System Administrator at a mining and metals company with 1,001-5,000 employees
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Top 20
Feb 5, 2025
Overall, I would give it an eight out of ten. The user interface and the pricing model should be improved. Subsequent disk purchases should be more reasonable, in my opinion. I haven't met a Dell array yet that has achieved the promised data reduction. We don't use containers. We don't use the vCenter integration because it doesn't do much for us. It's very basic.
Solution Architect at a healthcare company with 10,001+ employees
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Top 20
May 21, 2024
We are not using the solution for any AI-driven workloads. However, we know it's coming. It'll position us better in the future. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
We aren't really using any integrations. We also don't use it for AI-driven workloads. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten. It's a great product. It's improving over time. When it was first released, I'd rate it four or five out of ten. However, it keeps getting better. The only problem I see is the support.
I would rate Dell PowerStore eight out of ten. Dell PowerStore four point zero now can automatically replicate file services. This is an important feature of our customers but we have yet to upgrade to the latest version. In Austria, we have installed one-half with about 15 to 20 times eight terabyte SSDs. So that means an effective capacity between 100 terabytes and 500 terabytes.
Enterprise Solutions Architect at CDW Government LLC
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Top 20
May 21, 2024
I would rate Dell PowerStore ten out of ten. PowerStore's ability to help reduce our customer's environmental footprints is a mixed bag because of the power consumption that has increased due to servers becoming more powerful. So even though the consolidation reduces the power consumption in some areas, it increases in others.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. For a ten they need to surpass their competition. Our environment consists of a VMware cluster of two, three, or four hosts in a single location. I would advise my peers to go for it and utilize Dell PowerStore.
I would rate Dell PowerStore eight out of ten. I like it because of its performance. I have very complex workloads that run against it in sub-millisecond latencies. I get good data reduction which has improved over time. The GUI is straightforward. The only reason I'm not giving it higher than an eight right now is that it still takes a little more effort to integrate with our VMware environment compared to Unity. The VMware environment sees the Unity, and we add it. That may not be fixed with PowerStore Prime. I'm not on that version yet. So that's to be determined. if that gap is cleared, I will rate PowerStore higher. We are 100 percent a Dell shop for storage and computing but do not use Dell for networking.
Broadcast With Dish Network Staff Engineer at a comms service provider with 10,001+ employees
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May 21, 2024
My company has not faced any issues with the product, and we also enjoy the speed and flexibility the tool provides when managing our workload. I rate the tool an eight out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. PowerStore is a platform we focus on for the middle markets, which is important in Europe and it does what it has to do. Combined with other Dell solutions like PowerScale it fits the needs of most customers. In the last two versions, PowerStore has improved on everything it needed to and is now an enterprise-grade platform. It is keeping up with new evolutions like AI which is the most important thing. The position between PowerScale and PowerFlex is important as well. We are a multi-vendor partner, so we propose solutions to customers based on their needs and likes.
President & Chief Executive Officer at a comms service provider with 1-10 employees
Top 20
May 21, 2024
The product has not really helped reduce organizational footprint and data consolidation. The data is all there, and it just keeps growing, so I don't know if there has been any data consolidation possible with Dell PowerStore. Though there are a few areas that Dell cannot control, when you look at an all-flash storage device, one can figure out that there is some cost involved in it. Other than the costs associated with Dell PowerStore, I feel it is a fantastic product. I rate the solution a nine out of ten.
Team Leader, Operating Systems at a computer software company with 5,001-10,000 employees
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May 20, 2024
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. I have no negative feedback. PowerStore performs as expected. We do not use CloudIQ. We use a special custom in-house tool to analyze all of our storage which gets all the statistics through an API. We have our own small private cloud setup and each site has its own PowerStore. Nothing is shared over the network. We have one storage per physical location. I recommend using Dell's professional services for the initial setup. We gained valuable information from them that helped with all follow-up deployments.
I would rate Dell PowerStore ten out of ten. We are a central data center and one of our most important solutions is implemented with PowerStore. Our data center is certified in tier three. It is fitted with UPS and A/C making it the best environment for a PowerStore implementation.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. In terms of power consumption, I don't see a difference in the amount of power Dell PowerStore consumes compared to other vendors.
