I am preparing to take my exam and earn this certification in the near future. For me, this is a way to showcase that I have experience and knowledge in one of the most popular and widely used cloud services. I think that no matter which level you are aiming for - Associate, Professional, or Master - certification can serve as a useful thing for your personal growth as well as your company's. My organization is encouraging me and my fellow developer teammates to undergo the training. We will not only be certified in our expertise, but our company will also be able to prove to our clients that we are masters of AWS. You do not have to get it in order to work with AWS, but this certification brings you a lot of credibility and authority.
I do not currently have an AWS certification and I do not really believe you need to have one in order to work with the solution effectively. It may be useful for people to put on their resumes; however you can benefit from all the services that AWS provides perfectly well without it. In fact, I did not even know what Amazon AWS certification was until a few months ago when a colleague said they were preparing to get one. For them, it is essential to showcase their skills and test their knowledge. I understand that, but for me, and for anyone who just wants to take advantage of Amazon AWS services without becoming an expert, it is not necessary.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an adopted cloud platform that offers more than 200 fully featured services from data centers located across the globe. This is a scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that is utilized by thousands of businesses of different sizes around the world. The product offers a wide variety of solutions for its customers, which allows them to launch applications regardless of their industry. The most common use cases for AWS are:
Application hosting:...
I am preparing to take my exam and earn this certification in the near future. For me, this is a way to showcase that I have experience and knowledge in one of the most popular and widely used cloud services. I think that no matter which level you are aiming for - Associate, Professional, or Master - certification can serve as a useful thing for your personal growth as well as your company's. My organization is encouraging me and my fellow developer teammates to undergo the training. We will not only be certified in our expertise, but our company will also be able to prove to our clients that we are masters of AWS. You do not have to get it in order to work with AWS, but this certification brings you a lot of credibility and authority.
I do not currently have an AWS certification and I do not really believe you need to have one in order to work with the solution effectively. It may be useful for people to put on their resumes; however you can benefit from all the services that AWS provides perfectly well without it. In fact, I did not even know what Amazon AWS certification was until a few months ago when a colleague said they were preparing to get one. For them, it is essential to showcase their skills and test their knowledge. I understand that, but for me, and for anyone who just wants to take advantage of Amazon AWS services without becoming an expert, it is not necessary.
No, I don't have an AWS certificate. But, I am planning to get one soon.