't deployed our first bot yet, so we are unable to gauge bot stability.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We tried to set it up in the virtual environment because we want to leverage a lot of the Microsoft features. They need to include all the API features going forward to make the virtual environment effective.

How are customer service and technical support?

We are working closely with the UiPath technical team because we are pioneering putting this infrastructure on the cloud. 

The technical support team is responsive.

There is a big community.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We rely on our partner to identify a solution and give us a recommendation.

How was the initial setup?

We set it up in Studio and Orchestrator. We are also ready to put the bot on our Amazon Cloud environment.

What about the implementation team?

We had contractors, a consultancy company, help us build the system. They are a really good team, who also help deploy the solution for government agencies (DHS and DoD).

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

There are a couple options on market, like Automation Anywhere. UiPath is one of the leaders, so we picked UiPath.

Automation Anywhere is not on the DHS approved vendor list, so we couldn't pick them, as the approval process would take longer for them than UiPath.

What other advice do I have?

Use UiPath in a more process-driven way, instead of BI-driven way.

We put everything on Amazon Cloud, even our development is cloud-based.

We haven't had a change to use UiPath Academy for RPA training yet.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Change Manager at Trelleborgs
Real User
We can integrate it to do many things and have a lot of different data coming into it
Pros and Cons
  • "You can integrate it to do many things. We have a lot of different data that comes into it."
  • "Studio needs to be more user-friendly, maybe it could be integrated with an AI."

What is our primary use case?

I'm not using it myself. I'm working around it with consultants. I am in network IT. I have seen the product at work and tried it myself. It is sort of easy to use.

How has it helped my organization?

From our main systems, it integrates a platform for our citizens, sending them notifications.

We have released on time from the staff for IOPS, which is what they are going to focus on. We are leading in our country in this area. It is supposed to change our thinking about how we should work with newer process and how systems are thinking.

What is most valuable?

You can integrate it to do many things. We have a lot of different data that comes into it.

What needs improvement?

Studio needs to be more user-friendly, maybe it could be integrated with an AI.

We want to see more ways that we can use the product. We want to see more actual cases.

For how long have I used the solution?

One to three years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We haven't had that many problems. We have had more issues with the products integrating into it.

It does what it is supposed to do. We haven't had any complications in the less than two years that we have used the application, which is quite good.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Scalability-wise, it should meet our needs going forward.

How are customer service and technical support?

I am planning to use the UiPath Academy going forward.

How was the initial setup?

The application setup is easy, but the process can vary. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We only use the technical support when we were renewing our license. The process could be easier, as there are a lot of steps.

We are set up for annual licensing and will be taking the time to renew.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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RPA Specialist at Unifeeder A/S
Real User
The product is easy to go into and use, but the software crashes due to stability issues
Pros and Cons
  • "There are a lot of powerful box components with the possibilities of creating your own."
  • "I'm not that technical, and the product is easy to go into and use. It is also easy to get started using UiPath."
  • "UiPath could do some optimization of how you search through your process flows."

What is our primary use case?

We have multiple use cases. We are a distributing company, so we are moving containers around at sea. There are a lot of things that you need to do around that. We are trying to automate to help with our bookings created, etc.

How has it helped my organization?

It has not yet routinized our company. While people are at first a little afraid of the product, when they see the benefits, they want more. Right now, we can't keep up with the demand.

What is most valuable?

I'm not that technical, and the product is easy to go into and use. It is also easy to get started using UiPath. 

There are a lot of powerful box components with the possibilities of creating your own.

What needs improvement?

The stability needs improvement.

Within Studio, if you are holding down variable buttons (50 or more), then our entire application slows down. So, basic performance could improve.

UiPath could do some optimization of how you search through your process flows. Right now, you have like a small box in the corner, and you don't have an overview when you're searching. Then, you receive this list which you can click around in. That's fine, but it needs to be more visible when you are searching for your components.

For how long have I used the solution?

One to three years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have had some issues regarding stability. The software crashes sometimes, giving us string errors.

The product is very stable out-of-the-box. However, we are in a phase where we are changing our platform, as well. Therefore, we went from a Windows PC setup to Windows Server setup. We went from being one guy to two guys developing this, so we had to do quite a lot of restructuring. 

We aren't on the latest version of UiPath right now. We want to be there, but we are facing issues right now where sometimes our robots can't be rescheduled. The schedule just fails. We have some tickets with UiPath right now. Thus, we are not using the most stable version and are working the issues together with their support.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have around 450 people in our company and are global in Europe.

How are customer service and technical support?

Sometimes, the technical support is pretty helpful. They are quick at responding, but there are times when we feel like they have a process that they go through and try to feel out the type of issues. Then, they send you a standard reply. With some of the things that we are facing, it's not like they can look it up in the handbook. Unfortunately, we have unique issues.

We would like more technical help. It would be nice if UiPath would come out to our company. If some of their more experienced developers from Bucharest could look at the problems, that would be great. 