I would rate Dell PowerStore a nine out of ten because I have not had much time working with it, but as of now, I am very happy. Foreign Language:(Spanish) Buena tasa de crecimiento, fácil de usar y el mejor soporte ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas usando esta solución? He estado usando Dell PowerStore durante seis meses. ¿Cuál es su principal caso de uso de esta solución? (Incluya detalles sobre su entorno). Principalmente lo hemos utilizado para migrar toda la infraestructura que teníamos de un centro de datos a una cabina PowerStore. La verdad es que con el buen índice de duplicación que tiene hemos podido migrar todo a una sola cabina. Teníamos una gran cantidad de servidores, algunos en particular con una solución SAP que necesitaba muchos datos. Lo que finalmente queríamos era unificar todas estas soluciones en un único almacenamiento. Comparta cómo Dell PowerStore ha mejorado su organización. Si no fue así, explique por qué. Para mí su gran valor es principalmente la potencia de duplicación que tiene y su facilidad de uso. Podemos ampliar el almacenamiento, agregar nuevo almacenamiento y duplicarlo. Es muy fácil de usar y no se requieren grandes conocimientos. Usamos CloudIQ para administrar y analizar nuestro almacenamiento Dell. Lo usamos para todas las cabinas. Siempre me actualiza sobre posibles errores. A menudo anticipa los problemas que puedo tener con el almacenamiento de registros y los resuelve automáticamente. Tengo la tranquilidad de saber que tengo todo el almacenamiento monitoreado. Ciertamente hemos visto una importante consolidación de datos. Pasamos de tres cabinas de almacenamiento a una. Cuando se trata de valores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (valores ESG), evalúo a Dell Technologies de manera muy positiva. Me gusta que las grandes empresas del sector sean pioneras en estos temas. ¿Qué características le han parecido más valiosas y por qué? Es muy fácil de usar. El acceso es muy amigable. Te muestra mucha información importante a primera vista. ¿En qué áreas se podría mejorar Dell PowerEdge PowerStore? No he visto nada concreto. Lo único que se me ocurre es el precio. ¿Utilizó anteriormente una solución diferente? De ser así, ¿por qué la cambió? Estábamos usando la solución Dell Unity. Cambiamos porque nuestro socio nos ofreció esta solución. Teníamos muy buenas referencias de él y confiábamos mucho en nuestro socio. Antes de elegir, ¿evaluaste otras opciones? ¿De ser asi, cuales? Evaluamos EMC Unity, pero al final también son de Dell. En cuanto a la importancia de la sostenibilidad a la hora de evaluar una solución de almacenamiento, siendo del área de TI no la valoro, pero sé que otros departamentos de mi empresa sí lo hacen. ¿Qué aconseja a otros sobre el costo de instalación, el precio y/o la licencia? Los precios en el mercado de estas soluciones de almacenamiento son muy similares, pero con su habilidad de duplicación, pareciera que estuvieras pagando menos. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la escalabilidad de esta solución? Su escalabilidad es muy buena. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la estabilidad de esta solución? Su estabilidad es muy buena. Es muy confiable. ¿Has visto el ROI (Retorno de la Inversión)? En caso afirmativo, ¿de qué manera (es decir, métricas/puntos de datos)? Aún no hemos visto un retorno de la inversion porque no hemos tenido mucho tiempo usándolo, pero estoy seguro de que lo veremos. Cuéntanos tu experiencia con el servicio y soporte al cliente. Su apoyo es muy bueno. Siempre ha sido el mejor. ¿Cómo calificaría esta solución en una escala del 1 al 10 en cuanto a servicio y soporte? 10 En una escala del 1 al 10 (1=peor, 10=mejor), ¿cómo calificaría Dell PowerStore? Por favor explique por qué. Calificaría a Dell PowerStore con un nueve de diez porque no he tenido mucho tiempo trabajando con él, pero hasta ahora estoy muy contento.
Responsable arwuitectura at a transportation company with 10,001+ employees
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Top 20
Jan 31, 2024
I would rate Dell PowerStore a ten out of ten. Foreign Language:(Spanish) Simplifica la gestión del almacenamiento y mejora el rendimiento ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas usando esta solución? He estado usando Dell PowerStore durante tres años. ¿Cuál es su principal caso de uso de esta solución? (Incluya detalles sobre su entorno). Lo utilizamos en todas las infraestructuras corporativas. Se está utilizando en los dos centros de datos que tenemos aquí en Madrid. Lo tenemos implementado en todos nuestros sistemas. Al implementar Dell PowerStore, principalmente queríamos cubrir todas las necesidades de nuestro ERP y de todo nuestro sistema corporativo. Comparta cómo Dell PowerStore ha mejorado su organización. Si no fue así, explique por qué. El rendimiento de la capa de almacenamiento ha mejorado. Usamos CloudIQ para administrar y analizar nuestro almacenamiento Dell. Ha simplificado significativamente la gestión del almacenamiento y nos ha ayudado a sentirnos más tranquilos sobre este tema. El consumo de energía general de Dell PowerStore es apropiado. He sentido un cambio en términos de consolidación de datos/reducción de huella en comparación con nuestro sistema anterior, pero no puedo decir exactamente cuánta reducción hay. Cuando se trata de valores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (valores ESG), están muy comprometidos con todo el tema de sostenibilidad. Me alegra saber que sus objetivos están a favor de este tema. Es una iniciativa que destaca en el mercado actual. ¿Qué características le han parecido más valiosas y por qué? Su flexibilidad es valiosa, hemos tenido algunos momentos en los que hemos tenido que adaptarnos y ha sido bastante flexible. ¿En qué áreas se podría mejorar Dell PowerEdge PowerStore? Estamos contentos con el servicio en general. Lo único sería el precio de la plataforma. ¿Utilizó anteriormente una solución diferente? De ser así, ¿por qué la cambió? Usamos CX 340, CX 500, VNX, VPLEX y algunos otros. Cambiamos principalmente por la evolución tecnológica y el rendimiento. Hoy en día, debemos encontrar una solución que brinde opciones de almacenamiento para datos de alto peso. Es algo que la dirección nos pide que hagamos. Necesitamos incorporar servicios que sean sostenibles y que nos ayuden a reducir nuestro impacto y nuestra huella de carbono. ¿Antes de elegir, evaluaste otras opciones? ¿De ser asi, cuales? No evaluamos otras soluciones. ¿Qué aconseja a otros sobre el costo de instalación, el precio y/o la licencia? Es un servicio caro pero dentro del alcanc e del mercado. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la escalabilidad de esta solución? Ya hemos escalado varias veces y el resultado ha sido muy satisfactorio. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la estabilidad de esta solución? La estabilidad es muy buena. No hemos tenido ningún problema con ellos. Son cabinas de almacenamiento muy robustas. ¿Has visto el ROI (Retorno de la Inversión)? En caso afirmativo, ¿de qué manera (es decir, métricas/puntos de datos)? He visto un ROI en términos de reducción del espacio que necesitamos en los centros de datos y reducción de la capacidad informática. Hemos reducido la infraestructura pero mantenemos el mismo rendimiento. ¿La configuración inicial fue sencilla o compleja y de qué manera? La implementación no fue compleja. Todo el proceso fue muy sencillo. Teníamos una estrategia migratoria clara. Hace tiempo que contamos con la modalidad de almacenaje virtualizado. Al final, fue un reemplazo de otros arreglos de EMC porque teníamos implementados los antiguos VNX y Unity. El proceso de migración se realizó de la mejor manera recomendada, considerando el caso de uso del cliente. Confiamos en VPLEX y eso nos permitió no tener pérdida de servicio y tener una flexibilidad bastante alta. Para ello utilizamos los servicios de KISER. Cuéntanos tu experiencia con el servicio y soporte al cliente. Su soporte es muy bueno. ¿Cómo calificaría esta solución en una escala del 1 al 10 en cuanto a servicio y soporte? 9. En una escala del 1 al 10 (1=peor, 10=mejor), ¿cómo calificaría Dell PowerStore? Por favor explique por qué. Calificaría a Dell PowerStore con un diez.
