K7 has given us the power to block unwanted websites. But blocking websites also means blocking information. As a developer, I need to access various sites to find answers to problems. If half the internet is blocked, it becomes difficult to find information. So, using K7 and blocking websites might protect you from phishing attacks, but it will impact development and slow it down. Your developers will find it difficult to access information from the internet, and ultimately, your work might get delayed. Overall, I would rate it a seven out of ten.
Anti-malware solutions are software programs that are designed to protect devices from malware. Malware is a broad term that encompasses any software that is designed to harm a computer system. This includes viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, and other malicious programs.
K7 has given us the power to block unwanted websites. But blocking websites also means blocking information. As a developer, I need to access various sites to find answers to problems. If half the internet is blocked, it becomes difficult to find information. So, using K7 and blocking websites might protect you from phishing attacks, but it will impact development and slow it down. Your developers will find it difficult to access information from the internet, and ultimately, your work might get delayed. Overall, I would rate it a seven out of ten.