I used the UiPath Academy a bit at the start. However, we can't keep up with our business' demand, so I don't have time to use the Academy. It was okay for learning some of the features. For example, we're starting to use the software, and it is good to have some input that you can use it in a different way.

What was our ROI?

We have an okay return on investment.

We have seen examples where a user misses stuff which was done and the robot corrects it, and the robot has seen something. So, we are seeing an elimination of human errors.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Real User
Version control like SVN and TFS is available in the latest versions

What is our primary use case?

Using UiPath, we are currently solving tax calculation, mortgage calculation, etc. We have realized that UiPath doesn't actually require you to use code to develop workflows. These can be created by using simple drag-and-drop activities. This is helpful almost everywhere. Their community edition being free helps a lot.

How has it helped my organization?

We have been using UiPath for quite some time now, and I have a lot of positive remarks. UiPath is a tool which can be learned easily by anyone and everyone. UiPath itself provides videos and assessments for you to watch and learn accordingly. These things are available for free and certifications provided are freely available also. This tool will be useful when you need to automate a complex business process, and since UiPath has an immense amount of activities, this is very possible. Regular updates are pushed, and the notes are released as well on the community forum.

What is most valuable?

  • Easy use of activities and flowcharts
  • REFramework for error handling
  • Different types of platforms to create a process are available like flowcharts, sequence, transactional, agent process, and REFramework.
  • Depending on the type of the process, we can choose which of the above-mentioned type we can use.
  • Version control like SVN, TFS is available in the latest versions.

What needs improvement?

  • As compared to other tools in the market, this is a little costly.
  • Sometimes the UiPath Studio hangs while running complex processes.
  • Whatever flows I develop using previous versions, it becomes a little difficult to open the same in latest versions. We need to update all the package which was used earlier.

For how long have I used the solution?

Less than one year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

End-to-end support provided.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Totally impressed.

How are customer service and technical support?

Totally satisfied with the 24/7 support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Yes, Automation Anywhere. But it was very costly, and support wasn't provided as much as required.

How was the initial setup?

Totally straight and guided setup.

What about the implementation team?


What was our ROI?

Process automation with regard to beeline automation and VPN client authentication process automation.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

  • Good tool, it's extremely easy to use since it has just a drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Setup and installation are very easy.
  • Good for beginners since the community version is easily available.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?


What other advice do I have?

  • UiPath is easy to learn. They have the UiPath Academy (online courses) which is easy to follow, and it helps to learn how to use the platform and what an RPA is.
  • There is an official forum too! So if you have any doubt, there will always be someone to help you to solve it.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Developer RPA at student
Real User
I like the integrations with PDF reading OCR, Excel/CSV, SAP, Outlook/Gmail

What is our primary use case?

We use the tool to create bots, which access the mailbox. Given a certain type of e-mail will make the treatment the same, from access to the internal system, making inventory movement, as well as informing teams of availability of material, need of purchases of the same, alert any problem and carry out price quotations on the internet using the data scrap.

How has it helped my organization?

We have been able to optimize process time and reduce costs with the bots since they work 24/7 and with a near-zero error rate. In addition, we have all the support of the community that is very present, always helping in doubts, as well as training that we carried out in our own platform that enabled us to grow bigger and faster.

What is most valuable?

Integration with PDF reading OCR, Excel/CSV, SAP, Outlook/Gmail, as they are primary functions in the day-to-day operations of a company.

What needs improvement?

  • Improve the documentation about the tool, since some frameworks adopted by the company/community are difficult to use. 
  • ReFramework, which is the main framework adopted by UiPath to improve the use of the tool is explained in the advanced course of the academy in a very confusing way.

For how long have I used the solution?

Less than one year.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We have tried other tools previously like Actiona and AA, but because of their limitations, recognition speed/intelligence, we migrated to UiPath because we saw clearly that the tool best suits the demands we had received.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I did not participate in the tool acquisition process.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

As mentioned earlier, we used AA and Actiona, but UiPath was by far the best option.

What other advice do I have?

If your company is looking for a fast, intelligent tool that has an active community to help you, UiPath is the best option.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
PeerSpot user
Works with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
There are many add-ins for different use cases/environments to implement robots

What is our primary use case?

My primary use cases are the change of customer addresses or their banking information in our systems.

How has it helped my organization?

Easy to handle software, as the "programming" of the robots is done through drag and drop activities. That makes the processes quick to automate.

What is most valuable?

The software, in general, is very well done, as there are many add-ins for different use cases/environments to implement robots. Especially Excel and SAP activities are working very well.

What needs improvement?

OCR and image recognition are already working quite good. But there is still room to improve when it comes to the accuracy, then scraping of scanned PDFs, etc.

For how long have I used the solution?

One to three years.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
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Download our free UiPath Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
Updated: August 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free UiPath Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.