Coordinator at a government with 5,001-10,000 employees
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Dec 4, 2023
The challenges my company wanted to address through the implementation of the product stemmed from the fact that our previous storage array was full and had reached the end-of-life phase, because of which we needed a tool for lifecycle management purposes, after which we found Dell PowerStore to be a logical choice for us. Previously, my company dealt with a couple of systems from HP, while we also had a lot of Dell systems, so we decided to stick with one vendor, Dell. My organization uses CloudIQ to manage and analyze Dell PowerStore since we get the option to use standby, so when we get calls after work hours, we don't have to use our laptops since we can just log in via our cell phones and check the status of the storage arrays, which saves a lot of time. With Dell PowerStore, my company saves a couple of hours a year, though it may not be a lot. I don't know how I would access Dell PowerStore for its overall energy consumption. I have seen that the product has an enormous capacity when it comes to significant data consolidation and footprint reduction with the use of Dell PowerStore, especially when compared to our company's old system, which comes up to around 70 percent. It is tough to assess Dell Technologies for its values around environment, social, and governance. Though the aforementioned values are important for my company and storage admin, even if we don't look at that side of our company, I wouldn't personally mind it. The product has helped our organization in the area of sustainability. The direct space provided by the product can be considered under the sustainability part of the product since, in our organization, we would need less room and fewer cooling modules, which helps. For two years in a row, my company has not even seen a failed disk with the use of Dell PowerStore, making it a great product. I rate the overall solution a nine out of ten.
My organization does not use CloudIQ to manage and analyze Dell PowerStore. My organization does not get involved in any power management or monitoring to assess Dell PowerStore's overall energy consumption. I have seen a significant data consolidation and footprint reduction with the use of Dell PowerStore since we need to use way less storage in our organization, which is around a 50 to 60 percent reduction if we consider it from a TB perspective due to its deduplication technology. Within our organization, the area revolving around the assessment of Dell Technologies for its values around environment, social, and governance is a hot topic. Our organization has used Dell for a lot of years, and it is great to see that Dell has become innovative in terms of recyclability and reduction of carbon footprint, because of which we don't need to change to another supplier or vendor to help us attain our green goals. Dell PowerStore is a good product since we don't face any more problems with it in our company. Dell's support team's contracts with our company are very good. I hope the product fulfills its duty in a couple of years, after which our organization can replace it with another next-gen product. I rate the overall product an eight out of ten.
Coordinator Team Infrastructure at a tech services company with 11-50 employees
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Dec 4, 2023
In my organization, there were no problems or challenges that we wanted to address through the implementation of Dell PowerStore. I don't know how much money my organization saved after moving from Dell EMC XtremIO to Dell PowerStore, but I know that we have received some discounts from Dell. I don't know what the prices were when my company chose Dell EMC XtremIO or Dell PowerStore. My organization doesn't use CloudIQ to manage and analyze Dell PowerStore. I don't know how my organization assesses Dell PowerStore for its overall energy consumption. I don't know what kind of power it uses for anything. I know that Dell PowerStore is a bit, if not much, better when it comes to areas like significant data consolidation and footprint reduction when compared to Dell EMC XtremIO. Dell EMC XtremIO was also a very good product for areas like significant data consolidation and footprint reduction. It is a good product, considering my assessment of Dell Technologies' environmental, social, and governance values. My organization maintains good contacts with Dell, and Dell also supports us by providing good governance. I rate the overall product an eight out of ten.
IT Consultant at a consultancy with 1,001-5,000 employees
Top 20
Nov 29, 2023
I would rate Dell PowerStore ten out of ten. Prior to my joining the organization, they used Hitachi and transitioned to Dell due to cost considerations. We haven't implemented the latest code yet, but we attended a session at the beginning of the day where they mentioned that backups can now be moved directly to the data domain from the power store. This is an interesting development, as it opens up new possibilities for backup management. For instance, we could now consider placing backup clients on a machine that is specifically designed for this purpose. Dell PowerStore is doing what it's supposed to do, and it's even doing it better than we were expecting.
I recommend this solution, especially if you're not moving everything to the cloud and require reliable local storage. It proves to be an excellent choice. I rate Dell PowerStore a nine out of ten.
I would not recommend Dell PowerStore to those who plan to use it. As the price of the product is high and it is difficult to contact the support, I rate the overall tool a seven out of ten.
Overall, Dell PowerStore is a good platform, but it's not the best, in my opinion, due to the support issues and stability concerns. Additionally, the shift from a storage controller to Dell servers as the controller is not ideal for a storage operating environment. Ultimately, it's a Dell Server working on the software for PowerStore. Overall, I would rate the solution a seven out of ten.
I advise others to prefer more disks for the solution than standard ones. Also, wait to install updates after release. Overall, it is a great product. I rate it as a ten.
