3 tier architecture patterns are superior to 2 tier patterns based on security threats. In 2 tier patterns, a DB containing the most valued information can be more easily compromised.
If you are comparing Informatica PIM and Stibo STEP, you need to seriously consider Riversand MDMcenter.
Riversand MDMCenter is the leader in PIM industry. Architecturally, Riversand MDMcenter follows a 3 tier application patterns ( DB, API, web based UX) and can scale extensively. Feature wise, its robust with data modeling capabilities using an entity attribute value model, the most powerful workflow engine in the industry, flexible business rule engine, match and merge engines, imports, export, media asset management, and print publishing. Riversand MDMcenter is highly configurable based on context, roles, containers, org's, entity types. It's feature rich and can scale from single instances on a developers laptop to large server deployments with billions and billions of entity instances and attributes.
Stibo architecturally follows a 2 tier application pattern. Most of the application is a thick client. It's not an enterprise grade application. Stay with Excel as an alternative.
Information uses nhibernate extensively. The administrative side to Informatica's tool looks like a thick client (previously Hielers application). Much manual effort is spent creating views on the data and modifying nhibernate config files. By using such an ORM, this brings a variety of challenges including scaling and unknown performance as queries may be sub par on larger data sets. It also requires reboots for windows boxes for minor changes, adding attributes, setting properties for readonly etc. Business users cannot perform these changes. Be careful on Informatica demo's as many of these are wire frame and not even built-out.
What is master data? Master data is the crucial, all-important data that all businesses rely on to function on a regular, day-to-day basis. It is the core data at the heart of the business process and describes the relationship of the environment and how it relates to the complete business process. Master data encompasses all the data used throughout the entire business process life cycle. It can include - but is not limited to - such relationship processes as: clients (both internal...
3 tier architecture patterns are superior to 2 tier patterns based on security threats. In 2 tier patterns, a DB containing the most valued information can be more easily compromised.
If you are comparing Informatica PIM and Stibo STEP, you need to seriously consider Riversand MDMcenter.
Riversand MDMCenter is the leader in PIM industry. Architecturally, Riversand MDMcenter follows a 3 tier application patterns ( DB, API, web based UX) and can scale extensively. Feature wise, its robust with data modeling capabilities using an entity attribute value model, the most powerful workflow engine in the industry, flexible business rule engine, match and merge engines, imports, export, media asset management, and print publishing. Riversand MDMcenter is highly configurable based on context, roles, containers, org's, entity types. It's feature rich and can scale from single instances on a developers laptop to large server deployments with billions and billions of entity instances and attributes.
Stibo architecturally follows a 2 tier application pattern. Most of the application is a thick client. It's not an enterprise grade application. Stay with Excel as an alternative.
Information uses nhibernate extensively. The administrative side to Informatica's tool looks like a thick client (previously Hielers application). Much manual effort is spent creating views on the data and modifying nhibernate config files. By using such an ORM, this brings a variety of challenges including scaling and unknown performance as queries may be sub par on larger data sets. It also requires reboots for windows boxes for minor changes, adding attributes, setting properties for readonly etc. Business users cannot perform these changes. Be careful on Informatica demo's as many of these are wire frame and not even built-out.