A range of a a wide range of algorithms, EIM voice mails, which can be plugged in right away into your solution into into into our solution, and then have platform that provides know, to to come up with an operational solution really quick.
On GCP, we are exposing our API services to our clients so that they send us their information. It can be single individual records or it can be a batch of their clients.
AI Development Platforms are software frameworks that provide developers with tools and resources to build, train, and deploy AI models and applications.
A range of a a wide range of algorithms, EIM voice mails, which can be plugged in right away into your solution into into into our solution, and then have platform that provides know, to to come up with an operational solution really quick.
The initial setup is very straightforward.
Since the model could be trained in just a couple of hours and deploying it took only a few minutes, the entire process took less than an hour.
The solution is able to read 90% of the documents correctly with a 10% error rate.
On GCP, we are exposing our API services to our clients so that they send us their information. It can be single individual records or it can be a batch of their clients.
Some of the valuable features are the vast amount of services that are available, such as load balancer, and the AI architecture.