I'm an end-user. I'm an administrator of Dell PowerStore. We are using the latest version of the solution. I've been very satisfied with the product. The solution is easy to manage and implement. It's worth the money you pay for it. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
I like this solution, it has everything you need for enterprise-grade storage. It supports all the protocols. It is much more reliable and efficient than the normal HPD. I rate this solution seven out of 10.
Security Officer at Videocon Intelligent Security Private Limited
Real User
Mar 10, 2023
We're using the latest version of the solution. We're an end-user and provider. I'd recommend the solution for small to medium-scale products. I would rate it seven out of ten. There's not good support here in India, which is an issue.
Customer support engineer at Al Khalili Technology LLC
Real User
Mar 9, 2023
I would recommend this solution for middle-range customers. Overall, I would rate this solution a nine, on a scale from one to 10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best.
DELLEMC-VMWARE Solution Architect at SEE "Systems Engineering of Egypt"
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Mar 9, 2023
We're partners. The solution is acceptable for both small and large companies. I'd advise new users to be mindful during the implementation process and make sure it is done right. They need to choose the correct solution and implement either block or unified. It's a good idea to look at the documentation before setting everything up. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
We are service providers. The solution is on-premises at our company and we manage it for the customer remotely via a private cloud. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
If anyone wants to implement Dell PowerStore, I would advise that they seek help from an expert rather than deploying it by themselves. I rate the scalability of Dell PowerStore a nine out of ten.
Solution Architect at a consumer goods company with 10,001+ employees
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Top 10
Nov 28, 2022
When compared to the technology that has been evaluated earlier or has just come onto the market earlier, it provides a good value for the money. Since the price is significantly lower and performance features have improved. That being said, I would recommend this. I would rate Dell PowerStore a seven out of ten.
It is a very good tool for networking, storage, and working with the rack server. I would recommend this solution to other people. They should just take it. I would rate it as an eight out of 10.
Sr. Manager, Data Center Practice at a tech services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
May 4, 2022
I'd rate the solution ten out of ten. It's a really good product. I'd advise potential new users to definitely have a demo or do a hands-on lab to try it out. Also, definitely make sure you buy supported switches.
Service Owner, Platform Services at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
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May 4, 2022
We have a private cloud within our two new North American global data centers. We've looked at connectivity to both AWS and Azure, however, we really don't have any storage replication heading there at this point. I'd rate the product nine out of ten. With the new features that'll be out in a few months, it just continues to get better. I like this solution. This was just built more from the ground up with new features in mind. In particular, some of the capabilities that are coming out in the near future are really going to set it in a class above what the others have to offer.
Technical Team Leader for Servers and Storage at Orange
Real User
Apr 25, 2022
My advice would be don't hesitate. It's a good frame. It's doing what it is designed for. It serves IOPS very well. The data savings are very important and the response time is very short. There are always tricky situations that come up, but honestly, since our PowerStore went live, I don't have to worry about the storage for this environment. The VMware guys are independent. They don't need me anymore. We accepted the risk, due to the fact that it was a relatively new platform, when we went with PowerStore. We were totally aware of that fact. That is why we put the first one into our development area, and not production. Even if we have more than 100 developers working on it, any problems would affect developers, not production. We understood there could be costs because having 100 developers not doing anything during a day costs money. But PowerStore didn't disappoint us. We are very happy with it. We now have four in production. We are a Dell partner, so we also resell PowerStore to our end-users. When we initially built this frame, we wanted, say, 100 terabytes, but they persuaded us to only buy 40 terabytes of SSD or NVMe drives because of the savings that they said we would see from the data reduction efficiency. The program they gave us was that if we didn't achieve that kind of data efficiency, they would provide us some disks for free.
Storage Administrator at a healthcare company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Nov 10, 2021
I'll rate Dell EMC PowerStore 10 out of 10. I haven't had any issues with it since we've installed it. PowerStore is easy to adapt, and it's straightforward to use. You cannot even make a mistake on anything because it's going to make sure you confirm everything before you go to the next step. I haven't seen anything that needs to be improved yet. If I compare it with what we were using before, this one is genius.
This solution enables us to add compute and capacity independently, although we have not had to change our configuration. PowerStore uses machine learning and automation for optimizing resources but we are just starting with it, so I don't know much about these features. I would rate this solution a nine out of ten.
IT Administrator at a construction company with 201-500 employees
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Top 20
Oct 28, 2021
The performance of PowerStore is good, but I don't feel the software is completely ready. We have upgraded the system and have had failures on the system. I have never seen as many head crashes on other systems as we have had on the PowerStore in the last year. The system is fast but not stable enough. I would not buy the system again. You should wait some years until the software is ready and doesn't have a new software release every two months.
The solution enables you to add compute and capacity independently, although in our environment we cannot add compute. We are able to add storage and that works, although we have not done so because we have only been working with PowerStore for three months and haven't needed any extra capacity yet. Only three people work with PowerStore in our company, and they are all system administrators. I'm happy with the choice we made. I can recommend PowerStore because the technical architecture is based on NVMe. They have a good USP. There are other vendors who also have NVME-only systems, but I still recommend PowerStore.
We weren't concerned that PowerStore is a relatively new platform. We were not inserting it in an enterprise environment. We were inserting it in a scientific computing environment, which is where we tend to install all the latest technologies. It was not a problem. If you have a production VMware environment, the platform is no longer new and is probably the most flexible performance storage system that you can buy today. We are not using the solution's load balancing at the moment but it's something that we are looking into. We use PowerStore's built-in VMware hypervisor to run VMs and virtualized applications, but we are not using it at the edge. We know that is one of the capabilities of this kind of solution, but we are using it in our central computing facility. We experienced some small issues, but the virtual machine was new. But our choice was a good one. The machine is easy to use, the performance is there, and we are happy.
Dell PowerStore stands out for its high performance, flexibility, and easy integration with VMware. It offers notable data compression and deduplication capabilities while providing powerful NVMe support and machine learning to optimize IT operations.Dell PowerStore is designed to offer a comprehensive approach to IT infrastructure by enhancing performance and simplifying management. It is particularly suitable for companies that require scalable solutions to increase compute or capacity...
Overall, I would give it an eight out of ten. The user interface and the pricing model should be improved. Subsequent disk purchases should be more reasonable, in my opinion. I haven't met a Dell array yet that has achieved the promised data reduction. We don't use containers. We don't use the vCenter integration because it doesn't do much for us. It's very basic.
The overall product rating is ten out of ten.
I rate Dell PowerEdge Servers nine out of 10. They do their job and cause us no problems.
I rate Dell PowerStore Rack Servers seven out of 10.
I'd rate the solution five out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore eight out of ten for its security and TCO.
We are not using the solution for any AI-driven workloads. However, we know it's coming. It'll position us better in the future. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
I'd rate the solution eight out of ten. On a performance level, it could be improved slightly.
We aren't really using any integrations. We also don't use it for AI-driven workloads. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten. It's a great product. It's improving over time. When it was first released, I'd rate it four or five out of ten. However, it keeps getting better. The only problem I see is the support.
I would rate Dell PowerStore eight out of ten. Dell PowerStore four point zero now can automatically replicate file services. This is an important feature of our customers but we have yet to upgrade to the latest version. In Austria, we have installed one-half with about 15 to 20 times eight terabyte SSDs. So that means an effective capacity between 100 terabytes and 500 terabytes.
I would rate Dell PowerStore ten out of ten. PowerStore's ability to help reduce our customer's environmental footprints is a mixed bag because of the power consumption that has increased due to servers becoming more powerful. So even though the consolidation reduces the power consumption in some areas, it increases in others.
I would rate Dell PowerStore eight out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. For a ten they need to surpass their competition. Our environment consists of a VMware cluster of two, three, or four hosts in a single location. I would advise my peers to go for it and utilize Dell PowerStore.
I would rate Dell PowerStore eight out of ten. We are still in the migration phase.
I would rate Dell PowerStore eight out of ten. I like it because of its performance. I have very complex workloads that run against it in sub-millisecond latencies. I get good data reduction which has improved over time. The GUI is straightforward. The only reason I'm not giving it higher than an eight right now is that it still takes a little more effort to integrate with our VMware environment compared to Unity. The VMware environment sees the Unity, and we add it. That may not be fixed with PowerStore Prime. I'm not on that version yet. So that's to be determined. if that gap is cleared, I will rate PowerStore higher. We are 100 percent a Dell shop for storage and computing but do not use Dell for networking.
My company has not faced any issues with the product, and we also enjoy the speed and flexibility the tool provides when managing our workload. I rate the tool an eight out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. PowerStore is a platform we focus on for the middle markets, which is important in Europe and it does what it has to do. Combined with other Dell solutions like PowerScale it fits the needs of most customers. In the last two versions, PowerStore has improved on everything it needed to and is now an enterprise-grade platform. It is keeping up with new evolutions like AI which is the most important thing. The position between PowerScale and PowerFlex is important as well. We are a multi-vendor partner, so we propose solutions to customers based on their needs and likes.
Overall, I rate the solution a nine out of ten.
The product has not really helped reduce organizational footprint and data consolidation. The data is all there, and it just keeps growing, so I don't know if there has been any data consolidation possible with Dell PowerStore. Though there are a few areas that Dell cannot control, when you look at an all-flash storage device, one can figure out that there is some cost involved in it. Other than the costs associated with Dell PowerStore, I feel it is a fantastic product. I rate the solution a nine out of ten.
I rate the tool an eight and a half out of ten.
I rate the solution a nine out of ten.
I rate Dell PowerStore a nine out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. I have no negative feedback. PowerStore performs as expected. We do not use CloudIQ. We use a special custom in-house tool to analyze all of our storage which gets all the statistics through an API. We have our own small private cloud setup and each site has its own PowerStore. Nothing is shared over the network. We have one storage per physical location. I recommend using Dell's professional services for the initial setup. We gained valuable information from them that helped with all follow-up deployments.
Overall, I rate the solution a six out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten.
Overall, I rate the solution nine and a half out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore ten out of ten. We are a central data center and one of our most important solutions is implemented with PowerStore. Our data center is certified in tier three. It is fitted with UPS and A/C making it the best environment for a PowerStore implementation.
I would rate Dell PowerStore nine out of ten. In terms of power consumption, I don't see a difference in the amount of power Dell PowerStore consumes compared to other vendors.
Overall, I would rate the solution an eight out of ten. I would recommend PowerStore to other users.
I would rate Dell PowerStore a nine out of ten because I have not had much time working with it, but as of now, I am very happy. Foreign Language:(Spanish) Buena tasa de crecimiento, fácil de usar y el mejor soporte ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas usando esta solución? He estado usando Dell PowerStore durante seis meses. ¿Cuál es su principal caso de uso de esta solución? (Incluya detalles sobre su entorno). Principalmente lo hemos utilizado para migrar toda la infraestructura que teníamos de un centro de datos a una cabina PowerStore. La verdad es que con el buen índice de duplicación que tiene hemos podido migrar todo a una sola cabina. Teníamos una gran cantidad de servidores, algunos en particular con una solución SAP que necesitaba muchos datos. Lo que finalmente queríamos era unificar todas estas soluciones en un único almacenamiento. Comparta cómo Dell PowerStore ha mejorado su organización. Si no fue así, explique por qué. Para mí su gran valor es principalmente la potencia de duplicación que tiene y su facilidad de uso. Podemos ampliar el almacenamiento, agregar nuevo almacenamiento y duplicarlo. Es muy fácil de usar y no se requieren grandes conocimientos. Usamos CloudIQ para administrar y analizar nuestro almacenamiento Dell. Lo usamos para todas las cabinas. Siempre me actualiza sobre posibles errores. A menudo anticipa los problemas que puedo tener con el almacenamiento de registros y los resuelve automáticamente. Tengo la tranquilidad de saber que tengo todo el almacenamiento monitoreado. Ciertamente hemos visto una importante consolidación de datos. Pasamos de tres cabinas de almacenamiento a una. Cuando se trata de valores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (valores ESG), evalúo a Dell Technologies de manera muy positiva. Me gusta que las grandes empresas del sector sean pioneras en estos temas. ¿Qué características le han parecido más valiosas y por qué? Es muy fácil de usar. El acceso es muy amigable. Te muestra mucha información importante a primera vista. ¿En qué áreas se podría mejorar Dell PowerEdge PowerStore? No he visto nada concreto. Lo único que se me ocurre es el precio. ¿Utilizó anteriormente una solución diferente? De ser así, ¿por qué la cambió? Estábamos usando la solución Dell Unity. Cambiamos porque nuestro socio nos ofreció esta solución. Teníamos muy buenas referencias de él y confiábamos mucho en nuestro socio. Antes de elegir, ¿evaluaste otras opciones? ¿De ser asi, cuales? Evaluamos EMC Unity, pero al final también son de Dell. En cuanto a la importancia de la sostenibilidad a la hora de evaluar una solución de almacenamiento, siendo del área de TI no la valoro, pero sé que otros departamentos de mi empresa sí lo hacen. ¿Qué aconseja a otros sobre el costo de instalación, el precio y/o la licencia? Los precios en el mercado de estas soluciones de almacenamiento son muy similares, pero con su habilidad de duplicación, pareciera que estuvieras pagando menos. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la escalabilidad de esta solución? Su escalabilidad es muy buena. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la estabilidad de esta solución? Su estabilidad es muy buena. Es muy confiable. ¿Has visto el ROI (Retorno de la Inversión)? En caso afirmativo, ¿de qué manera (es decir, métricas/puntos de datos)? Aún no hemos visto un retorno de la inversion porque no hemos tenido mucho tiempo usándolo, pero estoy seguro de que lo veremos. Cuéntanos tu experiencia con el servicio y soporte al cliente. Su apoyo es muy bueno. Siempre ha sido el mejor. ¿Cómo calificaría esta solución en una escala del 1 al 10 en cuanto a servicio y soporte? 10 En una escala del 1 al 10 (1=peor, 10=mejor), ¿cómo calificaría Dell PowerStore? Por favor explique por qué. Calificaría a Dell PowerStore con un nueve de diez porque no he tenido mucho tiempo trabajando con él, pero hasta ahora estoy muy contento.
I would rate Dell PowerStore a ten out of ten. Foreign Language:(Spanish) Simplifica la gestión del almacenamiento y mejora el rendimiento ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas usando esta solución? He estado usando Dell PowerStore durante tres años. ¿Cuál es su principal caso de uso de esta solución? (Incluya detalles sobre su entorno). Lo utilizamos en todas las infraestructuras corporativas. Se está utilizando en los dos centros de datos que tenemos aquí en Madrid. Lo tenemos implementado en todos nuestros sistemas. Al implementar Dell PowerStore, principalmente queríamos cubrir todas las necesidades de nuestro ERP y de todo nuestro sistema corporativo. Comparta cómo Dell PowerStore ha mejorado su organización. Si no fue así, explique por qué. El rendimiento de la capa de almacenamiento ha mejorado. Usamos CloudIQ para administrar y analizar nuestro almacenamiento Dell. Ha simplificado significativamente la gestión del almacenamiento y nos ha ayudado a sentirnos más tranquilos sobre este tema. El consumo de energía general de Dell PowerStore es apropiado. He sentido un cambio en términos de consolidación de datos/reducción de huella en comparación con nuestro sistema anterior, pero no puedo decir exactamente cuánta reducción hay. Cuando se trata de valores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (valores ESG), están muy comprometidos con todo el tema de sostenibilidad. Me alegra saber que sus objetivos están a favor de este tema. Es una iniciativa que destaca en el mercado actual. ¿Qué características le han parecido más valiosas y por qué? Su flexibilidad es valiosa, hemos tenido algunos momentos en los que hemos tenido que adaptarnos y ha sido bastante flexible. ¿En qué áreas se podría mejorar Dell PowerEdge PowerStore? Estamos contentos con el servicio en general. Lo único sería el precio de la plataforma. ¿Utilizó anteriormente una solución diferente? De ser así, ¿por qué la cambió? Usamos CX 340, CX 500, VNX, VPLEX y algunos otros. Cambiamos principalmente por la evolución tecnológica y el rendimiento. Hoy en día, debemos encontrar una solución que brinde opciones de almacenamiento para datos de alto peso. Es algo que la dirección nos pide que hagamos. Necesitamos incorporar servicios que sean sostenibles y que nos ayuden a reducir nuestro impacto y nuestra huella de carbono. ¿Antes de elegir, evaluaste otras opciones? ¿De ser asi, cuales? No evaluamos otras soluciones. ¿Qué aconseja a otros sobre el costo de instalación, el precio y/o la licencia? Es un servicio caro pero dentro del alcanc e del mercado. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la escalabilidad de esta solución? Ya hemos escalado varias veces y el resultado ha sido muy satisfactorio. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la estabilidad de esta solución? La estabilidad es muy buena. No hemos tenido ningún problema con ellos. Son cabinas de almacenamiento muy robustas. ¿Has visto el ROI (Retorno de la Inversión)? En caso afirmativo, ¿de qué manera (es decir, métricas/puntos de datos)? He visto un ROI en términos de reducción del espacio que necesitamos en los centros de datos y reducción de la capacidad informática. Hemos reducido la infraestructura pero mantenemos el mismo rendimiento. ¿La configuración inicial fue sencilla o compleja y de qué manera? La implementación no fue compleja. Todo el proceso fue muy sencillo. Teníamos una estrategia migratoria clara. Hace tiempo que contamos con la modalidad de almacenaje virtualizado. Al final, fue un reemplazo de otros arreglos de EMC porque teníamos implementados los antiguos VNX y Unity. El proceso de migración se realizó de la mejor manera recomendada, considerando el caso de uso del cliente. Confiamos en VPLEX y eso nos permitió no tener pérdida de servicio y tener una flexibilidad bastante alta. Para ello utilizamos los servicios de KISER. Cuéntanos tu experiencia con el servicio y soporte al cliente. Su soporte es muy bueno. ¿Cómo calificaría esta solución en una escala del 1 al 10 en cuanto a servicio y soporte? 9. En una escala del 1 al 10 (1=peor, 10=mejor), ¿cómo calificaría Dell PowerStore? Por favor explique por qué. Calificaría a Dell PowerStore con un diez.
The challenges my company wanted to address through the implementation of the product stemmed from the fact that our previous storage array was full and had reached the end-of-life phase, because of which we needed a tool for lifecycle management purposes, after which we found Dell PowerStore to be a logical choice for us. Previously, my company dealt with a couple of systems from HP, while we also had a lot of Dell systems, so we decided to stick with one vendor, Dell. My organization uses CloudIQ to manage and analyze Dell PowerStore since we get the option to use standby, so when we get calls after work hours, we don't have to use our laptops since we can just log in via our cell phones and check the status of the storage arrays, which saves a lot of time. With Dell PowerStore, my company saves a couple of hours a year, though it may not be a lot. I don't know how I would access Dell PowerStore for its overall energy consumption. I have seen that the product has an enormous capacity when it comes to significant data consolidation and footprint reduction with the use of Dell PowerStore, especially when compared to our company's old system, which comes up to around 70 percent. It is tough to assess Dell Technologies for its values around environment, social, and governance. Though the aforementioned values are important for my company and storage admin, even if we don't look at that side of our company, I wouldn't personally mind it. The product has helped our organization in the area of sustainability. The direct space provided by the product can be considered under the sustainability part of the product since, in our organization, we would need less room and fewer cooling modules, which helps. For two years in a row, my company has not even seen a failed disk with the use of Dell PowerStore, making it a great product. I rate the overall solution a nine out of ten.
My organization does not use CloudIQ to manage and analyze Dell PowerStore. My organization does not get involved in any power management or monitoring to assess Dell PowerStore's overall energy consumption. I have seen a significant data consolidation and footprint reduction with the use of Dell PowerStore since we need to use way less storage in our organization, which is around a 50 to 60 percent reduction if we consider it from a TB perspective due to its deduplication technology. Within our organization, the area revolving around the assessment of Dell Technologies for its values around environment, social, and governance is a hot topic. Our organization has used Dell for a lot of years, and it is great to see that Dell has become innovative in terms of recyclability and reduction of carbon footprint, because of which we don't need to change to another supplier or vendor to help us attain our green goals. Dell PowerStore is a good product since we don't face any more problems with it in our company. Dell's support team's contracts with our company are very good. I hope the product fulfills its duty in a couple of years, after which our organization can replace it with another next-gen product. I rate the overall product an eight out of ten.
In my organization, there were no problems or challenges that we wanted to address through the implementation of Dell PowerStore. I don't know how much money my organization saved after moving from Dell EMC XtremIO to Dell PowerStore, but I know that we have received some discounts from Dell. I don't know what the prices were when my company chose Dell EMC XtremIO or Dell PowerStore. My organization doesn't use CloudIQ to manage and analyze Dell PowerStore. I don't know how my organization assesses Dell PowerStore for its overall energy consumption. I don't know what kind of power it uses for anything. I know that Dell PowerStore is a bit, if not much, better when it comes to areas like significant data consolidation and footprint reduction when compared to Dell EMC XtremIO. Dell EMC XtremIO was also a very good product for areas like significant data consolidation and footprint reduction. It is a good product, considering my assessment of Dell Technologies' environmental, social, and governance values. My organization maintains good contacts with Dell, and Dell also supports us by providing good governance. I rate the overall product an eight out of ten.
I would rate Dell PowerStore ten out of ten. Prior to my joining the organization, they used Hitachi and transitioned to Dell due to cost considerations. We haven't implemented the latest code yet, but we attended a session at the beginning of the day where they mentioned that backups can now be moved directly to the data domain from the power store. This is an interesting development, as it opens up new possibilities for backup management. For instance, we could now consider placing backup clients on a machine that is specifically designed for this purpose. Dell PowerStore is doing what it's supposed to do, and it's even doing it better than we were expecting.
I recommend this solution, especially if you're not moving everything to the cloud and require reliable local storage. It proves to be an excellent choice. I rate Dell PowerStore a nine out of ten.
I would not recommend Dell PowerStore to those who plan to use it. As the price of the product is high and it is difficult to contact the support, I rate the overall tool a seven out of ten.
Overall, Dell PowerStore is a good platform, but it's not the best, in my opinion, due to the support issues and stability concerns. Additionally, the shift from a storage controller to Dell servers as the controller is not ideal for a storage operating environment. Ultimately, it's a Dell Server working on the software for PowerStore. Overall, I would rate the solution a seven out of ten.
I advise others to prefer more disks for the solution than standard ones. Also, wait to install updates after release. Overall, it is a great product. I rate it as a ten.
I'm an end-user. I'm an administrator of Dell PowerStore. We are using the latest version of the solution. I've been very satisfied with the product. The solution is easy to manage and implement. It's worth the money you pay for it. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
I like this solution, it has everything you need for enterprise-grade storage. It supports all the protocols. It is much more reliable and efficient than the normal HPD. I rate this solution seven out of 10.
We're using the latest version of the solution. We're an end-user and provider. I'd recommend the solution for small to medium-scale products. I would rate it seven out of ten. There's not good support here in India, which is an issue.
I would recommend this solution for middle-range customers. Overall, I would rate this solution a nine, on a scale from one to 10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best.
We're partners. The solution is acceptable for both small and large companies. I'd advise new users to be mindful during the implementation process and make sure it is done right. They need to choose the correct solution and implement either block or unified. It's a good idea to look at the documentation before setting everything up. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
We are service providers. The solution is on-premises at our company and we manage it for the customer remotely via a private cloud. I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.
I love this product and hope to work more on it. I rate it 10 out of 10.
If anyone wants to implement Dell PowerStore, I would advise that they seek help from an expert rather than deploying it by themselves. I rate the scalability of Dell PowerStore a nine out of ten.
When compared to the technology that has been evaluated earlier or has just come onto the market earlier, it provides a good value for the money. Since the price is significantly lower and performance features have improved. That being said, I would recommend this. I would rate Dell PowerStore a seven out of ten.
I rate Dell PowerStore a ten out of ten.
I rate this solution an eight out of ten. The solution is good, but a synchronizing feature could be included to improve the solution.
It is a very good tool for networking, storage, and working with the rack server. I would recommend this solution to other people. They should just take it. I would rate it as an eight out of 10.
I'd rate the solution ten out of ten. It's a really good product. I'd advise potential new users to definitely have a demo or do a hands-on lab to try it out. Also, definitely make sure you buy supported switches.
We have a private cloud within our two new North American global data centers. We've looked at connectivity to both AWS and Azure, however, we really don't have any storage replication heading there at this point. I'd rate the product nine out of ten. With the new features that'll be out in a few months, it just continues to get better. I like this solution. This was just built more from the ground up with new features in mind. In particular, some of the capabilities that are coming out in the near future are really going to set it in a class above what the others have to offer.
My advice would be don't hesitate. It's a good frame. It's doing what it is designed for. It serves IOPS very well. The data savings are very important and the response time is very short. There are always tricky situations that come up, but honestly, since our PowerStore went live, I don't have to worry about the storage for this environment. The VMware guys are independent. They don't need me anymore. We accepted the risk, due to the fact that it was a relatively new platform, when we went with PowerStore. We were totally aware of that fact. That is why we put the first one into our development area, and not production. Even if we have more than 100 developers working on it, any problems would affect developers, not production. We understood there could be costs because having 100 developers not doing anything during a day costs money. But PowerStore didn't disappoint us. We are very happy with it. We now have four in production. We are a Dell partner, so we also resell PowerStore to our end-users. When we initially built this frame, we wanted, say, 100 terabytes, but they persuaded us to only buy 40 terabytes of SSD or NVMe drives because of the savings that they said we would see from the data reduction efficiency. The program they gave us was that if we didn't achieve that kind of data efficiency, they would provide us some disks for free.
I'll rate Dell EMC PowerStore 10 out of 10. I haven't had any issues with it since we've installed it. PowerStore is easy to adapt, and it's straightforward to use. You cannot even make a mistake on anything because it's going to make sure you confirm everything before you go to the next step. I haven't seen anything that needs to be improved yet. If I compare it with what we were using before, this one is genius.
This solution enables us to add compute and capacity independently, although we have not had to change our configuration. PowerStore uses machine learning and automation for optimizing resources but we are just starting with it, so I don't know much about these features. I would rate this solution a nine out of ten.
The performance of PowerStore is good, but I don't feel the software is completely ready. We have upgraded the system and have had failures on the system. I have never seen as many head crashes on other systems as we have had on the PowerStore in the last year. The system is fast but not stable enough. I would not buy the system again. You should wait some years until the software is ready and doesn't have a new software release every two months.
I would recommend this solution to others. I rate Dell EMC PowerStore a nine out of ten.
At the moment, I am satisfied by the simplicity and ease of use of the PowerStore.
The solution enables you to add compute and capacity independently, although in our environment we cannot add compute. We are able to add storage and that works, although we have not done so because we have only been working with PowerStore for three months and haven't needed any extra capacity yet. Only three people work with PowerStore in our company, and they are all system administrators. I'm happy with the choice we made. I can recommend PowerStore because the technical architecture is based on NVMe. They have a good USP. There are other vendors who also have NVME-only systems, but I still recommend PowerStore.
We weren't concerned that PowerStore is a relatively new platform. We were not inserting it in an enterprise environment. We were inserting it in a scientific computing environment, which is where we tend to install all the latest technologies. It was not a problem. If you have a production VMware environment, the platform is no longer new and is probably the most flexible performance storage system that you can buy today. We are not using the solution's load balancing at the moment but it's something that we are looking into. We use PowerStore's built-in VMware hypervisor to run VMs and virtualized applications, but we are not using it at the edge. We know that is one of the capabilities of this kind of solution, but we are using it in our central computing facility. We experienced some small issues, but the virtual machine was new. But our choice was a good one. The machine is easy to use, the performance is there, and we are happy.